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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Era capaç de caminar i menjar tot sol com un nen de dos, però no podia articular paraules i encara duia bolquers.
She suggested that we needed a more streamlined, coherent and inclusive administrative system for our treaties.Literature Literature
Estava despullada, sense bolquer absorbent.
Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer requiredLiterature Literature
És un magre consol quan empeny un cotxet infantil i fa bullir bolquers, en sóc conscient, però almenys és alguna cosa.
i want to singLiterature Literature
Estava convençuda que era plena de joguines i de sabó i de bolquers i roba per a la seva filla.
That line should be brought down to the #th parallel which is internationally recognized as a northern communityLiterature Literature
No em refereixo al que hi ha als bolquers.
It was logged in as a B fileLiterature Literature
—Vostè pensa que són els homes els qui han de canviar els bolquers de la gent gran?
If we can forge a case file linking the silver thefts, he won' t be able to resist itLiterature Literature
No estic enfarfegat de prejudicis com una criatura italiana n’està de bolquers.
¿ By ritual you tell you to That eat his own excrement?Literature Literature
Agafa't fort al bolquer!
You said last time that next time you' d do dress up, and you' d be a kingOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Alguns bolquets tenen FOPS (protecció contra objectes caient) també.
Mandatory or Conditional as specified in the relevant implementation guidelineWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mamàvem del mateix pit, ens posaven els bolquers alhora, jugàvem plegats, caçàvem i apreníem junts a empunyar les armes.
As regards forage areas, where the single application is submitted late, the resulting reduction shall be in addition to any other reduction applicable to late submissions of applications for aid referred to in Articles # et # of Regulation (EC) NoLiterature Literature
L’art autèntic assenyala amb el dit, com ho fa un home massa malalt per a parlar, com una criatura de bolquers!
I thought that that was amusing.That way?Literature Literature
El teixit super-absorbent utilitzat en bolquers d'un sol ús, que pot contenir fins a 400 vegades el seu pes, es va desenvolupar perquè els astronautes de l'Apollo poguessin romandre durant almenys sis hores en passejades espacials i activitat extra vehicular.
That was a wrong decisionWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Consisteix bàsicament a canviar bolquers, rentar plats i afrontar rebequeries, coses que a ningú li agrada fer.
Why aren’ t you answering me?Literature Literature
A l’armari de la roba blanca hi havia més bolquers que coixineres, llençols i tovalloles.
And if we are all doing it, maybe we are all stimulated to do so by the vestiges of some ancient biological promptingLiterature Literature
Era fill únic i la seva mare havia mort de càncer quan ell era un nen de bolquers.
I don' t know if there' s anyone on this ship you would feel comfortable talking with but if there is it might feel good to get whatever' s bothering you out in the openLiterature Literature
Has de morir amb els bolquers posats, Ray.
So you might think I became a lawyer just to piss him off, but you' d be wrongOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La Tia li havia agafat el relleu de canviar els bolquers mentre ell anava a canviar-se la camisa.
Think about it all you want toLiterature Literature
En conseqüència, no hi havia bolquers, l’Imma no es podia canviar i feia dies que estava escaldada.
Radio The Broadcasting Act 1996 saw changes to local radio concentration rules such that up to three radio licences serving the same area may be held by the same person or company, provided there is at least one licence on each of the AM and FM bands.Subsequent applications for ownership are subject to a public interest test.Literature Literature
Quan no viatjaven, els infants sovint eren embolcallats amb pells suaus a manera de bolquers.
Technology d.Literature Literature
Al nadó se li havia de canviar els bolquers uns quants cops al dia i sempre estava net i satisfet.
The WTW analysis demonstrated that GHG emission from a Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (CNGV) are below those of a gasoline fuelled vehicle and, with today's technology, comparable to those of a diesel vehicleLiterature Literature
Tens accessos d’ira i et comportes com una nena de bolquers.
Could I free my hands, please?Literature Literature
Al costat d’elles, la Justine jugava al llit amb una nina vella a qui canviava els bolquers per enèsima vegada.
Blood...... is too precious a thing in these timesLiterature Literature
La Justine el va immobilitzar per lligar els bolquers nets, li va posar els pantalons, els peücs, el va incorporar.
Why can' t they just tell me what it is?I can stop it from happening. It' s already begunLiterature Literature
A la bossa de sota, hi va posar la bossa de l’Elin, amb els bolquers, un biberó amb aigua i un ninot de peluix.
It will constitute a valuable contribution to the next steps of the process in the debates with the other institutions.Literature Literature
La dona va dir: —Nemo Kastner, de Kansas City, el petit Nemo, la delícia dels nens de bolquers.
Erbitux may be administered via a gravity drip, an infusion pump or a syringe pumpLiterature Literature
149 sinne gevind in 6 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.