Trapani oor Engels


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A province in the autonomous island region of Sicily in Italy.

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—L’arrissada em va dir que potser podria anar amb ells a Trapani.
We love each other as friends, notLiterature Literature
—Ahir, a Trapani, casualment, vaig conèixer l’intermediari Custonaci i vam parlar de l’incendi.
According to that Directive, where a nutrition claim appears on labelling, in presentation or in advertising, with the exclusion of generic advertising, nutrition labelling should be compulsoryLiterature Literature
Va néixer a Trapani, i a la seva joventut va estudiar arquitectura amb Giovanni Biagio Amicon (1684-1754).
The specificities of this sector should therefore be evaluated, common definitions should be found, mixed situations dealt with, and the specific roles of the relevant operators should be properly coordinatedWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Arribar a Tràpani, a la via Libertà, li va costar dues hores i mitja.
He' il be fineLiterature Literature
Li vaig donar la meva adreça de Trapani per si se li passava pel cap venir-me a veure.
May never knowLiterature Literature
Un germà a Còmiso i una germana a Tràpani que ja és morta.
If the Necronomicon fell into the hands of the Deadites, all mankind will be consumed by this evil.Now will thou quest for the book?Literature Literature
El prefecte de Tràpani era sincer; el seu cap de gabinet, en canvi, no.
No, well, that- That' s good to know.But here' s the thingLiterature Literature
Felip va assetjar Trapani però fou vençut i capturat per Frederic a la batalla de Falconara.
—La senyora Margherita Griffo tenia un germà i una germana, la Giuliana, que vivia a Tràpani i feia de mestra d'escola.
No.The goddess herself, Bound in human formLiterature Literature
—La germana, la tieta Giuliana, vivia a Tràpani, on feia de mestra d'escola.
You' il get them bothLiterature Literature
Aleshores els Fradella havien cridat un eremita de prop de Tràpani expert a combatre el dimoni.
In cases where the consignee is not an authorized warehousekeeper or a registered trader and notwithstanding Article #, the document referred to in paragraph # must be accompanied by a document certifying that excise duty has been paid in the Member State of destination or that any other procedure for collection of duty has been complied with in accordance with the conditions laid down by the competent authorities of the Member State of destinationLiterature Literature
Acabo de parlar amb el prefecte de Tràpani fent-me passar per un periodista del Corriere della Sera.
Who is it that can tell me who I am?Literature Literature
Si no és que un familiar se n'encarrega personalment... —No, la persona que m'interessa va morir a Tràpani.
Being happy is an excellent goalLiterature Literature
Trucaré immediatament al meu col·lega de Tràpani per comunicar-li que ens en desentenem.
The title is replaced byLiterature Literature
Reacció de Trapani: «Vostè és un ruc».
I would have been more comfortable had the report been tabled and, when third reading was called, the Senate would have decided, to be consistent with its decision, to then say, "No third readingLiterature Literature
Menys d'un segle després que la seva família comencés a decorar les esglésies sicilianes, Antonio Gagini va completar el prosceni de la «capella della Madonna» al santuari de l'Anunciació a Trapani.
Having regard to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and in particular its ArticleWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Viu al camp, en aquella casa que té a la província de Trapani, a Belmonte.
Enduring physical suffering is a Klingon spiritual testLiterature Literature
D’altra banda, l’Osvaldo no em feia cap proposta, només trobava que no me n’havia d’anar a Trapani, quin descobriment!
You fucked up, manLiterature Literature
Angelica Vivanti De Righi 35 Trapani, 15 de maig '71 Estimat Michele: No t’estranyis que t’escrigui des de Trapani.
BlackChip suggests they go check out one of the old minesLiterature Literature
Segurament devia agafar la carretera de Tràpani, que abans d'arribar aquí baix passa per Montereale.
Newly created provincial government programs have yet to have full impact on the industry and the CTCPF must endeavour to work closely with these agencies as their funds become available to maximize their potential and to help foster strong regional production and programming.Literature Literature
Per tant, arriben amb molta anticipació i expliquen la història del supermercat tancat a Tràpani.
I just don' t want you to think of me like that when you think of meLiterature Literature
La flota va ser derrotada pels cartaginesos a Trapani, forçant als romans a continuar els seus atacs des de terra.
Look, we' re still married, it' s still my house, and she still counts on me to do a few choresWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
No sap com se sentirà a Trapani.
It must be.It' s on his cardLiterature Literature
El seu marit és a Trapani i està muntant un bar restaurant.
Without facts, you must remain silentLiterature Literature
El camió surt de Catània, fa tota la província de Caltanissetta, després la de Tràpani i al final la de Montelusa.
The Department of Citizenship and Immigration should be allowed to complete these hearings before we determine the worthiness of the migrants' applications to stay in CanadaLiterature Literature
29 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.