com si res oor Engels

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as if nothing had happened

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I després, no pot ser mort com si res: tot Rússia s’encabritaria.
From # January # the release for free circulation in the Community of iron and steel products covered by the ECSC and EC Treaties listed in Annex I shall be subject to prior Community surveillance in accordance with Articles # and # of Regulation (EC) No # and Articles # and # of Regulation (EC) NoLiterature Literature
—Procura actuar amb naturalitat, feu la vostra vida com si res.
All the old familiar placesLiterature Literature
És com si res d'això hagués existit abans.
I' il harpoon anyone who molests herOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
La resposta arriba de seguida, com si res.
Products used for the preservation of wood, from and including the saw-mill stage, or wood products by the control of wood-destroying or wood-disfiguring organismsLiterature Literature
M'adono que, si li calgués, el bosc seria capaç d'engolir-me o d'escopir-me com si res.
What' s going on?Literature Literature
Era com si res li fes il·lusió, només quan em tenia entre les cames.
I want to talk to youLiterature Literature
Seixanta lliures per un llibre, i la senyora l’havia regalat com si res.
which have given a minimum number of selected cocoons, having a suitable external appearance and being mature, of uniform colour and dimensions, free from marks and rust, and suitable for reelingLiterature Literature
Ell va tornar a posar-se el fusell a l'espatlla, com si res no hagués passat.
And make the terrace up there a bit biggerLiterature Literature
Després tothom va tornar a fer el que feia abans, com si res no hagués passat.
Why don' t you go home, and I' il call you if something happens?Literature Literature
Si el deixes anar marxarem com si res.
Do you have a permit?Literature Literature
¿Com pot ser que tot segueixi com si res?
But no matter, no matterLiterature Literature
El senyor Montgomery va assentir serenament, com si res no pogués ser més natural.
That is the way I see itLiterature Literature
Em sento com si res podia tocar- me ", va dir en un to de convicció ombrívola.
Is that you shooting up the technicals?QED QED
Però em vaig aixecar, tot i això, vaig anar a l’habitació i en Max estava com si res.
Així, com si res?
She can' t resist my animal magnetismOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Si nosaltres ens fem càrrec del club, ells se n'aniran com si res.
How long has it been?Literature Literature
Tanmateix, us empasseu com si res una cosa tan impossible.
I hope he doesn' t still hate meLiterature Literature
Agafava el cos del noi amb despreocupació d’expert, i el nen continuà dormint com si res.
whereas the Court of Auditors states that it has obtained reasonable assurance from all the agencies, excepting the express reservations in respect of the # financial year concerning the European Agency for Reconstruction, the European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, the European Training Foundation, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia and the European Food Safety AuthorityLiterature Literature
Però ella feia com si res, com si no hagués passat res d’extraordinari, i em vaig animar.
Helen, my dear!Literature Literature
—Et porten a la garjola i tornes l’endemà com si res?
Oh, look at thatLiterature Literature
Si li dic que he tingut un mal dia a la feina, fa com si res.
in the history ofmandell/kirschnerLiterature Literature
I exigia una decisió: deixar-lo al seu lloc o continuar fent com si res.
The pre-financing may not exceed #% of the maximum amount of the grant as specified in Article ILiterature Literature
Hi va posar dos glaçons més i va continuar xerrant com si res.
Or was it Italy?Literature Literature
El revolucionari romàntic es va allunyar amb un salt i va fer com si res no hagués passat.
They are a group of # students accompanied by four coordinators from the Long Plain First Nations, and they are part of the Long Plain Youth for Tomorrow projectLiterature Literature
Mentrestant jo continuaré vivint amb la Camille com si res, ella no ho sabrà.
We believe that Jenna can be the next Cindy Crawford babyLiterature Literature
1291 sinne gevind in 83 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.