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Еилҳаргап, ахуҷы аҧсра закуу иеилзыркаауа ҳәа иҟоу зҵаарақуак.
Consider some commonly asked questions about helping children understand death.
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to stop living
Убас иагьыҟалеит — ашәыр анырфа инаркны аҧсра иалагеит.
Well, the very day that they ate they began to die.


Dbnary: Wiktionary as Linguistic Linked Open Data

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kick in · pass away · pass on · succumb

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Мессиа ауаа иашақәа ирықәҵаз аҧсра рхыихыр акәын.
The Messiah would remove the condemnation of death from faithful mankind.jw2019 jw2019
Миллионҩыла аҧсра узаазго ачымазара СПИД рыхьуеит.
The dreaded disease AIDS is affecting millions of people.jw2019 jw2019
Еилҳаргап, ахуҷы аҧсра закуу иеилзыркаауа ҳәа иҟоу зҵаарақуак.
Consider some commonly asked questions about helping children understand death.jw2019 jw2019
Аҧсцәа рахьтә зыҧсы ҭалаз Иисус Христос ихаҭа иирҵеит Павел (Аусқуа 9:3—19). Убри азыҳәан Павелгьы иҩуан: «Ауаҩы (Адам) ила аҧсра шыҟалаз еиҧш, ауаҩы (Иисус Христос) илагьы иҟалоит аҧсҭалара.
(Acts 9:3-19) That is also why Paul could write: “Since death is through a man [Adam], resurrection of the dead is also through a man [Jesus Christ].jw2019 jw2019
10 Ауаа абри еиҧш агәабзиара ду змоу, ирҭаххаӡом аҧсра.
10 Persons who enjoy such vibrant health will not want to die.jw2019 jw2019
4 Римаа рахь 5:12 аҿы еиҭанаҳәоит, дара ирхылҵыз анаҩс ирыхьыз: «Аӡәы ила агәнаҳа адунеи ишалалаз, насгьы агәнаҳарала аҧсра, иара убас аҧсрагьы ауаа зегь рахь ииасит».
4 What happened afterward to all their offspring was as Romans 5:12 explains: “Through one man [Adam, mankind’s family head] sin entered into the world and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men.”jw2019 jw2019
Аҧшьаҩыра аргама иҳанаҳәоит, аҧсра — «аҵыхәтәантәи аҕа» — шнырҵәахо (1 Коринфаа рахь 15:26).
(1 Corinthians 15:26) What strength and comfort we can draw from knowledge of the resurrection hope!jw2019 jw2019
Ишҧадеилыркаатәу ахуҷқуа, аҧсра закуу?
How do you explain death to children?jw2019 jw2019
Иахьуазеи аҧсра?
What will happen to death?jw2019 jw2019
Абуддистцәа, аиндусцәа, аҧсылманцәа уҳәа убас егьырҭ аӡәырҩы аҧсра ашьҭахь анхаразы ирымоу ргәыҕра иеиҷаҳауеит.
Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and others all have bright hopes of a life after death.jw2019 jw2019
Аха сара исныруазшәа збон, лара аҧсра дшаҿыз.
I believe I felt her die.jw2019 jw2019
Ишҧарыдыркыло ахуҷқуа аҧсра?
How do children react to death?jw2019 jw2019
Аамҭала Иисус Христос аҧсра изеиҕьазшьоз џьоукы данрацәажәоз, абри ацәгьауаҩ ихьӡ иҳәеит: «Аҩсҭаа иоуп шәара шәаб; шәаргьы шәеилаҳауеит шәаб игәахәа аҟаҵара; уи аханатә дуаҩшьыҩны дыҟан, иҽизнымкылт аиаша аҿы, избан акәзар, уи илам аиаша» (Иоанн 8:31, 40, 44).
That one was a manslayer when he began, and he did not stand fast in the truth, because truth is not in him.”—John 8:31, 40, 44.jw2019 jw2019
17 Абарҭ амаҵуҩцәа иашақәа хәы змаӡам ацхыраара ҳарҭарц рылшоит аҧсҭалара анаҩстәи аетап аҟны, миллиардҩыла «иқьиам» аҧсра ашьамҭлаҳәқәа рҟынтә ахақәиҭра анроуа аамҭазы!
17 How helpful these faithful ones will be during the next phase of the resurrection, when billions of “the unrighteous” are released from the bonds of death!jw2019 jw2019
Иисус Лазар иҧсы анҭеиҵоз иааирҧшыз агуҧшқара иаҳнарбоит, иара ҕуҕуала игу шазыҳәо аҧсра ашьҭаҵәҟьа аанмыжьра.
Jesus’ tender feelings when resurrecting Lazarus reflected his intense desire to undo the ravages of deathjw2019 jw2019
Аҧааимбар Исаиа излеиҳәаз ала, Анцәа Иегова деиҷаҳашт «аҧсра наӡаӡа анырҵәара» (Исаиа 25:8).
(Isaiah 25:8) The apostle John was given a vision of the time when obedient mankind will experience freedom from pain and death.jw2019 jw2019
9 Соломон аҧсра иазкны даҽакгьы иҳәеит: «Зыҧсы ҭоу шыҧсуа рдыруеит, аха иҧсхьоу акгьы рыздыруам».
9 Solomon further explained what death means, saying: “The living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all.”jw2019 jw2019
Абри аконтекст ала ажәа «аҧсы» [руах] рхы иархәаны, Абиблиа зыҩуаз аҧсра ашьҭахь ибзаны инхо, иаҳныруа иҟам аҧсы акәӡамызт зыӡбахә рымаз.
When the Bible writers used the word “spirit” in this way, they did not have in mind a disembodied soul that continues living after the body dies.jw2019 jw2019
Марфа гәыҕрас илымаз аҧсра ахьынтә агылара акәын.
Martha had faith in the wonderful hope of a resurrection from the dead.jw2019 jw2019
Ишҧарыдыркыло аҧсра иахьатәи ҳаамҭазы?
What about our reactions today?jw2019 jw2019
Аҧсра, хымҧада, аҵыхәтәа акәым иаанаго ҳәа ҳҳәарц зҳалшозеи?
Why can we say that death does not have to be final?jw2019 jw2019
Шаҟа ииашамзеи, бзиа иаабо знымзар-зны аҧсра дахьаҳцәаго.
It seems so unfair that death should have the power to take away someone you love.jw2019 jw2019
Адгьыл ахьынӡанаӡааӡо иқәынхоит аҧсра аҟазаара иаҵыхәтәоуп ҳәа изымҧхьаӡо ауаа.
Around the globe, people believe that death is not the end of their existence.jw2019 jw2019
Иара, иҟалап, иҧсыз иӡбаху ала дуацәажәар иҭаххар, иҧсра зыхҟьаз амашәыр ма ачымазара атәы уеиҳәар, мамзаргьы аҧсра ашьҭахь иҩныҵҟатәи игунгарақуа дрылацәажәар.
Some bereaved persons may need to talk about their loved one who has died, about the accident or illness that caused the death, or about their feelings since the death.jw2019 jw2019
Лассы-лассы аиҳа анацәеи абацәеи аҧсра иазхиоуп, амала рхуҷқуа мҧсуандаз!
And how many times have parents wished they could have died in place of their children!jw2019 jw2019
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