com si oor Engels

com si

Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels

as if

in mimicry of
El nen parla com si fos una nena.
The boy talks as if he were a girl.

as though

Camines com si les llambordes fossin de la teva propietat.
You walk as though the paving stones were your personal property.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

com li diuen?
what is your name
com es diu...en anglès?
how do you English
com es diu...en català
tal com estan les coses
as things stand
com diu la dita
as the saying goes
com se diu...en anglès
how do you English
tal com van les coses
the way things are going
fer com si
fake · feign · pretend
com si res


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
I ara era com si s'hagués posat a calcular quan moriria.
I have no timeLiterature Literature
Actues com si hagués de tenir sentit, com si fos simple.
Secondly, I believe that the nature of relations between Europe and the United States, led by George W. Bush, is also hanging in the balance following this new series of bombings of Baghdad.Literature Literature
Hi havia gràcia i misteri en la seva actitud, com si fos el símbol d’alguna cosa.
I don' t like getting attached to things if I know they won' t last.- There you goLiterature Literature
Notava que l'observaven, sentia la seva respiració profunda, com si l'envoltés un vent terrorífic.
Article #) shall be replaced by the followingLiterature Literature
La Sòsia Camil·lina va inspeccionar el meu coixí com si hi pogués haver puces.
You want to come over and hear some music?Literature Literature
Era com si aquest ésser espantós s'hagués afartat de sang.
Let' s spare the world you on the roads, okay?Literature Literature
Com si qualsevol pogués tenir el control de la meva vida excepte jo.
I told Colin the homespun approachLiterature Literature
El baix poble s'amagava darrere porticons tancats i portes barrades com si allò els hagués de protegir.
You' re running on no sleepLiterature Literature
Actueu com si ja haguéssiu resolt l'enigma a la vostra manera.
I would, if I were themLiterature Literature
Feia ganyotes com si estigués profundament adormit i tingués un malson esgarrifós.
Whatever happens, stay behind that shieldLiterature Literature
Parles de la veritat com si signifiqués alguna cosa.
Civilians as much or more in many respects than military personnel have come to be the objects of military technologyLiterature Literature
I l’ull és com si m’hagués caigut al foc... i ara recordo per què.
However all rescue boats shall be capable of being launched, where necessary utilizing painters, with the ship making headway at speeds up to five knots in calm waterLiterature Literature
Una nació d’amnèsics que actua com si només existís l’avui.
Considers that there is room for innovation, in relation to the existing Kyoto Protocol mechanisms, in the forms of commitment and the targets set for developing and emerging countries, so as to make such commitments compatible with each country's needsand capabilities, provided that these are measurable, reportable and verifiableLiterature Literature
—va afegir, com si volgués fer-li saber com era de seriosa la situació.
No, don' t wake him upLiterature Literature
Sentia el cap molt lleuger, gairebé com si hi tingués un globus dilatant-se.
That bitch is setting me upLiterature Literature
Es posà bé les ulleres i va somriure gairebé com si es disculpés.
The beautiful ones Always smash the pictureLiterature Literature
Era com si intentés inspirar-lo, com si intentés absorbir-lo dins del seu corrent sanguini.
If there are further matters that are subsequently dealt with by the courts, of course those court judgments will be followedLiterature Literature
Era com si ara la prostituta només existís a la fotografia.
That just isn' t done, you knowLiterature Literature
Era com si una curiositat insòlita tingués a tots els altres esperant a veure què feia el sergent.
performed by aircraft for the transport of passengers or passengers and cargo and/ormailfor remuneration, in such a manner that seats are available on each flight for individual purchase by consumers either directly from the air carrier or from its authorized agentsLiterature Literature
El senyor Tate es comportava com si fos a la tribuna dels testimonis.
And I never knew what it meant exactly, but I figured it was your way of lettingme know you were checking in on meLiterature Literature
Tenia una veu molt estranya, com si sortís de l'interior d'una gruta o del tronc buit d'un arbre.
At a minimum, unforgivably forgetfulLiterature Literature
M'ho deia sense convicció, com si esperés que diria que no, per tant va ser fàcil negar-m'hi.
Not a chance!Literature Literature
Mahoma no va arribar surant per una muntanya com si estigués caminant en l'aire.
All the old familiar placested2019 ted2019
I sembla com si en Patxi, trenta-i-tants anys, anella en una orella, l’estigués esperant.
More coffee, sir?Literature Literature
Era com si s’hagués tornat incapaç de cap compassió pel fill.
It' s not that hardLiterature Literature
39668 sinne gevind in 150 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.