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Magda Olivero
Magda Olivero


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Escolta Magda, vaig dir, no sé per què m’expliques totes aquestes bestieses, què t’agafa ara?
We were a week lateLiterature Literature
¿Truco a en Jeremy i l’amenaço d’explicar-ho tot a la Magda si no abandona la bruixa que porta el meu vestit?
Has no idea what it doesLiterature Literature
Potser la Jude o la Magda me’n deixaran un.
I' il stay for Yuen ChiLiterature Literature
A la porta hi havia la Magda, en Tom, la Shazzer i la Jude, amb una ampolla de xampany.
You understand?Literature Literature
—Crec que Ilse i Magda haurien de venir a la reunió.
Good question. Allison?Literature Literature
Gamal El-Ghitani es va casar amb la periodista egipcia Magda El-Guindy, editora en cap de la revista infantil Al-Ahram. Té un fill, Mohammad, i una filla, Magda.
Aid is granted for the purchase of land and buildings necessary for farmers' needsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Sí, mira, per allò que vas dir l’any passat a casa de la Magda.
Why is he here?Literature Literature
Tampoc no m’atrevia a parlar amb altres companys i escampar dubtes sobre Magda.
We' re in serious, serious trouble here.If the general ever finds out that Gorgeous Georgina is, in fact, a strapping six- footer from the rough end of the trench, it could precipitate the fastest execution since someone saidLiterature Literature
Entre els intèrprets cèlebres del rol titular han destacat Gilda dalla Rizza, Magda Olivero (que va gravar extractes de l'òpera el 1969, per Decca Records) i Renata Scotto.
Which one of you is Tiger?I amWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De fet, Magda Goebbels fumava fins i tot quan la va entrevistar un periodista.
But you have a life to liveWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La Magda, que vaig conèixer a la Universitat de Bangor, és de fet la meva amiga més antiga.
Oh, well, it' s crowded and all thatLiterature Literature
He provat la Magda, però se’n va a fer una minisortideta a Istanbul amb en Cosmo i la Woney.
The following amendments, which received at least a quarter of the votes cast, were rejected in the course of the debate (Rule # of the Rules of ProcedureLiterature Literature
La nit de Nadal i el dia de Nadal van estar molt i molt bé a casa de la Magda i en Jeremy.
It would have been a shame if I had to track you downLiterature Literature
La filla de la Magda, la llevadora?
They also gave a series of undertakings whose ultimate objective is to sever the ties between Bertelsmann and AOL.Literature Literature
En 2016, la líder espiritual dels jueus a Egipte, Magda Tania Haroun, va declarar que hi havia sis jueus en tot el país, tots ells eren dones majors de 65 anys.
Finally... he handed me a handbook on the spirituality of intercourse... which mostly talked about flowersWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Probablement és el fill de la Magde, i la Magde és una noia terrible.
Berthold, do you know where the rest of the gang are?Literature Literature
—Molt bon regal, Bridge —va dir la Magda—.
Did you know about Formitz?Literature Literature
Era una carta dirigida a mi, a la seva amiga Magda.
It was your reverence and admiration that drove him to take his own lifeLiterature Literature
Al final, la Magda va venir amb la Constance.
Keep our heads down with an occasional shellLiterature Literature
Uns minuts després, ell i Magda sortien del complex del Kremlin.
They' re clearlysuggesting a ransom should be paidLiterature Literature
—Bé, si m’excuseu —digué Magde—, potser valdria més que us deixés, ara.
It' s already time for shifts!Literature Literature
He trucat a la Shazzer, la Rebecca, en Simon, la Magda.
Duration of schemeLiterature Literature
Quan ja se’n anava cap a la caserna, ella li va dir: —Estic més tranquil·la sabent que tinc Magda.
They diverted funds from the v. A. I.And used the navigational technology For their own projectLiterature Literature
A les 10:30, la Magda s’ha aixecat i ha dit: —Val més que me’n vagi!
And it becomes more of a personality clash...... than it has anything to do with the movie when you have these issues about final cutLiterature Literature
M’he aixecat de puntetes i he xiuxiuejat a l’orella d’en Mark—: A la Magda li passa alguna cosa.
It is the basis of a future peace, and we must demand compliance. That is a credible approach.Literature Literature
121 sinne gevind in 11 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.