a la brasa oor Engels

a la brasa

Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


adjective verb
Mai he tastat res de tan deliciós com gavina a la brasa.
I've never tasted anything as good as grilled seagull.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Em poso malalt quan vaig a un restaurant de carns a la brasa.
But I don' t want you explaining nothing to meQED QED
Podríem fer coure carn a la brasa i seure al voltant del foc, a la nit.
Fast for a biped?Literature Literature
—És un bistec excel·lent, papa, i m’encantaria menjar més d’aquests carbassons a la brasa, si us plau.
Get her in here!Literature Literature
Filist es va mantenir en silenci aparentment concentrat en la mòllera a la brasa que li havien servit.
We seek to understand factors that regulate body weight in women during menopause and in the postmenopausal years; two critical phases that increase the risk of obesity in a woman's life.Literature Literature
L’ama va afegir que si a la brasa li toca el vent, es revifarà la flama.
I' il get you some dry socksLiterature Literature
En realitat, s’assemblava més a una barreja d’escorxador i restaurant de carn a la brasa.
Acknowledgement of receipt of notificationLiterature Literature
Se sentia música mariachi , i vaig ensumar la flaire de conserves i carn a la brasa.
I do all my own stuntsLiterature Literature
L’assistent me’n cull un cove cada dia; ens els mengem a la brasa.
At the beginning of this new century, public health is at a turning point in Canada, and our program will aim to prepare highly trained investigators who will generate the knowledge required to inform policy making and best practices for Canada's public health system over the next decade."Literature Literature
Mai he tastat res de tan deliciós com gavina a la brasa.
What are you going to do when this blows up in your face?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Ensumem el fum del seu foc, i una altra olor: carn a la brasa.
Whereas Article #a of Regulation No #/EEC states that the Council is to adopt criteria for mobilizing on the Community market oil and other vegetable oils for supply as food aidLiterature Literature
Tonyina a la Brasa sobre Velouté de Coulis de Tomàquets Cherry amb Confit d’All i Patates Fondant.
Just one biteLiterature Literature
Van demanar tots quatre el mateix: entrants mariners i un plat gegant de peix a la brasa.
Gangbangers don' t have regular commutesLiterature Literature
—L’Ellen fa un bistec amb tomàquets a la brasa bastant bo —explicà Miss Viner—.
Wait a minute, uh, there' s something else I wantedLiterature Literature
Al blog vaig dir que havien decidit tots dos anar a comprar carn per fer a la brasa.
Step into the shade, SergeantLiterature Literature
Sir Basil ja hi era, i en Jelks li servia ronyons a la brasa, bacó i tomàquets fregits.
I am not going to see a psychiatrist!Literature Literature
Els tubercles que rostien a la brasa li agradaven més, encara que sense espècies eren una mica insípids.
Say, Harry, something kind of important has come upLiterature Literature
El restaurant era famós pels bistecs a la brasa i per diversos plats grecs, com ara la mussaca.
Evaluation MethodologyLiterature Literature
Per sopar vaig fer costelles de porc a la brasa, acompanyades de la resta de verdures del Mississipí.
Significant figuresLiterature Literature
... Ho puc fer tot jo a fora, a la brasa!
Are you alright?Literature Literature
Vaig entrar en un restaurant i vaig demanar peix a la brasa.
Maybe Mickey' s looking to do bigger and better thingsLiterature Literature
Una mica de pollastre a la brasa per a en Bardo?
It seemed like she picked on me a lotLiterature Literature
Tant els nois com el gnom estaven a favor d’encendre foc i fer la carn d’ós a la brasa.
East Coast! West Coast!Literature Literature
Un moment després es gira i em posa a la mà un plat d’enciam i tomàquets a la brasa.
I was so proud of themLiterature Literature
Per esmorzar li van donar pa torrat a la brasa, iogurt ensucrat i un petit plàtan de pell verda.
I can' t just leave himLiterature Literature
660 sinne gevind in 87 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.