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Wanneer sal ons weer'n koning hê,'n koning wat die vryheid van die Hongare respekteer?
When will we have a king again... a king that respects the freedom of the Hungary people?


Die dokters het teësinnig ingestem om my wense te respekteer.
The doctors reluctantly agreed to abide by my wishes.



abide by

Die dokters het teësinnig ingestem om my wense te respekteer.
The doctors reluctantly agreed to abide by my wishes.

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Daar leer hulle om die Bybel en Bybellektuur te gebruik en te respekteer.
There, they learn to use and respect the Bible and Bible-based literature.jw2019 jw2019
“Nou”, gaan hy voort, “respekteer ons en my ouers mekaar.
“Now,” he continues, “we and my parents respect one another.jw2019 jw2019
Hoe gerusstellend en bemoedigend is dit vir julle wanneer verantwoordelike, medelydende dokters julle keuse van behandeling respekteer!
How reassuring and comforting it is for you when responsible, compassionate doctors respect your choice of treatment!jw2019 jw2019
Hoewel sy toestand ernstig was en party dokters gemeen het dat ’n bloedoortapping noodsaaklik is om sy lewe te red, was die mediese personeel bereid om sy wense te respekteer.
Although his condition was serious and some doctors felt that to save his life, blood transfusion was necessary, the medical staff was prepared to honor his wishes.jw2019 jw2019
14 Respekteer ek die Bybel se sedelike standaarde en het ek dit lief?
14 Do I respect and love the Bible’s moral standards?jw2019 jw2019
“Dis moeilik om jou geloof te verduidelik aan mense wat die Bybel nie respekteer nie”, sê sy, “maar as jy dit doen, help dit jou om jou eie standpunt beter te verstaan.”—Romeine 12:2.
“It’s hard to explain your faith to people who don’t respect the Bible,” she says, “but it helps you to understand your own position better.” —Romans 12:2.jw2019 jw2019
Of sal jy sy reg om jou aanbod te weier, respekteer en besef dat hy heel moontlik sy geld nodig het of die risiko’s in ’n ernstiger lig beskou as jy?
Or would you respect his right to decline your offer, realizing that he may well need his funds or may assess the risks as more serious than you do?jw2019 jw2019
Party reageer gunstig, terwyl ander nie ons vorm van aanbidding verstaan of respekteer nie.
Some respond favorably, while others neither understand nor appreciate our form of worship.jw2019 jw2019
As hy te siek is om dit te doen, moet jy sy geskrewe wense en die gesag van sy naasbestaande of gesondheidsorgverteenwoordiger respekteer.
If he is too ill to do so, honor his previously written wishes and the authority of his next of kin or health-care agent.jw2019 jw2019
As “’n deugsame vrou” wat Jehovah vrees, sal sy nietemin haar man respekteer en haar gawes gebruik om hom te komplementeer, nie om met hom mee te ding nie.
Nevertheless, as “a capable wife” who fears Jehovah, she would respect her husband and use her gifts to complement him, not to compete with him.jw2019 jw2019
4:11). Toon persoonlike belangstelling in ander, maar doen dit op maniere wat hulle privaatheid respekteer en hulle nie hulle waardigheid ontneem nie.
4:11) Show personal interest in others, but do so in ways that respect their privacy and that do not take away their dignity.jw2019 jw2019
7:7). Hy was vergenoeg om Jehovah sonder ’n vrou te dien, maar hy het ander se reg gerespekteer om ’n huwelikslewe te geniet.
7:7) He was content to serve Jehovah without a wife, but he respected the right of others to enjoy marriage.jw2019 jw2019
Die feit dat die een wat iemand onopsetlik doodgemaak het, sy huis moes verlaat en na ’n vrystad moes vlug en ’n tyd lank daar moes bly, leer ons dat lewe heilig is en dat ons dit moet respekteer.
The fact that an unintentional manslayer had to leave his home and flee to a city of refuge for a period of time teaches us that life is sacred and that we must have respect for it.jw2019 jw2019
Op ’n tydstip toe nasionalisme hoog geloop het, het min verwag dat die godsdiensvryheid van ’n redelik onbekende godsdiensminderheid gerespekteer sou word.
At a time when nationalism was running strong, few expected that the religious freedom of a mostly unknown religious minority would be respected.jw2019 jw2019
Ongeag hoe sterk elkeen oor sy standpunt gevoel het, almal daar het God se Woord gerespekteer, en hierdie heilige geskrifte het die sleutel tot die beslegting van die geskil bevat.—Lees Psalm 119:97-101.
As strongly as each participant felt about his point of view, all present respected God’s Word, and those holy writings held the key to resolving the issue. —Read Psalm 119:97-101.jw2019 jw2019
Kinders kan hulle deel doen deur die hotel se eiendom te respekteer en reëls in verband met die gebruik van die swembad en ander fasiliteite te gehoorsaam.
Children can do their part by showing respect for hotel property and by obeying rules governing the use of the swimming pool and other facilities.jw2019 jw2019
Ek het hulle gerespekteer, en hulle het van my gehou.”
I respected them, and they liked me.”jw2019 jw2019
Dit het my gehelp om hom te respekteer.”
That helped me to respect him.”jw2019 jw2019
Al was hy nie ’n Jood nie, het die Jode hom gerespekteer.
Although he was not a Jew, the Jews respected him.jw2019 jw2019
Om hulle te help, het hy Griekse digters aangehaal wat hulle geken en gerespekteer het. Hierdie digters het eweneens gesê: “Want ons is ook sy geslag.”
To aid them, he quoted some Greek poets whom they knew and respected, which poets had similarly said: “For we are also his progeny.”jw2019 jw2019
Probeer jou maat se standpunt insien, en respekteer die feit dat jou maat sy of haar eie verhouding met die kind het.
Try to see your spouse’s point of view, and respect the fact that your spouse has his or her own relationship with the child.jw2019 jw2019
Hoe kan sy sy belangstelling in die Bybel wek en terselfdertyd sy gevoelens en opinies respekteer?
How can she arouse his curiosity about the Bible while at the same time respect his feelings and opinions?jw2019 jw2019
18 Dit is ook gepas om die regterlike beslissings van die ouere manne te respekteer.
18 It is also proper to respect the judicial decisions of the elders.jw2019 jw2019
Maar begryplikerwyse word baie afgestoot deur enige soort dierelyding, en ons respekteer beslis hulle gevoelens in hierdie opsig.—RED.
But, understandably, many are repulsed by any sort of animal suffering, and we certainly respect their feelings in this regard. —ED.jw2019 jw2019
Ware Christene respekteer gesag, sowel die absolute gesag van God as die relatiewe gesag van mense
True Christians respect authority, both the absolute authority of God and the relative authority of humansjw2019 jw2019
202 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.