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married woman
Иаҳҳәап, иауриаз ахаҵа ԥҳәыск лымацара лыдагьы, еиҳаны аҳәса имазар илшон.
For example, an Israelite man was allowed to have more than one wife.

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Закәытә ҿырԥш бзиоузеи ирзаанлыжьыз Сарра хаҵа ирымоу аҳәса?
What fine example did Sarah provide for wives?jw2019 jw2019
15 Апостол Пиотр иқьырсиану аҳәса ааиԥхьон: «Хаҵа ирымоу аҳәса, шәхацәа рҳәатәы хашәҵала, шәырзыӡырҩла, урҭ агәрахаҵара рыламзар агәрахаҵара роуразы — шәыԥсҭазаара иаҵоу ацқьареи Анцәа иҿаԥхьа ишәымоу ашәаӡыӡареи ирҿыԥшны».
15 The apostle Peter counsels Christian wives to be in subjection to their husbands, “so that if any are not obedient to the word, they may be won without a word through the conduct of their wives, because of having been eyewitnesses of your chaste conduct together with deep respect.”jw2019 jw2019
▪ АҬААЦӘАРА АРЫҔӘҔӘОИТ НАСГЬЫ ИҲАРАКЫУ АҚЬАБЗҚӘА ИАДГЫЛОИТ: Ииашоу адин ахацәа ргәазҭанаҵоит «раҳәса бзиа ирбаларц, рцәеижь еиҧш», аҳәса ирыцхраауеит ирҵаларц «инарҵауланы рхацәа пату рықәҵара», ахәҷқәа иднарҵоит рҭаацәа рзыӡырҩышьа (Ефесаа рахь 5:28, 33; 6:1).
▪ STRENGTHENS FAMILIES AND UPHOLDS HIGH MORAL STANDARDS: True religion trains husbands to ‘love their wives as their own bodies,’ helps wives to develop ‘deep respect for their husbands,’ and teaches children to ‘be obedient to their parents.’jw2019 jw2019
Иарбан цәаныррақәоу иара изцәырҵуаз, Офнии Финееси иԥшьоу ақьалаҿы амаҵ зуаз аҳәса цәеижьла ирзааигәаханы, ахаҵара-ԥҳәысратә мораль иазку Анцәа изакәан анеиларгоз?
And how did he feel when he learned that Hophni and Phinehas also disregarded Jehovah’s laws on sexual morality, as they had relations with some of the women who were serving there at the tabernacle?jw2019 jw2019
Шаҟа илеиԥшымзеи арҭ аҳәса акалаҷкәыр иҭатәоу аԥҳәыс!
How different these women are from the woman in the container!jw2019 jw2019
Аҳәса, ианакәзаалакь шәхацәа ражәа шәацныҟәала, Иҳақәиҭу ила иахәҭаны ишыԥхьаӡоу аиԥш.
You wives, be in subjection to your husbands, as it is becoming in the Lord.jw2019 jw2019
Ииҳәарц ииҭахызи Павел: «Аҳәса аизарақәа рҿы ҿырымҭлааит» ҳәа аниҳәаз?
What did Paul mean when he wrote that women should “keep silent in the congregations”?jw2019 jw2019
Насыԥ змоу аҭаацәарақәа рҿы ахацәа рыҳәса ирызиашоуп, насгьы бзиа ирбоит, аҳәса рхацәа бзиа ирбоит, насгьы ҳаҭыр рықәырҵоит.
You can probably find many happy couples in your congregation, where loyal husbands love their wives and loving wives respect their husbands.jw2019 jw2019
Убас еиԥш агәыҳалалра злаз аҳәса ирылшоз ала Иисус иапостолцәеи иареи ирыцхраауан (Лука 8:1—3).
(Numbers 18:21) In a similar way, generous women used what they had to support Jesus and his apostles. —Luke 8:1-3.jw2019 jw2019
Шаҟа игәырҩозеи Ноемини арҭ аҩыџьа аҳәса қуԥшцәа рҩыџьагьы!
How sad Naʹo·mi and the two girls were!jw2019 jw2019
22 Ноеминь уаанӡа дыздыруаз вифлеемтәи аҳәса — лгәылацәеи лҭынхацәеи — ирзеиҭалҳәеит дзықәшәаз агәаҟра бааԥсы.
22 To those kinswomen and neighbors of years past, Naomi revealed how bitter her life had become to her.jw2019 jw2019
Ажәытәтәи Израил апатриархцәа рхаан Иегова иаҩижьуан аҳәса рацәа амазаара.
When Jehovah dealt with the patriarchs and with fleshly Israel, he tolerated the practice of polygamy.jw2019 jw2019
Абиблиаҿы иануп иара илыԥсҭазаашьоу еиликаарц азы есыҽны аҳәса рыҩны ашҭахь дышнеиуаз (Есф.
We read that day by day, he made his way as near as he could to the house of the women and endeavored to learn of Esther’s welfare.jw2019 jw2019
Ахацәа рыҳәса рыпҟоит, аҳәса рхацәа ирҿагылоит, аҭаацәа рхәыҷы ԥшқақәа ӷәӷәала, гәымбылџьбарала ирыпҟоит, изызҳахьоу ахәыҷқәа зықәрахь инеихьоу рҭаацәа гәымбылџьбарала ирызныҟәоит.
There are husbands who batter wives, wives who attack husbands, parents who cruelly beat their young children, and grown children who abuse their elderly parents.jw2019 jw2019
Аҳәса лхаҿсахьа иахәаԥшны иҵаауан: «Ноеминь лакәҵәҟьоума ари?»
The women there would peer at her and say, “Is this Naomi?”jw2019 jw2019
Иаҳҳәап, иауриаз ахаҵа ԥҳәыск лымацара лыдагьы, еиҳаны аҳәса имазар илшон.
For example, an Israelite man was allowed to have more than one wife.jw2019 jw2019
Ҳәарада, Анна илдыруан Самуил Силом дахьыҟало ибзианы ишихылаԥшло,— иҟалап урҭ иԥшьоу ақьалаҿы амаҵ зуа аҳәса ракәхозҭгьы.
Of course, Hannah knew that Samuel would be well cared for in Shiloh, perhaps by the hands of some of the women who served at the tabernacle.jw2019 jw2019
16 Абиблиаҿы иануп: «Аҳ егьырҭ аҳәса раасҭа Есфирь бзиа дибеит, насгьы егьырҭ аӡӷабцәа раасҭа лара лахь абзиабара зныԥшуа ақьиара ааирԥшуан, еиҳа дагьылзыразын.
16 The account answers: “The king came to love Esther more than all the other women, so that she gained more favor and loving-kindness before him than all the other virgins.jw2019 jw2019
Ахәыҷқәа змазарц зҭаху аҳәса зегьы ахшарадара хьааргоит.
In the second place, she was barren.jw2019 jw2019
Абиблиа, иара убас, еилыкка излаҳнарбо ала, аҳәса бзиақәа Анцәа игәаҧхо аҟәыҕареи аусура абзиабареи ахьаадырҧшуа азы, аҳаҭыри аҽхәаҧхьыӡи ирыҧсоуп (Ажәамаанақәа 31:10—31).
The Bible also makes it clear that capable wives merit honor and praise for their godly wisdom and industriousness.—Proverbs 31:10-31.jw2019 jw2019
6 Иҟалап Ноеминь лгәы лнархьзар лԥацәа моавтәи аҳәса ахьааргаз (Руфь 1:4).
6 Naomi might well have suffered again later when her sons married Moabite women.jw2019 jw2019
Иисус аҳәса ҳаҭыр рықәиҵон.
Jesus treated women with respect and dignity.jw2019 jw2019
2 Арҭ аҳәса рҩыџьагьы агәырҩа иафахьан.
2 Each woman bore a heavy burden of grief.jw2019 jw2019
Иҟалап дара улазырҟәуа алаф рхырҳәаауазар егьырҭ амилаҭқәа, ма арасақәа рахь иаҵанакуа ауаа, иара убас иатәамбакәа ирыхцәажәозар аҳәса, ахацәа ма зматериалтә ҭагылазаашьа еиҳа еицәоу ауаа.
Perhaps they joke contemptuously about people of another race or nation, speak disparagingly about members of the opposite sex, or look down on those of a different economic or social status.jw2019 jw2019
Избанзар Иисус иҳәеит: «Избан акәзар убасҟангьы, аӡхыҵра иалагаанӡа, Нои иӷба дҭалаанӡа, ауаа акрырфон, акрыржәуан, хаҵа ицон, аҳәса ааргон.
Because Jesus said: “As they were in those days before the Flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and they took no note until the Flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be.”jw2019 jw2019
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