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Vertalings in die woordeboek Aragonese - Engels


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Ye considerato como uno d'os pais d'a sciencia-ficción.
He is considered one of the fathers of radio science.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
E los ha feito habitar en una terra que se clama Filipoplin porque fue edificada de uno que havía nombre Philipo.
The fort was known as Phillips' Fort, because it was built on land owned by Phillip Phillips.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O sardo no se puet clasificar satisfactoriament ni entre as luengas romances occidentals ni entre as orientals y ye posible que sía una escisión temprana d'uno d'istos grupos.
Sardinian does not fit into either Western or Eastern Romance, and may have split off before either.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye considerato como uno d'os directors más influyents d'a Historia d'o Cine.
He is regarded as one of the most important and influential filmmakers in the history of cinema.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye considerato como uno d'os prencipals representants d'o Naturalismo en Alemanya.
He has been considered as one of the top representatives of Naturalism in México.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Os ofidios pierden uno d'os dos polmons.
One soldier lost both legs.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Se considera que o tractato ye uno d'os actos fundadors d'a Unión Europea.
He is considered to be one of the founding fathers of the European Union.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cinema District - ista zona, situada a o norte de Chinatown yera seu de tres grans cines de Sydney (Hoyts, Greater Union y Village) que se fusionoron en uno solo conoixiu actualment como Hoyts Greater Union George Street Cinema Complex.
Cinema District: Situated on the hill overlooking Chinatown, this area used to feature the three largest cinemas in Sydney, however the three cinemas (Hoyts, Greater Union and Village) merged their theatres into one complex, which was ultimately bought out by Greater Union in December 2005.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye uno d'os países mas pobres d'o mundo.
It is one of the poorest countries in the world.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O Municipio Baruta ye uno d'os 21 municipios de l'Estato Miranda, Venezuela.
Chacao is also one of the 21 municipalities that make up the State of Miranda, Venezuela.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Finalment nomás recibió uno, d'o trombonista Rico Rodriguez.
This version also contained a solo by influential ska and reggae trombonist Rico Rodriguez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En 2006, Daniel se presentó a los castings de Barcelona, en os que pasó totas as prebas dica que le dioron a goyosa noticia de que yera uno d'os 20 finalistas que actuarían en a Gala 0 de Operación Triunfo con Jesús Vázquez.
In 2006, Zueras auditioned for Operación Triunfo in Barcelona, where he passed all the tests until he was admitted as one of the 20 finalists who would perform on Gala 0 of the show with presenter Jesús Vázquez.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Dica 1873, o rei d'a unión presonal entre Suecia y Noruega gubernó Noruega por meyo de dos gabinetz: uno d'els en Estocolmo, a capital de Suecia, y l'atro en Christiania (hue Oslo), a capital de Noruega.
Until 1873, the king of the personal union between Sweden and Norway governed Norway through two cabinets: one in Stockholm and another, led by a viceroy in Kristiania, now Oslo.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye considerato uno d'os pais d'a quimica muderna.
He is considered one of the founding fathers of the modern petroleum chemistry in the US.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye conoixiu como activista y uno d'os responsables d'a coordinación d'o prochecto GNU.
He has performed both as a solo artist and as the leader of an eponymous band.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Uno de los textos mas conocius en fabla chesa ye la canta "S'ha feito de nuey", escrita por Pepe Lera y publicada en la revista Fuellas d'información d'o Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa (FUELLAS, no 20, nov-aviento 1980).
One of the most famous texts in Cheso Aragonese is the song "S'ha feito de nuey", written by Pepe Lera and published in the magazine Fuellas, edited by Consello d'a Fabla Aragonesa (FUELLAS, no 20, nov-dec 1980).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
En Tanzania i trobamos dos rechimens de plevias: uno ye "unimodal" (aviento - abril) y l'atro ye "bimodal" (octubre - aviento y marzo - mayo).
Tanzania has two major rainfall regimes: one is uni-modal (October–April) and the other is bi-modal (October–December and March–May).WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Cada uno d'istos tién un escudo, un numero román y un nombre.
Each bear has a specific name, disease, and shirt.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
O maltés (malti) ye uno d'os idiomas oficials d'a Republica de Malta.
Maltese is the national language of the Maltese people, and one of the official languages of Malta and the European Union.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye considerato uno d'os prencipals musicos y cantaires d'o suyo país u mesmo d'America Latina.
Considered one of the most important singers of his country and Latin America.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Una presona no puet no chugar-ie; no cal consentimiento ta chugar-ne y uno mai no puet deixar de chugar-ne.
A person cannot refuse to play The Game; it does not require consent to play and one can never stop playing.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
A suya composición mas conoixida ye "No soy de aquí ni soy de allá" que imporvisó en uno d'os suyos conciertos.
He was best known as the composer of "No soy de aquí ni soy de allá" ("I'm not from here nor there"), which he improvised during one of his concerts.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Ye considerato uno d'os poetas mas importants d'o Romanticismo y d'a Literatura alemana.
It is considered one of the greatest works of both Polish and European Romanticism.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Deniker esdevinió uno redactors cabos d'o "Diccionario de Cheografía Universal", y publicó muitos articlos en publicacions d'antropolochía y zoolochía de Francia.
Deniker became one of the chief editors of the Dictionnaire de geographie universelle, and published many papers in the anthropological and zoological journals of France.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Tomba ganó un total de tres medallas olimpicas d'oro, dos Campionatos Mundials d'esquí, y nueu Copas d'o Mundo; quatre en a categoría d'slalom, quatre en slalom chigant y uno en o conchunto de totas as categorías.
Tomba won three Olympic gold medals, two World Championships, and nine World Cup season titles: four in slalom, four in giant slalom, and one overall title.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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