pretoria oor Engels


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Hulle het ’n suksesvolle byeenkoms gehad wat deur sowat 15 000 bygewoon is, sonder enige inmenging van Pretoria.
They had a successful convention with some 15,000 in attendance and no interference from Pretoria.

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Afrikaans - Engels


capital of South Africa
Hulle het ’n suksesvolle byeenkoms gehad wat deur sowat 15 000 bygewoon is, sonder enige inmenging van Pretoria.
They had a successful convention with some 15,000 in attendance and no interference from Pretoria.

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Gretel van Rooyen, professor in plantkunde aan die Universiteit van Pretoria, het onlangs ’n navorsingsekspedisie gelei om ’n verklaring vir die bestaan van die sirkels te probeer vind.
Professor of botany Gretel van Rooyen of the University of Pretoria, South Africa, led a recent research effort to try to understand the circles.jw2019 jw2019
Hierdie herberg vir haweloses in Pretoria was voorheen ’n treinstasie
A former railway station was converted into a hostel for the homeless in Pretoria, South Africajw2019 jw2019
Toe het Charles en Lorraine my een Sondag genooi om saam met hulle na ’n Bybeldrama te gaan kyk wat deur Getuies van Jehovah by hulle jaarlikse streekbyeenkoms in Pretoria opgevoer sou word.
Then one Sunday, Charles and Lorraine invited me to accompany them to see a Bible drama enacted by Jehovah’s Witnesses at their annual district convention in Pretoria.jw2019 jw2019
Sheila is die eienaar van African Jewels in Pretoria, ’n besigheid wat juweliersware vervaardig en uitvoer.
Sheila is the owner of African Jewels in Pretoria, a business that manufactures and exports jewelry.Literature Literature
Probleme en vooruitgang in Pretoria
Problems and Progress in Pretoriajw2019 jw2019
“Ballistiese ouens in Pretoria spring rond, kolonel.
“The ballistics guys in Pretoria are on the jump, Colonel.Literature Literature
Elize kry Sheldean nie by een van die 37 ander inwoners van hulle kommune in Pretoria Tuine nie.
Elize couldn’t find her with any one of the thirty-seven other residents at their commune in Pretoria Gardens.Literature Literature
Hulle het die betrokke bestuurder gaan spreek, maar hom nie vertel van die vergadering met die minister in Pretoria nie.
They saw the director in charge, but they did not tell him about the meeting with the minister in Pretoria.jw2019 jw2019
Nadat ek in Pretoria gedien en die nodige ondervinding opgedoen het, is ek genooi om ’n spesiale pionier te word.
After serving in Pretoria and getting needed experience, I was invited to become a special pioneer.jw2019 jw2019
In 1931 was daar in Pretoria en omgewing vyf Koninkryksverkondigers.
Back in 1931 there were five Kingdom proclaimers in the vicinity of Pretoria.jw2019 jw2019
Die plaaslike belangstelling het gegroei, en ons was weldra ’n voortreflike groep van 13 broers en susters —die eerste groep Getuies noord van Pretoria.
The local interest developed, and we soon had a fine group of 13 brothers and sisters —the first Witness group north of Pretoria.jw2019 jw2019
Pa het besef watter gevaar dit inhou en ons gesin vir kajuitraad byeengeroep en besluit om die onderneming te verkoop en na Pretoria te trek sodat ons meer in Jehovah se diens kon doen.
Seeing the danger, Father called a family conference and decided to sell the business and move to Pretoria so that we could do more in Jehovah’s service.jw2019 jw2019
In 2001 is nog ’n saal in Midrand, tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg, voltooi.
In 2001 still another hall was completed at Midrand, between Pretoria and Johannesburg.jw2019 jw2019
Wat kan ek sê oor die Polisiekollege in Pretoria?
What can I tell you about Police College in Pretoria?Literature Literature
Naderhand is die hele Pretoria op hol.
The whole of Pretoria was up in arms.Literature Literature
Pretoria is baie besig,” sê die man.
Pretoria is very busy, the man said.Literature Literature
Ek weet nie waarom sy nie weggetrek het Pretoria toe nie, want haar ouers en haar vriende was daar.
I don’t know why she didn’t move to Pretoria: her parents and her friends were there.Literature Literature
Daarbenewens het ’n Swart broer, Hamilton Kaphwitti Maseko, my elke Sondagaand gehelp om hierdie lesings met ’n kragtige transkripsiemasjien op Kerkplein, in die hartjie van Pretoria, uit te saai.
In addition to this, an African brother, Hamilton Kaphwitti Maseko, used to help me every Sunday evening to transmit these lectures by means of a powerful transcription machine on Church Square, the very heart of Pretoria.jw2019 jw2019
Jy sien, ons was vir alle praktiese doeleindes in Pretoria ’n paartjie.
You see, we were, for all practical purposes, a couple in Pretoria.Literature Literature
Hy het dit aan sy hoofkantoor in Pretoria gerapporteer, en die Departement van Bantoesake het die bespreking onmiddellik gekanselleer en gesê dat die Getuies nie ’n “erkende godsdiens” is nie.
He reported it to his headquarters in Pretoria, and the Bantu Affairs Department promptly canceled the booking, stating that the Witnesses are not a “recognized religion.”jw2019 jw2019
Pastoor Philip Kruger, herder vir vele in die Pretoria Sentrale Gevangenis, het Andrew Jordaan onder sy vlerk geneem.
Pastor Philip Kruger, minister to many in the Pretoria Central Prison, took Andrew Jordaan under his wing.Literature Literature
In 1903 is ’n diamantmyn sowat 30 kilometer oos van Pretoria geopen.
In 1903 a diamond mine began to function about 20 miles [30 km] east of Pretoria, South Africa.jw2019 jw2019
Gevolglik was William en Robert die enigste blankes wat toegelaat is in Silkaats se kraal, waar die stad Pretoria nou is.
As a result, William and Robert were the only whites allowed into Mzilikazi’s kraal, where the city of Pretoria, South Africa, now stands.jw2019 jw2019
Vier dae vroeër het Piet sy pa in die HF Verwoerd-hospitaal in Pretoria laat opneem.
Four days earlier Piet had his father admitted to the HF Verwoerd Hospital in Pretoria.Literature Literature
Laasgenoemde afdeling was hoofsaaklik gemoeid met wagdiens en hand-hawing van wet en orde in die Pretoria-gebied.
The garrison division of the corps was mainly concerned with guarding and law and order duties in the Pretoria area.Literature Literature
59 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.