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To take part in a public demonstration.
’n Maand later het die studente weer betoog en ’n eksemplaar van die Pallis-vertaling in die openbaar verbrand.
One month later the students demonstrated again and publicly burned a copy of the Pallis translation.






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Maar Jesus het sy volgelinge nooit aangemoedig om te betoog, aan protesoptogte deel te neem of op enige manier by die politiek betrokke te raak nie.
Yet, Jesus never encouraged his followers to stage a demonstration, march in protest, or become politically involved in any other way.jw2019 jw2019
Die Hoofregter kan besluit of die appèl slegs op grond van die skriftelike betoë behandel word
The Chief Justice may decide whether the appeal shall be dealt with on the basis of written arguments onlySPC SPC
Hy sou steeds kon studeer en eksamens skryf, en sy maatskaplike werker sou vrye toegang tot hom hê, het Cloete betoog.
He would still be able to study and write exams, and his social worker would have free access to him, Cloete reasoned.Literature Literature
Drastiese hervormings is geweier, en in Oktober en November 1989 het meer as ’n miljoen Oos-Duitsers in Leipzig, Oos-Berlyn, en ander stede vreedsaam betoog en geskreeu: “Ons is die volk.”
Radical reforms were refused, and in October and November 1989, over a million East Germans peacefully demonstrated in Leipzig, East Berlin, and other cities, shouting: “We are the people.”jw2019 jw2019
Mense wat teen hoë brandstofpryse betoog het, het die uitgange van olieraffinaderye geblokkeer sodat afleweringsvragmotors nie kon uitkom nie.
Protesters against high fuel prices blockaded oil refinery exits, preventing deliveries from leaving them.jw2019 jw2019
“Ons opposisiegroep het vergaderinge gehou, en ons het in die openbaar betoog.
“Our opposition group held meetings, and we protested publicly.jw2019 jw2019
Party se verantwoordelikheidsgevoel teenoor diere is so groot dat hulle hulle beywer vir die bewaring van bedreigde spesies of betoog teen die blootstelling van diere aan onnodige lyding.
Some feel their responsibility toward the animals to such an extent that they work hard for the preservation of threatened species, or they campaign against the exposing of animals to needless suffering.jw2019 jw2019
hom nie in by die politiek nie en skaar hom nie by enige groepe wat betoog dat aborsie verbied moet word nie.
is nonpolitical and is not affiliated with any groups clamoring for a ban on abortion.jw2019 jw2019
19 Jehovah voer nou sy betoog tot ’n kragtige klimaks.
19 Jehovah now brings his legal argument to a powerful climax.jw2019 jw2019
Toe ons die raadsaal verlaat, het die prokureur vir die opposisie in die gang aangehardloop gekom en uitgeroep: “Ek het ’n uur se betoog teen hierdie saak.”
As we were leaving the hearing room, the lawyer for the opposition came running up the hall shouting: “I have an hour’s argument against this case.”jw2019 jw2019
Gewoonlik is so ’n groot groep hier om teen iets te betoog of te protesteer.”
Usually such a large group is here to demonstrate or protest something.”jw2019 jw2019
'n Bevel waarin toestemming verleen word om as amicus curiae toegelaat te word, moet die datum vir indiening van die skriftelike betoog van die amicus curiae of enige ander tersaaklike aangeleentheid meld
An order granting leave to be admitted as an amicus curiae shall specify the date of lodging the written argument of the amicus curiae or any other relevant matterSPC SPC
Sommige naslaanwerke betoog sterk dat die Griekse teks vertaal moet word: “Die Woord was God.”
Some reference books argue strongly that the Greek text must be translated, “The Word was God.”jw2019 jw2019
’n Maand later het die studente weer betoog en ’n eksemplaar van die Pallis-vertaling in die openbaar verbrand.
One month later the students demonstrated again and publicly burned a copy of the Pallis translation.jw2019 jw2019
Gevaarlike radioaktiwiteit is in die atmosfeer vrygestel, wat ’n bedreiging ingehou het vir die gesondheid van die 120 000 plaaslike inwoners, van wie baie in die strate teen die dodelike gif betoog het.
Dangerous radioactivity was released into the atmosphere, threatening the health of the 120,000 local inhabitants, many of whom took to the streets in protest against the deadly poison.jw2019 jw2019
BBC News berig: “Twee [Asiatiese] boere is verlede jaar dood toe die polisie ’n dorpie bestorm het waar kleinboere teen die buitensporige belasting betoog het.”
Reports BBC News: “Two [Asian] farmers were killed last year when police stormed a village where peasants were protesting against excessive taxes.”jw2019 jw2019
Met groot welsprekendheid betoog Paulus dat die ware God, die “Here van hemel en aarde”, gesoek moet word, die God wat ’n regverdige oordeel waarborg deur die een wat Hy uit die dood opgewek het.
With skillful oratory Paul argues in favor of seeking the true God, the “Lord of heaven and earth,” who guarantees a righteous judgment by the one whom He has resurrected from the dead.jw2019 jw2019
Toe hulle hulle beleggings verloor, het die verbitterde burgers in die strate betoog.
When their investments failed, embittered citizens took their protests to the streets.jw2019 jw2019
Wat betoog Paulus in verband met die Wet, en hoe ondersteun hy sy betoog?
What does Paul argue as to the Law, and how does he support his argument?jw2019 jw2019
Pro-keuse-groepe betoog met klerehangers om die dood van verdrukte vroue wat onveilige, onwettige aborsies ondergaan het te dramatiseer.
Pro-choice groups brandish coat hangers to dramatize the deaths of oppressed women who undergo unsafe illegal abortions.jw2019 jw2019
Uiteindelik, in 1988, het tienduisende mense in die strate betoog uit protes teen die regering.
Finally, in 1988, tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the government.jw2019 jw2019
Maar in 1950 het Kanada se Hooggeregshof ons betoog aanvaar dat “sedisie” in ’n hedendaagse demokrasie aanhitsing tot geweld of opstand teen die regering beteken.
But in 1950 the Supreme Court of Canada accepted our submission that in a modern democracy, “sedition” requires incitement to violence or insurrection against the government.jw2019 jw2019
In die geval van mondelinge en skriftelike betoog, kan gelde vir skriftelike betoog in toepaslike omstandighede as 'n afsonderlike item toegelaat word
In the event of oral and written argument, a fee for written argument may in appropriate circumstances be allowed as a separate itemSPC SPC
DIE basiese betoog ten gunste van regeringsloterye is dat hulle miljoene rande vir die regering inbring, geld wat andersins slegs deur ’n verhoging van belastings verkry sou kon word.
The basic argument in favor of government lotteries is that they bring in millions of dollars to government, money that would probably otherwise be had only by raising taxes.jw2019 jw2019
Daar het ek vriende gemaak met persone wat teen die oorlog in Viëtnam betoog het, asook met ander wat in die oorlog was.
There I acquired friends who had demonstrated against the war in Vietnam, as well as others who had been in the war.jw2019 jw2019
67 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.