cada dimarts oor Engels

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Cada dimarts, abans de sortir cap al meu compromís setmanal, estava espaordida.
Mother, I do not need a blind dateLiterature Literature
—El seu marit m'ha dit que tenia cita amb vostè cada dimarts fins la setmana que va desaparèixer.
And for another thing, it' s the end of the worldLiterature Literature
Llagosta bona cada dimarts per a vostè.
Hi, this is Chris.- And this is RoseLiterature Literature
Però saps perfectament que jo no podria menjar llagosta cada dimarts.
the medicated feedingstuff will keep for the stipulated periodLiterature Literature
«T’esperaré a la frontera, cada dimarts.
How about Aunt Tudi?Literature Literature
Cada dimarts, però, sopava sola en un vulgar Blarney Stone, sempre el mateix.
We only know what we' re told and for all we know it isn' t even trueLiterature Literature
I jo encara menjaria llagosta cada dimarts al vespre.
For that everybody looks me?Literature Literature
Cada dimarts la Rebecka es desplaça fins a la ciutat.
[ Mockingly ]The duck may swim on the lake, but my daddy owns the lakeLiterature Literature
Es publica cada dimarts i cada divendres.
This is the blade?WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—Aquells homes van dir a l’Andy en quin lloc els havia d’esperar cada dimarts.
You don' t have it in youLiterature Literature
—I diu que li trucava cada dimarts?
You know, no one says you have to stay hereLiterature Literature
Cada dimarts, com a la majoria dels altres penjats, li passen cavall.
I' il get you when you' re sleepingLiterature Literature
Cada dimarts, cada any per aquesta època —va dir—.
Reading one... point eight... point four... point twoLiterature Literature
Cada dimarts.
Why, she' s been secretly in love with you for yearsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A on anava cada dimarts.
Now I have noneOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Me’n recordo perquè el camioner que xiula al lavabo s’atura aquí cada dimarts i cada divendres.
I was # years old when they gave me the necklacesLiterature Literature
Cada dimarts quan surto de treballar, dues hores.
Malformed URL %Literature Literature
T’esperaré cada dimarts, a la tarda.
That' s a risk you take with such an ambitious agendaLiterature Literature
Cada dimarts faig la ronda dels ferits, saps?
Maggie didn' t knock her out till the end of the first round.After that, no manager wanted to put his fighter in with MaggieLiterature Literature
Es fa cada dimarts, sempre que hi hagi alguna persona interessada.
You left them at the postLiterature Literature
—El seu marit m’ha dit que tenia cita amb vostè cada dimarts fins la setmana que va desaparèixer.
Are you gonna swing this my way?Literature Literature
—Doncs perquè fa setze anys que parlem cada dimarts al vespre, a les nou en punt.
Clark, wetalked about that whole thing, remember?Literature Literature
A les 10 del matí, cada dimarts, tu i jo ens vam veure aquí.
Yeah, I can' t wait to get startedOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Es trucaven cada dimarts i anaven a fer petar la xerrada al cafè Albanese.
He keeps rubbing his eyes every few minutes, right?Literature Literature
—O sigui que cada dimarts fas aquest menjar, ¿oi?
For ' tis your thoughts that now must deck our kings, carry them here and there, jumping o' er times, turning the accomplishment of many years into an hourglass- for the which supply admit me, Chorus, to this history, who prologue- like, your humble patience pray... gently to hear, kindly to judge our playLiterature Literature
55 sinne gevind in 9 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.