kamuy oor Engels


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"kamuy" is the ainu word for "deity"
Sao Mai Martinez


Glosbe Research

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Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 1 ne ene iki wa an pe a= ne hi ka a= eramiskari no, 2 poro cise or_ ta yayesikarun =an. 3 matkaci a= ne hine an =an pe ne ruwe ne h_ine, 4 nen i= epakasnu ka somo ki korka, 5 nep ne ruwe ne ya muye a= kar wa, 6 parka esik wa okay pe, 7 yayesikarun =an h_i orano a= rapte. 8 ni a= kor a= otkeotke wa a= rapte wa 9 wor a= omare wa a= huraye wa, 10 nen i= epakasnu somo ki korka, 11 ape a= ari. 12 ni poronno sem or_ ta okay pe ne kus, 13 ape a= ari wa a= supa wa a= e kor 14 keraan h_ike a= e kor an =an. 15 oraun so noski pakno tumun rikin wa an pe ne kusu, 16 orano tumun ... nep *aeyay ... NANI TUKAUMONODEMO ARUKARA 17 konto, nep aeyayramekotep ne yakka okay pe ne kusu, 18 ani a= ninpa wa soy a= omare wa soy a= omare. 19 cise onnay ka pirkano a= kar. 20 orano mintar or ka mun sak no pirkano an =an kuni ne cise okari muni a= kar. 21 nep aeyayramekotep ne yakka okay pe ne kusu, 22 cise onnay un... ka pirkano a= kar. 23 cise okari ka mun_ sak no a= kar wa pirkano an =an kuni ne h_ike, 24 nay or un ka pirkano sirotuye =an wa, 25 nay or un wakkata =an yakka kusawawa(?) wen kikir oka wa a= sitoma p ne kusu, 26 orowa pirkano sirotuye =an, sepno ki wa, 27 nay or un ka sirkerkeri =an wa mun sak no a= kar wa an =an. 28 orano nen i= epakasnu somo ki p ne korka, 29 cise okari nep mun ne ruwe ne ya oka wa, 30 a= kar wa a= supa wa a= e wa keraan h_ike a= e, 31 kera isam h_ike a= osurpa, 32 pirka h_ike a= e kor, 33 sirsak kor orano newaoka parka ta oka, 34 nep ne ruwe ne ya a= eramiskari pa p a= rapte wa wor a= omare, 35 a= huraypa wa nea ... 36 newaoka kina ne ya a= kopoye wa a= supa wa a= e kor an =an ayne 37 tantane pon poro =an nennen ruwe ne a p, 38 esoyne aynu humas kus soyne =an ruwe ne akus, 39 hure kosonte utomciwre 40 okkaypo sekor a= ye p ne noyne an, 1/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 41 aynu nukar ka a= eramiskari p, 42 okkaypo sekor a= ye p ne noyne an okkaypo soy ta an h_i kusu, 43 nep ka a= ye somo ki no ahun =an h_ine an =an ruwe ne akus, 44 i= os ahun h_ine i= erankarap ru[we ne]. 45 korka aynu nukar ka a= eramiskari p ne korka i= erankarap yakka, 46 ene a= ramu h_i ka isam no 47 an =an hine ora suke =an h_ine a= ipere akusu, 48 i= kasuy ipe hine rewsi =an akusu, 49 ora neun ka arpa p ne kunak a= ramu a p, 50 neun ka arpa ka somo ki no 51 ekimne akusu, 52 ora nep ne ruwe ne se wa iwak, 53 "tap anak yuk sekor a= ye p ne ruwe ne wa, 54 tap neno a= kar wa a= supa wa a= e p ne na." 55 sekor hawean kor, 56 ene a= supa kuni i= epakasnu hine 57 supa hine i= ere akusu keraan. 58 tanepo pirka ipe a= ki p ne kus keraan hine ipe =an. 59 orano neun ka arpa ka somo ki no, 60 orano neno ekimne kor, 61 yuk ne ciki kamuy ne ciki nuwe koan wa, 62 "tap neno kamuy anak a= hopunpare. 63 tap anak yuk sekor a= ye p ne. 64 tap neno a= hopunpare. 65 isepo ka cironnup ka tap neno tap neno a= hopunpare p ne na." 66 sekor hawean kor i= epakasnu kor oka =an. 67 ora aynu ene iki pa kuni i= epakasnu. 68 nen a= nukar ka somo ki p ne ka 69 a= sapaha kar_ ne ya a= nanuhu kar_ ne ya ki wa, 70 aynu ene iki pa kuni, 71 "aynu anak tap neno tap neno iki pa p ne na." 72 sekor hawean kor i= epakasnu kor orano oka =an ruwe ne. 73 pak ison kur isam kur_ ne p ne kusu, 74 nep a= e rusuy ka somo ki no, 75 hoka unno kirpu orastomnemne korka, 76 aynu ne ruwe he ne ya nep ne ruwe ne ya, 77 mipihi yakka somo ki no ramma uneno kane mipihi an pe ne korka, 78 nen ka i= ye hene i= kar hene ki ka somo ki p ne kus, 79 a= sitoma ka somo ki no, 80 a= yupi kor kur [ne] an =an pe ne a p, 2/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 81 a= yupi kor kur_ ne y_ak ye p ne kusu ki kor oka =an pe ne ruwe ne a p, 82 sineanta, tane sitcuk kopak an h_ine, 83 rapokke sineanto sini hine ora, 84 "a= kor pon menoko, somo i= ewtanne rusuy ruwe h_e an?" 85 sekor hawean korka, 86 nep ka a= ye ka somo ki no soyne =an akus 87 okake ta ay kar kor an hawe an ne a p soyne =an hine 88 nina =an hine nisike =an. 89 re pa ka an kor ora hawean ne p ne kusu, 90 nisike =an h_ine hosipi =an ... 91 ponno upas ... ponno ponno upas as as kane hine, 92 nea i= ekari hure poro seta hoyupu, ek 93 orano i= okari mik kor i= okari earkinne a= eohaysitoma 94 seta ka nep ka isam pe ne a p, 95 "hinak wa ek seta ene iki h_i an?" 96 sekor yaynu =an. 97 ka ta(?) somo turano an =an pe seta ne hine, 98 "aynu ne yaykar wa ne ya?" 99 sekor kewtum or_ ta yaynu =an. 100 seta ka nep ka isam pe, 101 konto sikrapparappa =an akusu oar isam h_ine, 102 oraun cise soy ta ek =an ruwe ne akusu, 103 sem or un upas ponno ponno upas as pe ne kusu rerap(?) as pe ne kus, 104 sem apapa ta seta ru sitcininanina korka 105 ora ekuskonna ahun ka a= etoranne kusu, 106 hine ora ipuyaroposore =an akusu ay kar kor an. 107 suy aynu ne hine ki kor an h_i kusu, 108 ora soy ta a= nisike a= esirkopaste hine 109 nep ka a= ye a= ye pekor hawean =an kor an =an ayne ahun =an korka, 110 a= sitoma katun ki ka ... yakka wen wa kusu, 111 a= sitoma katun ki ka somo ki no ora suke =an. 112 nen ka suy ipe =an. 113 orowa kuneywa ekimne hine isam. 114 ekimne hine isam ruwe ne. okake ta an =an akusu 115 tononoski paki peka esoyne aynu hum as kusu soyne =an akus, 116 konto tanpe or_ ta anak aynu sekor a= ye p ne noyne an 117 okkaypo ka utarpake sekor a= ye p ne noyne okkaypo, soy ta an h_ine, 118 ora nep ka ye somo ki no ahun =an akus, 119 i= os ahun h_ine i= erankarap ruwe ne hine, 120 ora i= kowepekennu hi kus, 3/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 121 "tapne kane aynu ne ruwe he ne ya nep ne ruwe ne ya a= erampewtek, 122 hure kosonte utomciwre okkaypo ek wa, 123 tane re pa ka turano an =an korka, 124 nen ka i= ye ka somo ki no, 125 aynu ene iki pa kuni i= epakasnu. 126 a= nanuhu ka kar a= sapaha ka kar. 127 sorekusu ne ene iki wa an pe a= ne ru an h_i ka a= erampewtek no, 128 so noski pakno tumun an wa soy a= o ne ya 129 sintoko ne ya soy a= o wa a= huraypa. 130 ene teeta o ikiri an h_i neno a= kar wa an =an wa an =an akus, 131 oro ta ahun h_ine an pe ne h_ine, 132 tane re pa ka an a p, 133 numan ne sini hine, 134 'uewtanne =an ciki mak ne ruwe an?' 135 sekor hawean korka, 136 tasaitak =an h_ene ki ka somo ki no, 137 ora nina =an kusu soyne =an h_ine 138 nina =an h_ine a= se h_ine iwak =an akus, 139 seta ka nep ka isam pe, 140 poro hure seta i= ekari arpa, 141 orano i= ekari i= emik kor terketerke. 142 ne rapokkehe ponno sikrapparappa =an h_e ki akusu 143 oar isam h_ine, 144 oraun ek =an akus upas ka ta nep ne kusu seta ru sitcininanina h_ine, 145 ek =an akus sem or_ ta ka seta ru an yakun anakne 146 aynu ne ru somo ne kuni a= ramu h_i kusu 147 oraun ahun =an ka nisap ahun ka a= etoranne kus, 148 ay kar kor an pe kus, 149 soy ta nep ka a= ye a= ye pekor hawean kor, 150 ni a= esirkopaste hine a= ki kor an =an ayne ahun =an korka, 151 a= sitoma katun ki yakka wen wa kus, 152 a= sitoma katun ki ka somo ki no suke =an h_ine, 153 nen ka i= sisitomare hene ki ka somo ki p ne kus, 154 suke =an h_ine ukasuy ipe =an tek, 155 esir ka a= ki hine ora ekimne hine isam ruwe ne." 156 sekor hawean =an ruwe ne akus, 157 nea okkaypo ene hawean h_i. 158 "Yupet emko kor nispa a= ona an h_ine 159 a= yupihi tun an, a= turesi tun an h_ine oka =an wa, 160 a= ponturesihi ne ene iki wa isam h_i ka a= erampewtek. 4/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 161 orowano a= hunara yakka wen. 162 ora seta poronno okay pe ne a p, 163 oro ta hure poro seta a= kor pe ne a p, 164 konto seta utar wenkoykikar wa 165 sorekusu kasi ta seta utar arukoterke eukaopiwki kor okay pe ne a p, 166 konto eun arpa wa isam hi ka a= erampewtek ne awa, 167 ne wen kamuy ne hawe ne nankor *tak ... 168 hetak e= suke wa ipe =an ciki, 169 ora ipe =an ciki oraun e p or surku e= omare wa e= anu yak pirka na. 170 ora iwak ciki iteki ... 171 hokure hokure e= ipere hokure hokure ipe kunak e= ye kor ki yak pirka na. 172 ora toma tuna corpok ta i= ka seske wa anu ... e= anu yak pirka na. 173 sironuman wa nen ka ossike arka h_ene ki yakun oro ta a= eraman nankor kusu 174 nen ka ne ciki ape e= ruyruyka p ne na." 175 sekor kane nea okkaypo hawean kor ipe hine, 176 ora toma tuna corpok ta kasi a= seske hine an =an. 177 rapokke iwak moyre, tanto or_ ta ki, 178 ipe =an pa *si ... p ne kusu, 179 ora tanto or_ ta iwak moyre hine iwak ki kusu, 180 "kamuy a= yupihi mak ki hine enepo iwak moyre. 181 iperusuy =an wa hoskino ipe =an ruwe ne." 182 sekor hawean =an. 183 earkinne a= eyaykopuntek pekor iki =an pe ne kusu, 184 mina tura mono a hine ipe. 185 a= koypuni hine ipe hine sine itanki tu itanki ipe kor rapokke mak a= *ye ... 186 yayunnatarare wa an h_i kusu, 187 "kamuy a= yupi mak ki h_ine yayunnatarare ruwe an?" 188 sekor hawean =an akusu, 189 "mak ki a= ossike arka pekor humas wa ne." 190 sekor, 191 "nep ka pawci a= omare ka somo ki. 192 hinta pawci a= omare 193 tane pakno a= yupi etok un suke =an wa ipe =an pa p, 194 hnta pawci a= omare hine mak ne hine ene ne hawean h_i an." 195 sekor hawean =an. 196 rapokke konto ape kohopi hokus h_ine hocikacika kor an, 197 rapokke ape homar kor 198 poro hure seta sara a= nukar_ 199 rapokke nea okkaypo ani kik kuni, kisma hum pirkano an, an cikuni tuye hine 200 kor wa an pe ne kus, 5/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 201 ani esapakokikkik hine kikkik hine rayke ruwe ne. 202 kopasrota a kopasrota a sorekus, 203 "wen kewtum kor wen_ sampe kor_ reyep anakne, 204 reyep sekor a= ye p anakne sorekusu kamuy oyakata pase p ne ya ka ya ka a= ye p, 205 ene an wen puri kor." 206 sekor hawean kor kopasrota kor esoyne osura hine, 207 ora asirkinne suy su a= huraye h_ine suke =an h_ine ipe =an h_ine, 208 ora hotke =an pa ruwe ne, 209 h_ine wentarap =an akusu, 210 ponpon okere hine iruska wa an h_ine ene hawean h_i. 211 "tan pon menoko e= ne wa itak =an ciki e= nu katu anak [ene an h_i]. 212 oyaciki kamuy resu wa 213 ohasir_ ta ciwente kotan or_ ta an pe e= ne aan h_ine, 214 ora Yupet emko kor_ nispa pon matnepo a= kateomare wa kusu, 215 neun a= ye yakka a= sinniwkeste a= ruska kusu a= rayke hine, 216 samam ni corpok a= omare ruwe ne a p, 217 orano seta utar eramuoka. 218 orano i= ka ta ukoyki pa, i= wenkoykikar pa wa, 219 an ka a= eaykap kusu, 220 inkar =an akus e= an ruwe a= nukar h_i kusu 221 e= poro a= e= porore yak ora mat ne a= e= kor_ rusuy kusu 222 e= or_ ta an =an wa re pa ka e= ka a= oyki kor oka =an ayne 223 tane e= poro ruwe ne yakun, 224 mat ne a= e= kor easkay kunak a= ramu kusu, 225 mat ne a= e= kor kuni a= e= ye korka, 226 nen ka a= e= kar h_ene ki ka somo ki no 227 e= nina kusu, e= ekimne akus 228 sorekusu kamuy i= koypak pe ne kusu, 229 seta a= ne p ne kus 230 e= ekari arpa =an wa a= e= sinetopanukare? ruwe ne hine, 231 e= eoaysitoma yakka e= eoaysitoma katun ka e= ... somo e= ki ruwe ne. 232 kamuy e= resu sorekusu kamuy resu p e= ne p ne kusu ki ruwe ne aan. 233 ora taan Yupet emko kor okkaypo anakne kamuy sasimi ne, 234 eani ka kamuy sasimi eci= ne wa eci= ukor ATARIMAE ne wa siran wa kusu, 235 ikayop takup se kane wa numan ek h_ine, 236 oyaciki nuynak wa an aan pe ya ka a= eramiskari no 237 a= i= rayke ruwe ne korka, 238 wenno eci= i= kar yakka neun nani eci= pirka ka somo ki p ne kus, 239 cananno poka seta oyakata eun arpa =an kuni eci= i= hopunpare wa eci= *ko ... kore yak, 240 ora eci= sama a= epunkine yakne 6/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 241 eci= sitoma ka nep eci= kor_ rusuy ka somo ki no, 242 ora tane Iskar emkoho supuya sak h_i 243 Yupet emko kor_ nispa pak kewtum pirka nispa isam pe ne kusu, 244 supuya sak yak wen sekor hawean kor_, 245 te ta kotan eci= kar wa eci= oka h_ine 246 asir aynu patek oka yakun, 247 *o ... inne kotan eci= ne yakka sorekusu kamuy or un ... 248 eci= sama a= epunkine p ne ruwe ne na 249 neno eci= iki wa eci= i= kore p ne na." 250 sekor wentarap =an ruwe ne a p, 251 nea okkaypo ka neno wentarap yak ye kor, 252 ora tori hine oraun 253 "arpa =an a= ona eun a= ye ora ek =an pe ne." 254 sekor hawean kor arpa wa isam ruwe ne 255 sorekus, rik un kakenca ranke kakenca erewewse kane, 256 ineapkusun a= onaha ne yakka nispa ne p ne aan wa siran y_a ka a= eramiskari. 257 a= unu ne yakka sino katkemat ne a ruwe ne noyne siran pe ne kusu, 258 nep ka a= kar ka erampewtek. 259 nen i= epakasnu apekor kemeyki ne ya nep ne ya, 260 ineapkusun a= easkay wa iki =an y_a ka a= eramiskari kor an pe a= ne p ne kusu, 261 ora nea okkaypo arpa hine isam ruwe ne akusu, 262 tutko rerko ne kor poro yupihi saha ne yak ki p tura wa ek 263 orano sorekusu i= kewehomsu pa kor ki ruwe ne h_ine, 264 ora moyono aynu tura wa arki pa hine kotan kar pa hine, 265 oro ta oka =an ruwe ne. 266 nep a= e rusuy nep a= kor_ rusuy somo ki no oka =an. 267 orano easir ki. 268 ora nea seta anakne cananno poka a= hopunire kunak ye p ne kusu, 269 seta oyakata eun arpare kuni yere a sinne noyne, 270 inawke a inawke a hine inaw kor ene haw turano hopunire hine orano okake ta oka =an. 271 nep a= e rusuy nep a= kor_ rusuy somo ki no oka =an 272 rapokke ar suy ne poka ne a= siwtoutari oro ta arpa =an wa inkar =an rusuy kusu, 273 ne a= hekote nispa a= siren h_ine, 274 posak =an h_ine, 275 arpa =an rusuy pe ne kusu a= tura hine arpa =an h_ine, 276 orano Yupet emko kor_ nispa sorekus i= tamkasure i= tamtespare kor 277 i= kewehomsu ruwe ne. 278 "a= kor nispa kotanuhu pa oyan yak a= ye yakun, 279 nep ka isam ruwe ne kunak a= ramu wa kusu, 280 a= kor katkemat kamuy resu wa an aan wa, 7/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 281 kamuy renkayne a= poho arpa wa ne ruwe ne yakun, 282 a= utarihi nimari Iskar emko a= payere rusuy kusu 283 paye wa uekotanne pa ruwe ne kusu, 284 apunno oka =an yak pirka." 285 sekor Yupet emko kor_ nispa hawean h_ine 286 orano hosippa =an orano oka =an orano oka =an. 287 sorekusu kotan kor ... 288 i= ekotanne utar yayipere eaykap pa p, 289 a= ipere pa a= i= korpare pa. 290 coypep ne ya a= onaha nuwe koan. 291 coypep utar a= ukowsaraye pa a= utari utar ki wa, upakno uneno coypep ka a= ukowsaraye pa. 292 nep a= e rusuy nep a= kor_ rusuy somo ki no, 293 a= kotanu un katkemat utar i= o katkemat usi pa kor ki pa. 294 sake a= kor kor, Yupet emko un a= hekote nispa iaskeuk wa, ikutaspa utar arki kusu, 295 sine apa ne, sine utar_ ne ukar =an kor oka =an ayne 296 sorekus posiresitte =an. 297 a= utari hene yakka posiresitte. 298 ora onne utar_ ray ... 299 ray kor esipinpa pa kuni p a= kar wa a= se h_i an ne ya somo apkas =an yakka ki ayne, 300 tane a= siwtoutari ka onne wa isam pa yak a= ye h_ike ka, 301 asinuma anak pokoinne =an. 302 apkas ka a= eaykap yakka, 303 a= hekote nispa anakne sine cup ta arsuy ka arpa ranke kor oka =an ayne, 304 tane a= siwtoutari ka isam yak a= ye okake ta, 305 a= onautari a= nurappa wa 306 sinrit or_ ta mippo ka a= onautari ikoytupa somo ki kuni ne iki kor oka =an ayne, 307 tane onne =an pa siri ene an h_i kusu, 308 a= eysoytak sekor sino katkemat hawean sekor. 8/8
Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 1 I don’t know why it happened, 2 but as long as I remember, I lived in a big house. 3 I was a girl. 4 Nobody really taught me, 5 [but I have memories of] taking things bundled 6 on the shelves 7 (I have memories of) and lowering them. 8 I used a stick to pull them down, 9 and I put them in water and washed. 10 Nobody really taught me, 11 but I started a fire. 12 There was lots of firewood in the shed, 13 and I used that to make a fire and cook food. 14 I ate many delicious things everyday. 15 There was trash piled to the middle of the floor. 16 The trash, there were many ...[many tools], 17 There were all sorts of tools, so 18 I used them to pull the trash outside, 19 and I cleaned the house up. 20 I cleared all of the trash out of the porch and tidied up the area. I cleaned around the house as well. 21 All sorts of tools were available 22 so I cleaned inside the house 23 and got rid of the trash around the house so that I could live in a clean place. 24 I cut the grass to the water. 25 If one fetches water from the stream, there are many scary insects, 26 so I cut there the grass properly making [the area] open. 27 I cleaned the ground to the water so that there were no weeds there. 28 Nobody really taught me but 29 there were some weeds growing around the house, 30 I gathered them, made food with them and ate them. I ate the delicious ones 31 and threw away those that weren’t tasty. 32 I ate good food. 33 When summer came, [I took what] was on the shelves, 34 although I didn’t know what it was, I took it and put it in water 35 and washed it. 36 I mixed it with mountain vegetables and cooked it, 37 and grew up. 38 I heard voices outside so I went to see. 39 [It was a young man] wearing a red garment. 40 It was a young man [wearing a red garment]. 1/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 41 I had never seen a person, 42 but a young person who seemed to be a so‐called young man was standing outside. 43 I went back inside without saying anything, 44 and he followed me in and greeted me. 45 I had never seen a human, but yet he greeted me. 46 I did not know what to think. 47 I prepared dinner and served him. 48 He ate with me and we spent the night. 49 I thought he was going somewhere, but 50 he did not go anywhere. 51 He said he was going to the mountains to hunt, 52 and came back with something on his back. 53 “This is a deer. 54 This is how you fix it, cook it and eat it.” 55 he said. 56 He taught me how to cook the deer. 57 He cooked the dear and fed to me. It was very tasty. 58 I ate delicious deer for the first time, so I [really] enjoyed the food. 59 The man did not go anywhere. 60 He went hunting 61 and came back with many deer and bears. 62 “This is how you “send” a bear. 63 This is a deer. 64 This is how you "send" it. 65 Rabbits and fox are sent in such ways”, 66 he told me as he taught me. 67 Then he taught me what people should do. 68 Even though I was not going to meet anyone, 69 he cut my hair and put on makeup. 70 He taught me what humans should do, 71 “This is how humans do it”, 72 he taught me saying so. We lived on in this way. 73 He was a very good hunter, 74 so I never had to worry about what to eat. 75 He left the fat hanging over the hearth, 76 but [I do not know] whether he was a human or not. 77 He never changed his clothes, and always wore the same things. 78 He never said or did anything [bad] to me, 79 so I did not feel afraid of him. 80 I treated him as a brother, 2/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 81 and he said brotherly things, so we continued living in this way. 82 One day when autumn was near, 83 the man stayed home (instead of going to the mountains). 84 “My young girl, won’t you be my wife?”, 85 he said. 86 I went outside without responding. 87 He was making an arrow so I went outside 88 to get firewood and came home with firewood on my back. 89 We had been living together for three years, so maybe that’s why he asked, 90 but I came home with firewood on my back. 91 Snow was fluttering in the sky, 92 and a big red dog came running toward me. 93 The dog yelped and ran around me. I was very scared. 94 There were no dogs living around us. 95 “Where did that dog come from?”. 96 I thought. 97 I had never spent any time with a dog... 98 “Is it posing as a human?” 99 I wondered in my heart. 100 There were no dogs in the area, 101 and within the blink of an eye, it was gone. 102 When I made it to the front of my home, 103 the snow was falling near the porch. The wind was blowing the snow in. 104 I could see many dog footprints in front of the porch door. 105 I was scared to enter the house 106 so I peeked in from the window, and he was making an arrow. 107 He had transformed into a human again and was making an arrow, 108 so I left the firewood standing at the front door, 109 and came in pretending to mutter something, and then entered the house. 110 I didn’t want to appear scared, 111 so without showing that I was frightened, I prepared dinner. 112 We ate dinner together again. 113 When morning came, the man went hunting. 114 I stayed at home while he was hunting. 115 Around noon, I could hear someone approaching the house so I went outside. 116 This time, there was a person who looked like a human. 117 A young man who appeared to be a superior of the “humans” stood outside the door. 118 I went back inside without saying anything, 119 and he followed me in and greeted me. 120 He asked about me. 3/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 121 “I don’t know how it happened, and I don’t know whether he’s a human or not, 122 but a young man wearing a red garment appeared, 123 and we have been living together for three years. 124 He has told me nothing [about himself], 125 but he told me all about things which humans should do. 126 He prepared my face and cut my hair. 127 Even though I did not know who I was, 128 I got rid of the trash that was piled in the middle of the floor, 129 and even took lacquerware containers outside and washed them. 130 I made the treasure shelf as it used to be and I lived. 131 Then he came 132 and it has been three years. 133 Yesterday when we were resting at home, 134 “Shall we get married?”, 135 he said. 136 But without responding 137 I went outside to get firewood 138 When I came home with the firewood on my back, 139 even though there are no dogs around, 140 a large red dog came at me. 141 The dog came jumping toward me while yelping. 142 Then I just blinked my eyes 143 and he was gone. 144 When I returned home, for some reason there were many dog footprints on the snow. 145 When I made it home, I found the dog’s footprints in front of the porch. 146 That’s when I thought that the man was not a human, 147 so I hesitated about entering the house. 148 He was making an arrow 149 so pretending to mutter something outside, 150 I put the firewood up before going inside, but 151 I thought it wouldn’t be good to show him that I was scared, so 152 I made dinner while trying not to look frightened. 153 He didn’t do anything to frighten me, 154 so I cooked and we ate dinner together quickly, 155 and he just headed off to the mountains.” 156 When I told 157 the young man he answered. 158 “My father is an elder at Yupet Upstream, 159 and I have two older brothers and two younger sisters. 160 However, I don’t know why but my younger sister went missing. 4/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 161 I have been looking for her, but cannot find her. 162 We had many dogs, 163 and one of them was a large red dog. 164 The dogs had a big fight 165 and many dogs attacked that red dog. 166 I don’t know where the dog went, but he disappeared. 167 It was just bad Kamui. 168 Make dinner and we’ll eat it. 169 When we finish eating, put poison in his food. 170 When he comes home (don’t...), 171 tell him that you will feed him quickly and that he should eat quickly. 172 Hide me under the goza shelf. 173 When dusk comes and that someone gets a stomachache I will know, 174 so do what you can to make a big fire.”, 175 said the young man and finished his dinner. 176 I hid him under the goza shelf. 177 [The red dog man] was late coming home that day. 178 We have already finished the dinner, so 179 when he came home late today, 180 “Brother kamui, why are you so late today? 181 I was hungry, so I ate already.” 182 I said. 183 I was acting so happy, 184 he sat down smiling and ate his dinner. 185 I served his dinner, and he ate one, two bowls of food, then, 186 he began to suffer, so 187 “Dear brother, why are you suffering?” 188 I asked. 189 “My stomach hurts for some reason,” 190 [he replied]. 191 “I didn’t put any poison in. 192 Why would I put poison in? 193 Till now I’ve making dinner and eating just before you, 194 so why do you say I’ve put poison in your dinner?”, 195 I said. 196 He fell away from the hearth and noisily thrashed his legs. 197 When the hearth’s fire died down, 198 I could see the tail of the big red dog. 199 Then that young man cut a tree [such that] the feeling is good of grabbing it [i.e. which fits his hand] in order to beat with it. 200 Holding it, 5/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 201 he hit the dog by its head with that and killed it. 202 He cursed the red dog and said, 203 “You dog with a bad spirit and bad heart. 204 It is said that a creature called dog has highly respectable parents, 205 but you have done bad things.” 206 He threw the dog outside while cursing it. 207 I washed the pan again, prepared dinner again and ate. 208 When we both went to sleep, 209 I had a dream. 210 (The red dog man) was very small and angrily said this to me. 211 “Young girl, listen well to what I have to say. 212 As I thought, you have been raised by kamui, 213 and you are living in this unpopular barren village. 214 I fell in love with a girl living in a village upstream of Yupet. 215 I tried to say many things but I could not make it work, so I got angry and killed her and 216 hid her body under a fallen tree. 217 The dogs found out, 218 attacked me and hurt me badly, 219 so I could not stay there any longer. 220 When I looked around I saw you. 221 I raised you and thought I wanted to marry you so 222 for three years since I came here I have taken care of you. 223 Now that you have grown up, 224 I thought that I would take you as my wife. 225 I told you that I wanted to marry you, 226 but before I could do anything, 227 you went to the mountains to get firewood. 228 Surely this is kamui’s punishment, 229 but because I am a dog 230 I went near you and tried to play with you [lit. ‘showed you games/tricks’]. 231 Even though you were afraid, you did not show it. 232 If you had been raised by kamui, you would have done that. 233 The young man from Yubestu Upstream is an offspring of kamui. 234 You are also an offspring of kamui, so naturally you are two who should become man and wife. 235 That is why he came last night holding just an arrow holder. 236 I probably did not see him hiding, 237 and thus was killed. 238 But even if you punish me, nothing good will come of it. 239 If you can kind of send me off to my dog master , 240 I will protect you. Then, 6/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 241 you will no longer be afraid of anything, and you will not want anything. 242 Now there is no smoke [there is no one living] upstream from Iskar, 243 but the elder at Yupet Upstream has a very good spirit, 244 so when he says that it is not good that there is no smoke, 245 you will build there a village and live. 246 If new people come to live 247 it will become a large village 248 and I will protect you. 249 Please do me a favor [send me to the dog father] like this.” 250 I dreamt. 251 The young man said that he saw the same dream. 252 After one night, 253 “I will go talk to my father and come back.”, 254 he said, and off he went. 255 With so many clothes that the upper clothes hanger and lower clothes hanger sagged, 256 I somehow realized that my father was a great elder with no equals. 257 My mother was also a fine lady, 258 and even though I didn’t know how to do anything, 259 [I was able] to sew and do other things just like someone else once taught me. 260 I was able to do very well. 261 Once the young man left, 262 he came back several days later with people he introduced as his older brother and sister. 263 They held a ceremony to pray for my safe being and rid me of any demons. 264 They brought a few people, and we made village and 265 lived there. 266 After that, we led a life where we did not wish for food or things. 267 At last we led such a life. 268 that dog said he wanted us to send him in any manner. 269 My husband instructed the dog to go to the dog master. 270 We cut many inaw‐willow sticks and sent him off with prayers. 271 After that, we continued living without wishing for food. 272 Just once though, I wanted to go to my parents‐in law’s place. 273 I went together with my husband. 274 Since we did not have children, 275 I wanted to go together with my husband, so I followed him. 276 The Yupet Upstream elder pointed a sword at us, and swinging the sword, 277 carried out a demon exorcising ceremony. 278 “It was said that our elder’s village (at Iskar Upstream) was plagued by disease, 279 so I thought that no one was alive. 280 Kamui‐gods must have raised our daughter‐in law. 7/8 Uwepeker: The Girl Who Gave the Bad Red Dog Poison (K7708242UP) 281 Thanks to kamui‐gods our son went [there], so 282 I thought I would send half of our village to Iskar Upstream. 283 Since they went and are now part of our village, 284 please live together in peace.” 285 the Yupet Upstream elder told us. 286 We went back to the village to continue our lives. 287 Even when 288 the people who came to live at our village could not support themselves, 289 we fed them and gave them things. 290 Father had many valuable dinner dishes, 291 and we equally divided those among the villagers. 292 We lived without wanting food or things at all. 293 The women of the village learned my ladylike manners. 294 We brewed wine, and my husband invited people from Yupet Upstream, and they came to have parties. 295 We lived together as relatives and as a tribe. 296 Later on we had many children, 297 and the villagers also had many children. 298 When the village elders 299 died, we made burial outfits. While I did not go myself, those who delivered the outfits 300 told me that my parents‐in‐law had also died of old age. 301 However, I was blessed with children. 302 I could not go (to the Yupet Upstream village), 303 but each time my husband went [there], and stayed for a month. 304 After it was said that my parents‐in‐law had passed on, 305 I held a memorial service for our parents. 306 Their grandchildren did so that our parents would not be leading a difficult life in the afterworld, and so we lived. 307 “We have also aged so 308 we are passing our stories on”, said one fine lady.langbot langbot
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2 ekimne =an kor yuk ne ciki kamuy ne ciki nuwe a= koan.
2 When I go to the mountains I capture lots of deer and bears.langbot langbot
4 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.