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Ara ja no es dedicava a acariciar, però va agafar un ble dels meus cabells entre els dits i hi jugava.
A good startLiterature Literature
Li va posar un ble de cabells darrere l’orella; ella va somriure molt fluix, i amb molt d’esforç—.
You guys are so weirdLiterature Literature
Arya s’arranjà un ble de cabells darrere una de les seves orelles punxegudes.
Well, if you want, I can change thecolourLiterature Literature
El fred se’m va enfonsar més al braç, em va fer tremolar, però finalment el ble va fer llum.
You dance really goodLiterature Literature
Tenia un ble de cabells sobre el front pàl·lid d'adolescent i les mans li tremolaven una mica.
Ministry for Resources and Rural AffairsLiterature Literature
Així doncs, vaig tocar el ble del llum que hi havia al costat del llit; em vaig tacar els dits d’oli.
They' re the actors!Literature Literature
Un ble preciós de cabells rossos d’uns sis o set centímetres de llarg.
Beneficiary of the aidLiterature Literature
Va enretirar-se de davant dels ulls un llarg ble de cabells del color de la mitjanit que la brisa havia aixecat.
People call me a scholar.They say I find things usefulLiterature Literature
El llum és apagat, se sent olor de ble cremat.
Have you made a spectacle of yourself running after a man...... who' s not in love with you when you might have any man in the county?Literature Literature
, em va dir ella, «ara em componc els cabells com a vostè li agraden, miri aquest ble.
I' m just going to kick back andwatch youLiterature Literature
Un ble de cabells li va caure a la cara, però tenia les mans lligades a l’esquena amb les brides de plàstic.
Just back away... real slow- likeLiterature Literature
—Conserves res de la teva germana, com un ble de cabells, per exemple?
Un simple desig irracional de moure aquell ble, de tornar-lo a posar darrera l’orella.
When you and me hooked up... it was like, all of a sudden, there was this part of my life where I didn' t have to be hiding or fighting or anything else, except... tryin ' to make a livin ' and kickin ' it with my homegirlLiterature Literature
—Hi posaré un ble per drenar-lo —va dir en Mirdin, i van estar una estona massa ocupats per dedicar-se a donar gràcies.
Final answer?- Yeah, no dealLiterature Literature
Unes eren plenes de líquid i ble, com les llànties normals, però la major part eren molt estranyes.
Therefore, we' il enjoy having a certain privacyLiterature Literature
“La mesquinesa dels homes —deia sempre— és un ble a la recerca de flama”.
How did we meet, you ask?Literature Literature
Podem aclarir el cas si trobem el ble de cabells.
I want them where we can keep an eye on themLiterature Literature
La Matilde es va tirant enrere el seu ble de cabells i fa sorollets amb la boca per mostrar admiració.
What is the current situation as regards the scientific investigations being carried out by the Scientific Committee for Cosmetic Products, as announced by the Commission on # January # in its answer to a written question by Torben Lund (E-#/#)?Literature Literature
Per vostè aquell hauria estat un pobre mort assassinat a qui in-ex-pli-ca-ble-ment li havien ficat una pedra a la boca.
This should be taken into account when setting dates for mandatory equipmentLiterature Literature
A poc a poc, un ble se m'entortolliga als dits i penso en la cara del Jaume sempre somrient.
Penalties must be introduced against the perpetrators of such offences which are sufficiently stringent to bring sexual exploitation of children and child pornography within the scope of instruments already adopted for the purpose of combating organised crime, such as Council Joint Action #/JHA of # December # on money laundering, the identification, tracing, freezing, seizing and confiscation of the instrumentalities and the proceeds from crime and Council Joint Action #/JHA of # December # on making it a criminal offence to participate in a criminal organisation in the Member States of the European UnionLiterature Literature
I, si el llum fumeja o empesta, intentaré de netejar-ne el ble.
Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolatesLiterature Literature
Un raig de sol travessava el llençol immaculat i il·luminava un ble dels seus magnífics cabells clars.
You command!Literature Literature
Un ble de cabells li caigué sobre els ulls.
Why do we even bother coming to work?Literature Literature
Amb precaució per no fer caure el ble llarg en què s’havia convertit, va tirar la burilla al cendrer.
I' m sorry, I' il just get thisLiterature Literature
Vaig fer servir un ble de cabells rebel com a excusa per deixar-lo anar.
Something I can do for you?Literature Literature
77 sinne gevind in 4 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.