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Activity theory Athafnakenningin

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2024.05.03 13:07 · Kalli Smith REMOVE_COMPLETELY
2024.05.02 14:40 · Kalli Smith CREATE · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2024.05.02 14:40

initial · @Kalli Smith
Activity theory→Athafnakenningin: 50
Athafnakenningin→Activity theory: 50

hersiening 2024.05.03 13:07

VERWYDER · @Kalli Smith
Activity theory→Athafnakenningin: 50
Athafnakenningin→Activity theory: 50

FrasesActivity theoryAthafnakenningin
definisie The theory that the more active and involved older adults are, the more likely they are to be satisfied with their lives Kenningin um að því virkari og þátttakandi sem eldri fullorðnir eru, því líklegri eru þeir til að vera ánægðir með líf sitt

Id: -2361095625144937139