ryp oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Afrikaans - Engels


'n Groen piesang is nie ryp genoeg om te eet nie.
A green banana isn't ripe enough to eat.


Wat het ons nodig om geestelik ryp te word en ons geestelikheid in stand te hou?
What do we need in order to mature and to maintain our spirituality?


A deposit of interlocking ice crystals formed by direct sublimation on objects.(Source: MGH)
Reën, ys en ryp het nie ’n menslike vader of ontwerper nie.
Rain, ice, and frost have no human father or originator.





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Vertalings in die woordeboek Afrikaans - Engels


verb noun
coating or deposit of ice that may form in humid air in cold conditions, usually overnight
Reën, ys en ryp het nie ’n menslike vader of ontwerper nie.
Rain, ice, and frost have no human father or originator.

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Vandag stel Jehovah se organisasie onvolmaakte mense aan om raad te gee, wat ryp Christene geredelik aanvaar en toepas.
(2 Samuel 12:1-13; 2 Chronicles 26:16-20) Today, Jehovah’s organization appoints imperfect men to offer counsel, and mature Christians gladly accept it and apply it.jw2019 jw2019
Daar is honderde stalletjies en smouse al langs die strate met hulle goedere: hopies rooi en groen brandrissies, mandjies vol ryp tamaties, hope okra, asook radio’s, sambrele, koekies seep, pruike, kookgereedskap en tweedehandse skoene en klere.
Hundreds of stalls and vendors line the streets with their goods: heaps of red and green chilies, baskets of ripe tomatoes, mounds of okra, as well as radios, umbrellas, bars of soap, wigs, cooking utensils, and piles of secondhand shoes and clothes.jw2019 jw2019
Selfs die apostel Paulus—’n ryp Christen—het eerlik erken: “Wanneer ek wil doen wat reg is, is die slegte by my aanwesig” (Romeine 7:21).
Even the apostle Paul —a mature Christian— candidly admitted: “When I wish to do what is right, what is bad is present with me.”jw2019 jw2019
Sal dit jou nie help as jy ’n ryp Christen nader wat jy in jou vertroue kan neem nie?
Would it not help to find a mature Christian in whom you can confide?jw2019 jw2019
As ’n siek persoon dit moeilik vind om sy Bybelse standpunt aan ’n geneesheer of terapeut te verduidelik, kan ’n ryp Christen hom miskien bystaan.
If an ill one has difficulty explaining his Bible-based stand to a physician or therapist, perhaps some mature Christian can assist him.jw2019 jw2019
Vandag is daar geestelike ryp ouer manne in die Christengemeente.
Today, in the Christian congregation, there are spiritually mature older men, or elders.jw2019 jw2019
• Hoe lei ryp geestelike herders ander op?
• How do mature spiritual shepherds train others?jw2019 jw2019
Wat sal gebeur wanneer die tyd ryp is vir Jehovah om sy oordeel te voltrek?
What will happen when the time is ripe for Jehovah to execute his judgment?jw2019 jw2019
Ongeag wat ons persoonlike voorkeure in dié verband is, ons moet besef dat ander ryp Christene se beskouings van ons s’n kan verskil.—Romeine 14:3, 4.
Whatever our personal preferences in this regard may be, we should recognize that other mature Christians may have viewpoints different from our own. —Romans 14:3, 4.jw2019 jw2019
□ Watter raad het ek gekry by geestelike ryp persone wat al in ’n ander land gewoon het?—Spreuke 1:5.
□ What advice have I received from mature people who have lived abroad? —Proverbs 1:5.jw2019 jw2019
Net so het ’n Bybelstudent ’n formeler en gereelder studie nodig om ’n ryp kneg van God te word.—Heb.
Similarly, a Bible student needs a more formal and regular study in order to develop into a mature servant of God. —Heb.jw2019 jw2019
Aangesien selfondersoek geneig is om eensydig te wees, is dit verstandig om na die onbevooroordeelde mening van ryp mede-Christene te luister.
(James 1:19) Since self-examination tends to be subjective, it is wise to listen to the objective words of mature fellow Christians.jw2019 jw2019
□ Watter uitdaging in verband met Christelike rypheid moet elke kneg van Jehovah onder die oë sien?
□ What challenge involving Christian maturity should each servant of Jehovah seriously consider?jw2019 jw2019
26 Ja, selfs in hierdie tyd word julle ryp, vanweë julle moorde en julle aontug en goddeloosheid, vir ewige vernietiging; ja, en tensy julle bekeer, sal dit gou na julle kom.
26 Yea, even at this time ye are ripening, because of your murders and your afornication and wickedness, for everlasting destruction; yea, and except ye repent it will come unto you soon.LDS LDS
Waarmee hou rypheid nog verband?
To what else is maturity related?jw2019 jw2019
Die oorryp vrugte wat grond toe val, is vir hulle ’n oorvloedige bron van suikerenergie.
The overripe fruit that falls to the ground provides them a plentiful source of sugary energy.jw2019 jw2019
In Swede word hulle gewoonlik in Augustus ryp, vroeg in die Nordiese herfs.
In Sweden they usually ripen in August, when the Nordic autumn closes in.jw2019 jw2019
Menige “vaderlose seun” het later ’n gebalanseerde gesinshoof geword danksy die liefdevolle belangstelling wat deur ’n ryp Christenvolwassene getoon is.—Psalm 82:3, NW.
(Isaiah 32:1) Many a “fatherless boy” has blossomed into a balanced family head as a result of the loving interest shown by a mature Christian adult. —Psalm 82:3.jw2019 jw2019
In die immer groeiende aardse deel van God se organisasie is daar voortdurend ’n behoefte aan ryp manne wat bereid is om as ouer manne en bedieningsknegte in die gemeentes regoor die wêreld te dien.
In the ever-expanding earthly part of God’s organization, there is an ongoing need for mature men who are willing to serve as elders and ministerial servants in the congregations worldwide.jw2019 jw2019
Maar gedurende die maande voor 1 Oktober 1972 sou verantwoordelike, ryp manne in elke gemeente die name van diegene wat aangestel kon word om as ’n liggaam van ouere manne te dien (en die name van diegene wat as bedieningsknegte kon dien) aan die Genootskap voorlê.
But during the months leading up to October 1, 1972, responsible, mature men in each congregation would recommend to the Society for appointment the names of those who would serve as a body of elders (and the names of those who would serve as ministerial servants).jw2019 jw2019
Terselfdertyd het hulle geduldig saam met Gresham Kwazizirah, ’n ryp plaaslike Getuie, gewerk om die honderde wat met die gemeentes wou assosieer te help insien dat geslagsonsedelikheid, drankmisbruik en bygelowigheid geen plek in die lewe van Jehovah se Getuies het nie.—1 Kor.
At the same time, they worked patiently, along with Gresham Kwazizirah, a mature local Witness, to help the hundreds who wanted to associate with the congregations to appreciate that sexual immorality, abuse of alcoholic drinks, and superstition could have no place in the lives of Jehovah’s Witnesses.—1 Cor.jw2019 jw2019
Hierdie voorsiening sluit etlike honderde ryp, ervare broers in wat ‘as herders na die kuddes omsien’ deur as kring- en streekopsieners, asook op Takkomitees by die Wagtoringgenootskap se 98 takke te dien (Jesaja 61:5).
(Ephesians 4:8, 11, 12) Included in this provision are many hundreds of mature, experienced brothers who share in ‘shepherding the flocks,’ serving as circuit and district overseers and on Branch Committees at the Watch Tower Society’s 98 branches.jw2019 jw2019
Die doel wat hy nagejaag het, was nie bloot Christelike rypheid of bevoegdheid vir ’n sekere amp nie, maar dit was iets groters.
(Philippians 3:14) The goal he was pursuing was not just Christian maturity or qualification for a certain position, but it was something greater.jw2019 jw2019
Is die kneg van Jehovah bereid en gretig om die verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar wat op ’n ryp, geestelike persoon neerkom?
Is Jehovah’s servant willing and eager to accept the responsibility that comes with being a full-grown, mature spiritual person?jw2019 jw2019
Praat met jou ouers en ander mense wat geestelik ryp is, oor jou probleme.
Talk to your parents and other mature people about your problems.jw2019 jw2019
201 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.