ацара oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Abkasies - Engels


Иаҳҳәап, машьынала қалақьк ахь ацара шәыӡбеит.
For example, we may exercise our freedom of choice to drive to a distant city.




Иубома, алевити аԥшьаҩи амҩала алада иҭаланы ацара иахьаҿу.
You can see the priest and the Levite in the distance going down the road.

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18 Ишԥассиру ҳара гәыкала Иегова инормақәа рықәныҟәара, насгьы имҩақәа рыла ацара ҳҽаназаҳшәо!
18 How fine it is when our goal is to bring our lives ever more into harmony with Jehovah’s standards and ways!jw2019 jw2019
Усҟан аӡы ацара иалагеит, убри аҟынтә израильаа иржәшаз аӡы рацәаны ироуит, убас ала ауадаҩра ӡбахеит (Ақәҵымҭа 17:5, 6).
Then water came out, the Israelites had plenty to drink, and the problem was solved. —Exodus 17:5, 6.jw2019 jw2019
Иерусалимҟа амҩа харан — 120 километра раҟара бжьан, убри аҟынтә уахь ацара амҩеи, аныҳәа азгәаҭареи, аҩныҟа ахынҳәреи ҩымчыбжь рцәагар алшон.
For the annual Passover, Joseph may have needed two weeks to make the 75-mile journey (120 km), observe the occasion, and return home.jw2019 jw2019
Аибашьра ацара иақәшаҳаҭхаз 10 000-ҩык рҟынтә аӡәгьы дзыҽхәомызт аиааира агара зыбзоурахаз иара иоуп ҳәа.
None of the 10,000 Israelite volunteers could boast about bringing this deliverance.jw2019 jw2019
Аха иҟалозеи, аџьабаа ду збо арҭ Аҳра ажәабжьҳәаҩцәа иаалырҟьаны уи атәыла ааныжьны ацара рықәшәар?
But what would happen if these hardworking Kingdom preachers were to leave the country?jw2019 jw2019
Ҳара абнаршәыра ҳалсны ацара ҳақәшәозаргьы, ма адәахьы амш цәгьазаргьы, иааиԥмырҟьаӡакәа ҳаизарақәа ҳарҭаауеит.
Even if we have to trek through dense jungle or brave harsh weather, we regularly attend our Christian meetings.jw2019 jw2019
Мсыраа урҭ ирыхьӡарц егьрыгымкәа, Анцәа џьашьахәыла Амшын Ҟаҧшь еиҩишеит, израилаагьы уи амшын аҵала ацара рылшеит.
As the Egyptians drew near, God miraculously divided the Red Sea so that the Israelites could cross on dry land.jw2019 jw2019
7 Аҵыхәтәантәи ашықәсқәа раан зыҩны ааныжьны даҽа тәылак ахь ацара зықәшәо рацәоуп.
7 Recently, many have had to flee from their homeland and now live in other countries as refugees.jw2019 jw2019
Иисус ари адунеи дшаиааиз ҳазхәыцлар, уи ишьҭа ҳхыланы ацара иҳацхраауеит.
Meditating on Jesus’ example as a conqueror can give us the courage we need to imitate himjw2019 jw2019
2 Аламыс ари ацәгьеи абзиеи закәу ҳаҵазҳәо, насгьы аԥсҭазааратә мҩала ацара иҳацхраауа ҩныҵҟатәи цәанырроуп.
2 Our conscience is an inner sense of right and wrong that can guide us in life.jw2019 jw2019
Иубома, алевити аԥшьаҩи амҩала алада иҭаланы ацара иахьаҿу.
You can see the priest and the Levite in the distance going down the road.jw2019 jw2019
Избан ахамеигӡара зныԥшуа амҩала ацара изаԥсоу? (Марк 10:23—30).
Why is a self-sacrificing course worthwhile? —Mark 10:23-30.jw2019 jw2019
Шәхы шәазҵаа: «Иабасылшахьеи сыԥсҭазаараҿы Иисус имҩала ацара?
Ask yourself: ‘In what areas am I doing well in following in the steps of Christ Jesus?jw2019 jw2019
Анаҩстәи ашықәс азы 19 анысхыҵ, атәыла аиҳабыра ирасҳәеит схаҵара азин шыснамҭо аибашьра ацара.
The following year when I turned 19, I registered as a conscientious objector.jw2019 jw2019
Иегова иаҳзыҟаиҵаз ибзианы ианеилаҳкаауа, ҳагәқәа бзиабарала иҭәуеит, насгьы Иисус имҩала ацара гәык-ԥсык ала иаҳҭаххоит.
When our minds fully comprehend what Jehovah has done for us and our hearts are moved by his love, we desire to live our lives whole-souled for Christ Jesus.jw2019 jw2019
Ҳгәазҭанаҵалааит урҭ рыбзиабара Христос имҩала ацара, ҳашьцәа бзиа рбара, насгьы гәыкала егьырҭ рыгхақәа ранажьра.
Yes, may their love compel us to follow the steps of Jesus closely, to reach out and express our love for our brothers, and to forgive our brothers from the heart.jw2019 jw2019
Ҳара еилҳаргоит уи ҳгәы шазҭанаҵо: 1) Иисус Христос имҩала ацара, 2) ҳашьцәа бзиа рбара, насгьы 3) гәыкала егьырҭ рыгхақәа ранажьра.
Let us consider how God’s love moves us (1) to follow the steps of Christ Jesus closely, (2) to express love for our brothers, and (3) to forgive others from the heart.jw2019 jw2019
Урҭ ргәы иаанагоит, Иисус егьырҭ дрыцны ацара даҿуп ҳәа.
They think that Jesus is with others traveling along.jw2019 jw2019
Давид дазхиан анаҩсгьы аҵабырг амҩала ацара, ҳаргьы уи ҳазхиазар ауп.
If we are not, we could begin to think about the things we gave up for the truth and might even want some of them back.jw2019 jw2019
Ҳара иҳазцәырҵыр ҟалоит азҵаара: «Иарбан мзызқәоу иҳамоу Ҳамҩақәҵаҩ Иисус иқәгәыӷразы, иахьа, Анцәа иорганизациа ԥхьаҟа ацара ианаҿу аамҭазы?»
We may wonder, ‘As God’s organization keeps progressing, do we have good reason to trust in our appointed Leader, Jesus?’jw2019 jw2019
Уи «Иара имҩала» ацара, даҽакала иуҳәозар, иааирԥшуаз агәазыҟашьа аарԥшра иҳацхраауеит (1 Пиотр 2:21; 4:1).
This helps us “to follow his steps closely” so that we can have “the same mental disposition” that he had. —1 Peter 2:21; 4:1.jw2019 jw2019
Иҳацхраауазеи ари ахықәкахьы ацара?
What will help us individually to progress toward that goal?jw2019 jw2019
2 Иеффаи Анцәа ицәшәоз иԥҳаи иареи гәык-ԥсык ала Иегова игәра ргон. Урҭ агәра ганы иҟан Анцәа имҩала ацара дара рзы ишеиӷьу, уи аҟаҵара мариамзаргьы.
2 Jephthah and his God-fearing daughter put their trust and confidence in Jehovah’s way of doing things, even when it was hard to do so.jw2019 jw2019
Аибашьра ҟаларгьы, ҳара абџьар шьҭыхны ҳагәрахаҵара ҳацеиҩызшо, ма егьырҭ ауаа ҳарҿагылар аасҭа абахҭахь ацара, мамзаргьы аԥсра ҳазхиоуп (Иоанн 17:14, 16; 1 Иоанн 3:10—12).
When nations go to war, we would sooner face imprisonment or even death than take up weapons against fellow believers —or anyone else for that matter. —John 17:14, 16; 1 John 3:10-12.jw2019 jw2019
Ҳара иаҳҭахуп Иеговеи Иисуси Ахәылԥаз аҿы ҳарбар, уахь ацара зынӡа иҳалымшо ҳаҟамзар.
We want Jehovah and Jesus to see that we will be at the Memorial unless it is absolutely impossible for us to be there.jw2019 jw2019
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