op pad oor Engels

op pad

adjektief, bywoord

Vertalings in die woordeboek Afrikaans - Engels

en route

along the way
Simson was op pad na Timna, die stad waar sy toekomstige bruid gewoon het.
Samson was en route to his future bride’s city, Timnah.

on the way

adjektief, bywoord
whilst travelling
Op pad skool toe, he ek my vriend Karlo ontmoet, wat besig was om te loop.
On the way to school, I met my friend Karlo, who was walking.
on the way; whilst travelling
en route; on the way

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Ander voorsien voedsel aan dié wat in die oggend op pad werk toe is.
Others provide food for those on their way to work in the morning.jw2019 jw2019
Baie ander reisigers is ook op pad na Jerusalem vir die jaarlikse Pasgaviering.
Many other travelers are also on their way up to Jerusalem for the annual Passover celebration.jw2019 jw2019
Eenkeer, op pad na die hospitaal, het hy stuiptrekkings gekry en opgehou asemhaal.
Once, on the way to the hospital, he had seizures and stopped breathing.jw2019 jw2019
Dit het gelyk asof ons op pad was na ’n begrafnis.
It looked as if we were going to a funeral.jw2019 jw2019
Na net drie dol dae was ons op pad na Los Angeles.
Just three frenetic days later, we were on our way to Los Angeles.jw2019 jw2019
Op pad is ons deur ’n ander groep rebelle beroof.
Along the way we were robbed by another group of rebels.jw2019 jw2019
Waarheen is ek op pad?
Where am I going?jw2019 jw2019
Pas uitgebroeide seekatjies op pad na die oppervlak
Tiny hatchlings head for the surfacejw2019 jw2019
Duitsers ontvang blomme op pad na die slagveld
Germans receiving flowers on their way to warjw2019 jw2019
Jesus is weldra op pad na Judea se hoofstad, Jerusalem, vir die Pasga van 31 G.J.
Soon Jesus is on his way to Judea’s principal city, Jerusalem, for the Passover of 31 C.E.jw2019 jw2019
▪ Wat herhaal Jesus op pad terug na Kapernaüm, en wat is die reaksie daarop?
On the return to Capernaum, what teaching does Jesus repeat, and how is it received?jw2019 jw2019
Hier kan ek jou nie los nie, want ek is klaar op pad East London toe.
I can’t leave you here because already I am on my way to East London.Literature Literature
Op pad Mogale toe sê Emma: “Dit is nie toevallig nie, Lemmer.”
On the way, Emma said, ‘This is no coincidence, Lemmer.’Literature Literature
JESUS is spoedig weer op pad, en hy onderrig van stad tot stad en van dorp tot dorp.
SOON Jesus is on the road again, teaching from city to city and from village to village.jw2019 jw2019
* * * In die drukgang van die R44, op pad na Alibi se kantore, is sy kop in neutraal.
In the bottleneck of the R44, on the way to the Alibi offices, his brain was in neutral.Literature Literature
“Waarheen is jy op pad?”
“Where are you going?”nalibali nalibali
Slaan ag op Salomo se raad: “Weet waarheen jy op pad is.”—Spreuke 4:26, Contemporary English Version.
Heed Solomon’s advice: “Know where you are headed.” —Proverbs 4:26, Contemporary English Version.jw2019 jw2019
By een woonstelblok het ons uitgevind dat die polisie op pad is.
At one apartment house, we learned that the police were on the way.jw2019 jw2019
Maar nou, gerig deur die heilige gees, is hy op pad na Jerusalem.
But now, directed by holy spirit, he is on his way to Jerusalem.jw2019 jw2019
Op pad na Kasselsvleiweg sien hy die Cape Times se plakkaat: MAUSER: UK PSYCHIC FLIES IN TO HELP.
On the way to Kasselsvlei Road he saw the Cape Times poster: MAUSER: UK PSYCHIC FLIES IN TO HELP.Literature Literature
Ons is reguit op pad na die kanaal tussen Branca eiland en die vasteland.
We're heading straight for the channel between Branca Island and the mainland.QED QED
“Jou ouers is op pad”, het hy gesê toe hy terugkom.
“Your parents are on the way down,” he said when he returned.jw2019 jw2019
Hulle was op pad om ’n afgesonderde bedienaar te gaan besoek.
They were on their way to visit an isolated minister.jw2019 jw2019
Op pad sien hulle twee valke, ’n paar voëlneste en ’n klein muisie.
On their way they saw two hawks, some birds’ nests and a tiny mouse.nalibali nalibali
Op pad soontoe het hy ’n vrou by Jakob se fontein naby die stad Sigar in Samaria teëgekom.
On the way, he met a woman at Jacob’s fountain near the city of Sychar in Samaria.jw2019 jw2019
1825 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.