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“Die meeste woede en geweld wat volwassenes gedurende hulle lewe ondervind, is van of teenoor ’n bloedverwant”, sê die boek When Families Fight, “en daardie woede is intenser as dié wat in enige ander verhouding ondervind word.”
“The most anger and violence that adults experience in their lives is from or toward a blood relative,” asserts the book When Families Fight, “and that anger is more intense than that experienced in any other relationship.”jw2019 jw2019
“Iemand wat sy vrou aanrand, is skuldig aan dieselfde misdaad as iemand wat ’n vreemdeling met die vuis slaan.”—When Men Batter Women
“A batterer who has assaulted his wife is no less a criminal than a man who has punched a stranger.”—When Men Batter Womenjw2019 jw2019
In haar boek When Muscle Pain Won’t Go Away stel Gayle Backstrom voor dat jy met die plaaslike tak van die Stigting vir Gewrigsontsteking of met ’n rumatoloog in aanraking kom.
In her book When Muscle Pain Won’t Go Away, Gayle Backstrom suggests contacting the local chapter of the Arthritis Foundation or a rheumatologist.jw2019 jw2019
“When this is all over gaan ek vir jou bel, en ek gaan vir jou uitvra op ’n proper date.
When this is all over I am going to phone you, and I’m going to ask you out on a proper date.Literature Literature
Volgens die boek A Fine Line—When Discipline Becomes Child Abuse vind 21 persent van alle liggaamlike mishandeling na bewering plaas wanneer kinders aggressief optree.
According to the book A Fine Line —When Discipline Becomes Child Abuse, reportedly 21 percent of all physical abuse occurs when children exhibit aggressive behavior.jw2019 jw2019
Ek het dit aan Pappa gegee om dit saam met haar in die doodskis te plaas, en hoewel sy dood was, dink ek graag dat sy daardie laaste boodskap van my gekry het.”—How It Feels When a Parent Dies, deur Jill Krementz.
I gave it to Daddy to put in the coffin with her, and even though she was dead, I like to think that she got that last message from me.” —How It Feels When a Parent Dies, by Jill Krementz.jw2019 jw2019
In hulle oë het hy “alle aardse skepsele in wysheid en mag oortref”, sê die boek When Egypt Ruled the East.
In their eyes, he “surpassed all mundane creatures in wisdom and power,” states the book When Egypt Ruled the East.jw2019 jw2019
Die boek When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough verduidelik: “As jy te veel kla wanneer jy nie ’n A in ’n eksamen kry nie, beledig jy dalk vriende wat sukkel om ’n B of C te kry.”
The book When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough explains: “Complaining excessively whenever you get less than an A on an exam may be insulting to friends who have to struggle to get a B or C.”jw2019 jw2019
“Daar is weliswaar leiers van groepe en lande wie se irrasionele doelwitte die uitwissing van ander kulture is”, skryf Stephen Bowman in sy boek When the Eagle Screams.
“To be sure, there are leaders of groups and countries whose irrational goals are the annihilation of other cultures,” writes Stephen Bowman in his book When the Eagle Screams.jw2019 jw2019
Die toenemende aantal werkende leerlinge is al ’n “kenmerkend Amerikaanse verskynsel” genoem (When Teenagers Work deur Ellen Greenberger en Laurence Steinberg).
(When Teenagers Work, by Ellen Greenberger and Laurence Steinberg) Greater academic burdens are placed upon youths in other lands, and jobs are often scarce.jw2019 jw2019
Mary was a girl when she was 13 and died at age 14
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Die skrywers van When Men Batter Women maak hierdie opmerking: “Vroueslanery duur hoofsaaklik voort omdat dit met welslae gebruik word om die mishandelde vrou te beheer, te intimideer en te onderwerp. . . .
The writers of When Men Batter Women note: “Battering is fundamentally perpetuated by its success in controlling, intimidating, and subjugating the battered woman. . . .jw2019 jw2019
En my pa koop altyd vir my geskenke.”—How It Feels When Parents Divorce, deur Jill Krementz.
And my father is always buying me presents.”—How It Feels When Parents Divorce, by Jill Krementz.jw2019 jw2019
“As ons moet oordeel na wat met die verslane Sentrale Magte aan die begin van die twintigerjare gebeur het”, sê Adam Fergusson in sy boek When Money Dies, “dan lei [die ineenstorting van die geldwaarde] tot sulke hebsug, geweld, ongelukkigheid en haat, wat hoofsaaklik uit vrees voortspruit, dat geen gemeenskap dit kan oorleef sonder om vermink en veranderd te wees nie.”
“If what happened to the defeated Central Powers in the early 1920s is anything to go by,” states Adam Fergusson in his book When Money Dies, “then [monetary collapse] unleashes such greed, violence, unhappiness, and hatred, largely bred from fear, as no society can survive uncrippled and unchanged.”jw2019 jw2019
“I understand ...” “So when you go and ask questions, you will just make trouble.”
‘I understand ...’ ‘So when you go and ask questions, you will just make trouble.’Literature Literature
Die boek I Hate School—How to Hang In and When to Drop Out gee ons ’n goeie idee van wat baie jongmense se aandag aftrek sodat hulle hulle skoolwerk nie voltooi nie.
The book I Hate School —How to Hang In and When to Drop Out gives us a good idea of what distracts many youths from finishing their school homework.jw2019 jw2019
Die boek When Your Child Has Been Molested verduidelik: “Die spanning wat die kind as gevolg van die molestering moet deurmaak, kan veroorsaak dat hy siek raak.”
The book When Your Child Has Been Molested explains: “The burden of carrying the molestation can stress the child into being unhealthy.”jw2019 jw2019
“Sommige gesinne kan die ongelooflikste eise wat aan hulle gestel word die hoof bied”, sê sy verder, “terwyl ander byna heeltemal onbevoeg is om die situasie te hanteer sodra die persoon die geringste persoonlikheidsverandering ondergaan.”—Aangehaal in die boek When I Grow Too Old to Dream.
“Some families are able to manage with the most incredible demands placed on them,” she continues, “while others are rendered almost incapable of dealing with the situation as soon as the person exhibits the slightest change in their personality.”—Quoted in the book When I Grow Too Old to Dream.jw2019 jw2019
Die skrywers van Leavetaking—When and How to Say Goodbye raai aan: “Moenie dat ander aan jou voorskryf hoe jy moet optree of voel nie.
The authors of Leavetaking —When and How to Say Goodbye advise: “Don’t let others dictate how you should act or feel.jw2019 jw2019
Do you remember when Morten Borgen was here?
Do you remember when Morten Borgen came here?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Wilson in haar boek When Violence Begins at Home.
Wilson in her book When Violence Begins at Home.jw2019 jw2019
And when you’ve got the stamp, as jy weer sien, is jy in die homeland.
When you’ve got the stamp, before you know where you are you’ll be in the homeland.Literature Literature
Let op hoe die boek When Luck Runs Out kompulsiewe dobbelary beskryf: “’n Versteuring waar die individu deur ’n oorweldigende en onbeheerbare drang gedryf word om te dobbel.
Notice how the book When Luck Runs Out describes compulsive gambling: “A disorder in which the individual is driven by an overpowering and uncontrollable impulse to gamble.jw2019 jw2019
Die waarneming wat deur die navorsers Geoffrey Greif en Rebecca Hegar oor die ontvoering deur ouers gemaak is, is beslis waar: “Dit is uiters ingewikkelde gebeure wat, soos ’n diep poel water, effens verskillend lyk na gelang van die hoek; iets nuuts word gesien elke keer wanneer ’n mens in die water kyk.”—When Parents Kidnap—The Families Behind the Headlines.
True indeed is the observation made by researchers Greif and Hegar regarding abductions by parents: “These are exceedingly complex events that, like a deep pool of water, look slightly different depending upon the angle; each time one stares into the water something new is seen.” —When Parents Kidnap— The Families Behind the Headlines.jw2019 jw2019
Nogtans kan elke huweliksmaat die ander se beskouings respekteer” (Keeping Your Family Together When the World Is Falling Apart).
Nevertheless, each spouse can always respect the other’s views.”jw2019 jw2019
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