gedurig oor Engels


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Without break, cessation or interruption.


Without break, cessation or interruption.
By die huis was daar gedurig onenigheid en spanning.
At home, there were disagreements and continuous tension.


Hulle kan gedurig krities en vol klagtes wees, of hulle kan op hartlike wyse aanmoedig en opbou.
They can be constantly critical and complaining, or they can be warmly encouraging and edifying.

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In sekere sin is die Brasiliaanse gaai dus gedurig besig om kandelaarbome te plant!
In a sense, then, the azure jay is a busy planter of candelabra trees!jw2019 jw2019
Omdat ons lewe soos God wil hê ons moet lewe—met godvrugtige toegewydheid—haat die wêreld ons, en dít lei daartoe dat ons geloof gedurig op die proef gestel word (2 Timotheüs 3:12, NW).
Because we live as God would have us live —with godly devotion— we incur the world’s hatred, which invariably brings trials of faith.jw2019 jw2019
36 Dié wat weier om die merk van die wilde dier te aanvaar, ondervind gedurig probleme.
36 Those who refuse to accept the mark of the wild beast have had constant problems.jw2019 jw2019
Joy Adamson erken in haar boek Born Free dat dit eers vir haar vreemd was dat haar troeteldassie haarself gedurig gekrap het.
In her book Born Free, Joy Adamson confesses to being puzzled at first that her pet dassie habitually scratched herself.jw2019 jw2019
Hulle ontstaan weens die manier waarop die aarde om sy as draai en omdat sekere dele van die aardoppervlak warmer word as ander, wat die atmosfeer gedurig aan die beweeg hou.
They are created because of the way the earth spins on its axis and because some parts of the earth’s surface heat up more than others, keeping the atmosphere in a constant state of turbulence.jw2019 jw2019
Aangesien hulle geweet het dat baie mense in die Weste die Kommunisme gevrees het, het die Katolieke geestelikes in die Ierse stad Cork in 1948 teëstand teen Jehovah se Getuies aangehits deur gedurig van hulle as “Kommunistiese duiwels” te praat.
Knowing that many people in the West feared Communism, the Catholic clergy in the Irish city of Cork, in 1948, whipped up opposition to Jehovah’s Witnesses by constantly referring to them as “Communist devils.”jw2019 jw2019
Wys jou kinders gedurig daarop dat dit ons Skepper-God is wat vir ons sulke vreugdevolle geskenke gee.
All the while point out to your children that it is our Creator God who brings us such joyful gifts.jw2019 jw2019
Hoewel hierdie algemene kwaal vandag dikwels met sukses behandel word, kan baie siektes steeds nie behandel word nie, en ’n menigte nuwe siektes word gedurig ontdek wat ook nie behandel kan word nie.
(Mark 5:25-29) Though this common disorder is often successfully treated today, many diseases remain untreatable, and a host of new untreatable diseases are constantly being discovered.jw2019 jw2019
Ek sê gedurig vir hulle dat ons Jehovah nooit moet verlaat nie.”
I constantly tell them that we must never leave Jehovah.”jw2019 jw2019
* Bid gedurig dat julle nie mag weggelei word deur die versoekinge van die duiwel nie, Alma 34:39 (3 Ne.
* Pray continually that ye may not be led away by the temptations of the devil, Alma 34:39 (3 Ne.LDS LDS
Mag Jehovah ons help om ons uitgesprokenheid te beheer en mag hy ons gedurig daaraan herinner dat hy ons nooit sal verlaat nie al voel ons miskien dikwels alleen.
May Jehovah help us control our outspokenness, and may he constantly remind us that though we might often feel alone, he will never abandon us.jw2019 jw2019
• “Moenie gedurig by julle kinders fout soek dat hulle moedeloos word nie.”
• “Don’t over- correct your children, or you will take all the heart out of them.”jw2019 jw2019
Ons is egter gedurig dopgehou en ons kon nie met die Genootskap se takkantoor in aanraking kom nie.
We were not able to make contact with the Society’s branch office.jw2019 jw2019
28 Maar dat julle jul sal verootmoedig voor die Here, en sy heilige Naam aanroep, en gedurig awaak en bid, dat julle nie bversoek mag word bo dit wat julle kan verduur nie, en sodoende gelei word deur die Heilige Gees, en nederig, csagmoedig, onderdanig, geduldig, vol van liefde en alle lankmoedigheid word;
28 But that ye would humble yourselves before the Lord, and call on his holy name, and awatch and pray continually, that ye may not be btempted above that which ye can bear, and thus be cled by the Holy Spirit, becoming humble, dmeek, submissive, patient, full of love and all long-suffering;LDS LDS
Ek het goeie Bybelstudiegewoontes gehad toe ek vry was, gedurig gebid terwyl ek in afsondering was, met medegelowiges geassosieer wanneer ek kon en ander by elke geleentheid van my oortuigings vertel.”
Good Bible study habits while enjoying freedom, constant prayer when in isolation, association with fellow believers whenever possible, and sharing my beliefs with others at every opportunity.”jw2019 jw2019
Die doelwitte van ’n regering verander ook gedurig.
Also, the goals of government are continually changing.jw2019 jw2019
Dit betaam diegene wat onder die verstandige maagde wil wees om gedurig ’n voorraad geestelike olie te hê.
Constantly it behooves those seeking to prove themselves discreet virgins to keep supplied with spiritual oil.jw2019 jw2019
Dit het beteken dat hy my gedurig moes dophou.”
It meant keeping a constant eye on me.”jw2019 jw2019
Jesus het nie net met “teëspraak van die sondaars” te kampe gehad nie, maar ook met die probleme wat onder sy dissipels ontstaan het, waaronder hulle gedurige stryery oor wie die grootste was.
Jesus endured not only “contrary talk by sinners” but also the problems that arose among his disciples, including their repeated disputes over who was the greatest.jw2019 jw2019
Ja, deur onsself gedurig te ondersoek en seker te maak dat ons doen wat ons ander leer om te doen, dit wil sê, om te vorder, te groei en geestelik te ontwikkel, sal ons die tragedie vermy van ,self verwerplik te wees’ (1 Korinthiërs 9: 27).
(1 Timothy 4:16) Yes, by constantly examining ourselves as to whether we are doing what we teach others to do, that is, to advance, grow, and develop spiritually, we will avoid the tragedy of ‘becoming disapproved somehow.’jw2019 jw2019
Hulle treiter hulleself deur gedurig aan hulle foute te dink.
To worry continually means to plague oneself, vex oneself, persecute oneself.jw2019 jw2019
Die woord in die oorspronklike taal wat in hierdie vers met “angstig wees” vertaal word, dra die gedagte oor om gedurig oor jou skouer te kyk omdat jy bang is dat iets of iemand jou gaan seermaak of om paniekbevange rond te kyk soos iemand wat in gevaar is.
In this verse the original-language word for “be anxious” has the idea of having “to look over your shoulder in anticipation of an unknown threat” or “to look about as one does in a state of alarm.”jw2019 jw2019
Hulle was gedurig in stryd met die Hebreërs vanaf die tyd van Moses (Ex. 17:8) tot Saul en Dawid (I Sam.
They were constantly at war with the Hebrews from the time of Moses (Ex. 17:8) to Saul and David (1 Sam.LDS LDS
Kraaie en boere is in ’n gedurige stryd gewikkel, met die slim kraaie wat gou deur die planne sien wat die boere uitdink.
Crows and farmers are at constant odds, with the wily crows soon seeing through tactics farmers dream up.jw2019 jw2019
Laat ons onsself gedurig ondersoek.
Let us keep examining ourselves.jw2019 jw2019
202 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.