Pita d'Elliot oor Engels

Pita d'Elliot

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Bar-bellied Pitta


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Amb la cara enfonsada al pit d’ell, respirant l’olor del seu cos, l’Alex va somriure.
Suddenly he seeLiterature Literature
Separà la galta del pit d’ell i, a la fosca, ell va sentir que els ulls el fitaven.
Look, there it is!Literature Literature
Ella va sospirar i va enfonsar el cap en el pit d’ell, i va respirar pausadament, protegida.
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Croatia and the Government of Ireland on air transport, initialled at Dublin on # December # (hereinafter referred to as Croatia-Ireland AgreementLiterature Literature
La Grace el torna a abraçar, prem el seu cap contra el pit d’ell i tanca els ulls, contenta.
I' il find a fatter NeilLiterature Literature
Uns minuts més tard va sentir el pit d’ell que es movia quan deia: Trobaré la manera d’alliberar-te, t’ho juro.
Yeah, I' m nervousLiterature Literature
Alimentant-lo dels seus pits quan ell ja tenia deu anys.
HOW TO STORE FERTAVIDOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Li vaig petonejar el pit i ell em va petonejar el meu.
I' d never hurt your boyLiterature Literature
Algú li havia disparat al pit i ell s'havia ajupit en un racó, a morir.
He had his hand up between her legsLiterature Literature
El pit que ell abans encenia de lluny ara és fred i menys inflamable que l’Everest.
Wait.. take thisLiterature Literature
—Sí, però sense pèls al pit com ell —va replicar l’Elaine.
Vessels equipped for fishing activity, whether the equipment is permanently attached to the vessel or notLiterature Literature
Vaig etzibar-li un cop de puny al pit i ell va seguir rient com un boig mentre es tombava d’esquena.
I' ve got it all worked outLiterature Literature
Jo recolzo el cap en el seu pit i ell mira la càmera amb un aire jove, amb els ulls ben desperts... enamorat.
This requires reciprocal economic relations, i.e. secure investment conditions for foreign capital in the EU, and, conversely, secure conditions for EU investments in supplier countriesLiterature Literature
Com si ell mateix hagués tingut un parell de pits joves i ferms, va notar que el seu pit s’aturava sota ells.
Taking account of the volume of trade in agricultural and fishery products between the Parties, of their particular sensitivities, of the rules of the Community common policies and of the Albanian policies for agriculture and fisheries, of the role of agriculture and fisheries in Albania's economy and of the consequences of the multilateral trade negotiations under the WTO, the Community and Albania shall examine in the Stabilisation and Association Council, no later than six years after the date of entry into force of this Agreement, product by product and on an orderly and appropriate reciprocal basis, the opportunities for granting each other further concessions with a view to implementing greater liberalisation of the trade in agricultural and fishery productsLiterature Literature
Cadascuna de les nou bandes del grup lingüístic "achomawi" tenien territoris definits separats dalt i baix dels marges del riu Pit (que ells anomenaven "Achoma").
And you just put up with that?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I donar-se cops al pit, com fa ell.
Hey, you are supposed to be on bed rest!Literature Literature
Totes les Clivelles tenien llet en aquells pits seus, però ells no.
What if Charlie was there?Literature Literature
Al pit si era ell qui descrivia l’incident.
I do not think that goes as far as judging or prejudging or evaluating the performance of each of us hereLiterature Literature
—No sé què he de fer ara —va xiuxiuejar contra el seu pit, plorant mentre ell no deixava de fer-li petons—.
Meehan gave me his rosaryLiterature Literature
Estava estirada sobre el pit de l’Edward, però ell estava molt quiet i no m’envoltava amb els braços.
The Union is seeking commitments that will allow EU service providers access to third country markets in a number of sectorswhere the government has either already decided to open a particular sector to private domestic suppliers or where experience has shown that competition can be a tool in improving performance without endangering equitable access to public servicesLiterature Literature
Tan a prop que el pit d’ella pressionava el d’ell a cada alenada ràpida, calenta i agredolça.
I' m back on track, AdrianaLiterature Literature
Estava estirada sobre el pit de l’Edward, però ell estava molt quiet i no m’envoltava amb els braços.
Thank you, Merry Christmas!Literature Literature
Ja no reia, empenyia lleugerament el pit de l’home mentre ell abaixava el rostre cap a ella.
The beacon is still sendingLiterature Literature
Sentint la seva escalfor i els seus pits suaus i plens, ell n’agafà un i empenyé Ayla enrere per besar-la.
What, did you place an ad in the personals or something?Literature Literature
Quan estava a punt de venir-me l’orgasme només magrejant-me els pits, cosa que a ell li encantava, em va apartar.
Be right back.Literature Literature
Ell no tenia pits, i això provocava nostàlgia.
You' il be all rightLiterature Literature
131 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.