boires oor Engels


/ˈbɔjɾəs/, /ˈbɔjɾes/ naamwoord

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El clorur ferro(III) anhidre és deliqüescent, formant hidratat clorur d'hidrogen boires en l'aire humit.
Yoshitaro showed me aroundWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I l'Erica estava tan tancada en les seves pròpies boires que no tenia esma de pressionar més la seva germana.
I will not let down my father' s dreamLiterature Literature
Les boires roges i arremolinades van desaparèixer i vaig veure un rostre cantellut i seriós envoltat de color blau.
You never cheated on your husband?Literature Literature
Salva la teva nau de la tempesta i fes-la audaç per a les boires de l'hivern.
While parading around in swimsuitsLiterature Literature
Us suggereixo que torneu tots cap a casa a dormir i escampar les boires de l'alcohol.
In the present case, the Commission takes the view that the Government's decision to request the National Debt Office to issue a credit guarantee was a conditional decision and did not confer on Teracom an unconditional right to request that a credit guarantee be issued to itLiterature Literature
Les boires s’alçaren, i era d’esperar que aquell dia la nostra observació seria factible.
I love you just exactly the sameLiterature Literature
Tampoc no és cap personatge de les boires septentrionals.
This is because of what happened.It' s a lot of thingsLiterature Literature
—Començo a sentir una certa aprensió, una vaga inquietud relacionada amb les boires de la nit anterior.
What is all this stuff?Literature Literature
Ell pot dur-vos a través dels pantans, a través de les boires, de boires boniques i espesses.
Your dad' s been sentencedLiterature Literature
Les boires són gairebé constants.
You didn' t think we' d forget your birthday, did you?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Les boires que envoltaven el meu origen s'han esvaït.
[ Growls ]- [ Yells ] HereLiterature Literature
Somric entre boires al Damián, que sembla estar molt lluny.
I mean, like if his folks did like her and she didn' t dieLiterature Literature
M’hauria sabut greu desenganyar-lo i la sort va voler que aquell hivern hi hagués algunes boires molt espesses.
That is why we need to give constant thought to how we could improve our performance, and what this debate has done is to help us to do just that.Literature Literature
És un problema, però no és un problema moral; i que seria bo per eliminar algunes de les boires morals que envolten les nostres tecnologies.
They' re coming through!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Us suggereixo que torneu tots cap a casa a dormir i escampar les boires de l’alcohol.
I make my own luckLiterature Literature
—vaig exclamar, amb tot l'entusiasme de què és capaç un home habituat a les boires de Baker Street.
We' ve managed to keep it quietLiterature Literature
Potser aquestes eren les boires a través de les quals veia.
Okay, what or who ison Fremont Street that you would risk your life to get to?Literature Literature
Les boires cobrien el cel, amagaven la lluna.
None of these sections should be seen as comprehensive.[9] Instead, they serve to provide an informed picture of the situation in each nation, with the content of each limited by the availability of reliable information.Literature Literature
És difícil per al modern resident de Regne Unit (2008) entendre com eren les boires de la Segona Guerra mundial.
Commission Decision of # May # implementing Council Directive #/EEC as regards the classification of th #e# e resistance to fire performance of construction products, construction works and parts thereofWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Semblava trobar-se en un món de boires, on només hi havia ombres: l’Anell el dominava.
Blake, I suggest that you have O' Reilly bring back whatever documents... you' re going to need to defend yourself against the most serious of these charges... falsifying records and lending aid and comfort to theenemyLiterature Literature
Boires són gairebé constants quan no plou.
They took off their clothes?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Els acostaments a l'illa són difícils a causa de les boires freqüents, els ràpids corrents oceànics i la presència de nombroses petites roques mar endins.
You' ve been very good about keeping the secret of mine...... and I will keep the secret of yoursWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Però, malgrat la coïssor dels ulls, havia pogut veure Konovalenko entre les boires de fum.
Keep talking, YaskierLiterature Literature
Vuit horetes de dormir no faran mal a ningú, i potser us netejaran l'esperit de les vostres boires metafísiques.
My God, she was going to write a long study on the art of Cottafavi just before my book came outLiterature Literature
Especialment a l’hivern, les boires hi són freqüents, i els cops de vent, temibles.
Step into the shade, SergeantLiterature Literature
60 sinne gevind in 5 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.