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Rolprentsterre en rockmusikante het transendentale meditasie, wat nou verbonde aan joga is, gewild laat word.
Transcendental meditation, a close adjunct of yoga, has been popularized by film stars and rock musicians.

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physical and meditative spiritual practices from ancient India
Rolprentsterre en rockmusikante het transendentale meditasie, wat nou verbonde aan joga is, gewild laat word.
Transcendental meditation, a close adjunct of yoga, has been popularized by film stars and rock musicians.

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Die agtergrond van joga
The Background of Yogajw2019 jw2019
Waarheen kan joga jou lei?
Where Can Yoga Take You?jw2019 jw2019
Met die oog op die toenemende belangstelling in joga kan ons vra: ‘Is joga bloot ’n oefenprogram wat die beoefenaar daarvan ’n gesonde, slank liggaam en ’n mate van gemoedsrus sal gee?
In view of the growing interest in yoga, we might ask: ‘Is yoga simply an exercise routine that will give the practitioner a healthy, slim body and some peace of mind?jw2019 jw2019
Rolprentsterre en rockmusikante het transendentale meditasie, wat nou verbonde aan joga is, gewild laat word.
Transcendental meditation, a close adjunct of yoga, has been popularized by film stars and rock musicians.jw2019 jw2019
Die doel van joga as ’n dissipline is om iemand te lei na die geestelike ondervinding om verbind te word of een te word met ’n bomenslike gees.
The objective of yoga as a discipline is to lead a person to the spiritual experience of being “yoked” to or merged with a superhuman spirit.jw2019 jw2019
Is joga gepas vir Christene?’
Is yoga suitable for Christians?’jw2019 jw2019
Volgens Patandzjali is joga “’n stelselmatige poging om volmaaktheid te bereik, deur beheer te hê oor die verskillende elemente van die menslike natuur, fisies en psigies”.
According to Patañjali, yoga is “a methodical effort to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and psychical.”jw2019 jw2019
Ons vra dus weer eens: ‘Kan joga bloot as ’n liggaamlike oefening gebruik word om ’n gesonde liggaam en ’n ontspanne verstand te verkry, sonder enige betrokkenheid by godsdiens?’
So once again we ask: ‘Can yoga be practiced simply as a physical exercise to develop a healthy body and a relaxed mind, without any involvement with religion?’jw2019 jw2019
Vandat joga ontstaan het en tot vandag toe, was dit ’n integrerende deel van Oosterse godsdienste, in ons tyd veral van Hindoeïsme, Djainisme en Boeddhisme.
From its inception until the present time, yoga has been an integral part of Eastern religions, now particularly Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism.jw2019 jw2019
Die boek Hindu World noem joga dus “’n kode van asketiese gebruike, hoofsaaklik van voor-Ariese oorsprong, wat oorblyfsels van talle primitiewe opvattings en voorskrifte bevat”.
Thus, the book Hindu World calls yoga “a code of ascetic practices, mainly pre-Aryan in origin, containing relics of many primitive conceptions and observances.”jw2019 jw2019
Mense wat aan spanning en depressie ly of gefrustreerd voel, het hulle ook tot joga gewend vir vertroosting en oplossings.
People suffering from stress, depression, and frustration have also turned to yoga for solace and solutions.jw2019 jw2019
Toe het die Indiese jogawysgeer Patandzjali dit in ’n breedvoerige, geskrewe vorm omgesit, bekend as die Jogasoetra, wat nog steeds die basiese instruksieboek van joga is.
Then they were put into detailed, written form by the Indian yogic sage Patañjali as the Yoga Sutra, which remains the basic instruction book of yoga.jw2019 jw2019
Hindoefilosowe erken dat die beoefening van joga iemand bonatuurlike kragte kan gee, hoewel hulle gewoonlik beweer dat dit nie die hoofdoel van joga is nie.
Hindu philosophers admit that the practice of yoga can give supernatural powers, even though they usually claim that this is not the ultimate goal of yoga.jw2019 jw2019
Die doel van joga as ’n dissipline is om iemand te help om een te word met ’n bomenslike gees.
The objective of yoga as a discipline is to lead a person to being merged with a superhuman spirit.jw2019 jw2019
Joga—Net ’n oefenprogram, of is daar meer by betrokke?
Yoga —Just an Exercise or Something More?jw2019 jw2019
Maar om met joga en Asiatiese godsdienste te eksperimenteer—soos daar vir een klasuitstappie beplan is—is beslis nie gepas vir ’n Christen nie.—1 Korinthiërs 10:21.
But experimenting with Yoga and Asiatic religions —as was planned for one class trip— is hardly appropriate for a Christian. —1 Corinthians 10:21.jw2019 jw2019
• Waarom erken Christene dat joga meer is as blote oefening en dat dit gevaarlik is?
• Why do Christians recognize that yoga goes beyond mere exercise and is dangerous?jw2019 jw2019
Joga is ’n rustige manier om terselfdertyd te ontspan en te strek.
Yoga is a calm way to relax and stretch at the same time.Literature Literature
Die verslae deel ons mee dat hy ’n weg van meditasie, vaste, Joga en uiterste selfverloëning gevolg het en tog geen geestelike vrede of verligting gevind het nie.
The accounts tell us that he pursued a course of meditation, fasting, Yoga, and extreme self-denial, yet he found no spiritual peace or enlightenment.jw2019 jw2019
Die vreemde gesigte is blykbaar deur die ghoeroes as die gepaste resultate beskou op die weg na die ware doelwit van joga-oefeninge.
The strange sights were evidently what the gurus felt were proper results along the way to the true aim of yogic exercises.jw2019 jw2019
Ongeag wat gesondheidsinstrukteurs dalk sê om die teendeel te probeer bewys, joga is nie net liggaamlike oefeninge nie.
Whatever health instructors may say to the contrary, yoga does not stop with physical exercises.jw2019 jw2019
Tot hoe ver in die geskiedenis kan joga teruggevoer word?
How far back in history can yoga be traced?jw2019 jw2019
Taoïste het ook oefeninge soortgelyk aan Joga, asembeheersingstegnieke, dieetbeperkings en seksgebruike ontwikkel wat glo ’n mens se lewensenergie sou vergroot en jou lewe sou verleng.
Taoists also developed Yogalike exercises, breath-control techniques, dietary restrictions, and sexual practices that were believed to strengthen one’s vital energy and prolong one’s life.jw2019 jw2019
Kan joga beoefen word sonder dat dit enige godsdienstige implikasies inhou?
Can yoga be practiced without any religious overtones?jw2019 jw2019
Duisende mense in die Westerse wêreld het hulle om dieselfde rede tot joga, ’n Oosterse kuns, gewend.
For the same reason, thousands of people in the Western world have turned to the Eastern art of yoga.jw2019 jw2019
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