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Convoy model of social relations Bílalesta líkan af félagslegum samskiptum

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2024.05.03 13:06 · Kalli Smith REMOVE_COMPLETELY
2024.05.02 14:41 · Kalli Smith CREATE · kommentaar: initial

hersiening 2024.05.02 14:41

initial · @Kalli Smith
Convoy model of social relations→Bílalesta líkan af félagslegum samskiptum: 50
Bílalesta líkan af félagslegum samskiptum→Convoy model of social relations: 50

hersiening 2024.05.03 13:06

VERWYDER · @Kalli Smith
Convoy model of social relations→Bílalesta líkan af félagslegum samskiptum: 50
Bílalesta líkan af félagslegum samskiptum→Convoy model of social relations: 50

FrasesConvoy model of social relationsBílalesta líkan af félagslegum samskiptum
definisie Model in which individuals go through life embedded in a personal network of individuals to whom they give and from whom they received supports Líkan þar sem einstaklingar fara í gegnum lífið innbyggt í persónulegt net einstaklinga sem þeir gefa og sem þeir fengu stuðning frá
voorbeeld Simple term; The Convoy Model of Social Relations is like having a support group of family and friends who travel with you throughout your life's journey. It emphasizes the importance of different relationships—like close family, friends, and acquaintances—in providing social support and guidance. Just as a convoy of vehicles helps each other along the road, the people in our social convoy offer emotional support, practical help, and companionship as we navigate life's ups and downs. Einfalt hugtak; The Convoy Model of Social Relations er eins og að hafa stuðningshóp fjölskyldu og vina sem ferðast með þér á lífsleiðinni. Það leggur áherslu á mikilvægi ólíkra samskipta - eins og náinna fjölskyldu, vina og kunningja - við að veita félagslegan stuðning og leiðsögn. Rétt eins og bílalest hjálpar hvert öðru á veginum, þá býður fólkið í félagslegu bílalestinni okkar upp á tilfinningalegan stuðning, hagnýta hjálp og félagsskap þegar við förum um hæðir og hæðir lífsins.

Id: 2327213140794781871