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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Encara estava assaborint la felicitat absoluta, plantada contra un arbre mentre em follava l’home que estimava.
I' il bet the driver forgot to wipe that part downLiterature Literature
Llavors va passar 7 dies sota l'arbre en un estat meditatiu de felicitat absoluta.
Yeah, it' s not too serious now, huh?It doesn' t call for an operation?QED QED
Vaig voleiar per la platja en un estat de felicitat absoluta.
Is nevertheless convinced that many more States should sign and ratify the CCW and its five Protocols, and calls upon the Council and the Commission to do everything possible to ensure that all Member States duly sign and ratify Protocol V and that all countries receiving disarmament assistance sign and ratify the protocol as well, even if so far they have not acceded to the CCW (e.gLiterature Literature
Era una beatitud indefinida, una embriaguesa tal, que arribava a oblidar la possibilitat d’una felicitat absoluta.
No, we' re good.It' s okay. Look, just jot them down in a letterLiterature Literature
Per tu la Naoko potser és la felicitat absoluta, però per mi només és una noia molt maldestra.
You ought to be going somewhere in a dress like thatLiterature Literature
Amb ella, en una felicitat absoluta.
But then I remembered something Carlyle saidLiterature Literature
Allò era una felicitat tan absoluta que no va poder continuar somiant.
She' s much more than a GretaLiterature Literature
* * * Malgrat els rigors del clima, aquests primers mesos de vida a l’Índia transcorren en la felicitat més absoluta.
Under Rule #, until such time as her credentials had been verified or a ruling had been given on any dispute, and provided that she had previously made a written declaration stating that she did not hold any office incompatible with that of Member of the European Parliament, Monica Giuntini would take her seat in Parliament and on its bodies and would enjoy all the rights attaching theretoLiterature Literature
Durant aquell cap de setmana de desembre ell també va viure en un estat de felicitat immensa i absoluta.
you can start closing up downstairsLiterature Literature
L'estat d ́absoluta saviesa i felicitat eterna conegut com Il· luminació.
carry out checks at regular intervals to ascertain that producer organisations comply with the terms and conditions for recognitionQED QED
La felicitat en el matrimoni és absolutament un afer de sort.
That' s what you' re gonna use to win the state championshipLiterature Literature
La felicitat, és clar, és una bestiesa absoluta en aquests moments, ja que, tal com van les coses, demà ja seré morta.
You' re a musician and a dancerLiterature Literature
La felicitat, és clar, és una bestiesa absoluta en aquests moments, ja que, tal com van les coses, demà ja seré morta.
We take over the campLiterature Literature
Wagner va escriure a propòsit de les seves preocupacions amb Schopenhauer i Tristany en una carta a Franz Liszt (16 de desembre de 1854): «No havent gaudit mai a la vida de l'autèntica felicitat de l'amor, erigiré un homenatge al més encisador dels somnis en el que, de principi a fi, l'amor trobarà, per una vegada, la plenitud absoluta.
You guys are so weirdWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
14 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.