filla putativa oor Engels

filla putativa

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Fills de puta, fills de puta...
I do not know, I have to askQED QED
Estúpides i incompetents fills de puta!
Esmeralda, let him speak firstOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Com cony poden fer una cosa així, aquells bojos fills de puta?
Sometimes a hug is goodLiterature Literature
—Han trobat aquells fills de puta —va grunyir en Dima en un murmuri rus—.
Any amount over $150,000 should probably be referred to a lawyer.Literature Literature
Ja us vaig dir que pensava perseguir aquests fills de puta, i ho deia de debò.
It may invite the EU Operation Commander and/or EU Force Commander to its meetings as necessaryLiterature Literature
Psicòpates malalts fills de puta!
Pick a new spotOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—El que hem d’aprendre és què diuen aquests fills de puta i on són exactament.
I' m learning what love is, LouisLiterature Literature
—He rebut guitzes de fills de puta pitjors que ell —dic jo—.
And I know you know itLiterature Literature
On es en Jimmy, fil de puta?
Jennifer ' my dear ' in life there are winners and there are losersOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Fills de puta.
There is no production method which is 100% safe.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—¿Són aquells dos fills de puta?
It is consequently ensured that compensation for own resources will only be made in the event of sufficient profits and that no State aid will be used for payments to shareholdersLiterature Literature
«Allà fins i tot els mosquits són uns fills de puta», es lamentava.
But you are damaged, aren' t you?Literature Literature
La senyorassa negra, la mala persona, la filla de puta era a qui havia de vigilar.
I saw you on the SixLiterature Literature
Tots els teus homes són uns fills de puta estèrils.
AnnouncementsLiterature Literature
La dona es va incorporar i va acompanyar la seva sortida amb un crit de «Fills de puta!».
In the EU, the protection ofa diverse genetic base is taking on increasing importance in the preservation of protected areas and original plant and animal species as a part of or in addition to production and as a gene bank activityLiterature Literature
Fills de puta, vosaltres, devia pensar Mimoun, però no va dir res.
I was frightenedLiterature Literature
Són uns fills de puta morts d’avorriment, aquests que s’autoanomenen crítics d’art.
A fur coat at a summer shoot?Literature Literature
No pots escapar-te d’aquests fills de puta, tio.
They' re this indie rock band from the cityLiterature Literature
Fills de puta, què heu fet a la meva porta!
This... is ruby shellacLiterature Literature
Acaba amb això d'una vegada, filla de puta.
Man # #:The movie is now called “ The Fires of Home. ”OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Tres: t’apropies dels beneficis, aixafes el negoci als fills de puta.
This trend seems to be the result of the reopening of the investigation published in #, the conclusions of which published in # led to the amendment of the anti-dumping measures in that year, and of the significant increase of the imports from certain other third countries, which have benefited from the imposition of anti-dumping duties on Russian importsLiterature Literature
Ni quatre arreplegats fills de puta que violen criatures.
So you knew Lola was the father of my son tooLiterature Literature
Què diable em van ruixar aquells fills de puta de gitanos?».
' Who could' ve poisoned it? 'Literature Literature
Ara els fills de puta m’atacaven a través de la meva dona.
The holder of a puttable financial instrument or an instrument that imposes on the entity an obligation to deliver to another party a pro rata share of the net assets of the entity only on liquidation may enter into transactions with the entity in a role other than that of an ownerLiterature Literature
I els polis, els molt fills de puta, estan encantats de la vida.
She' s not answering the doorLiterature Literature
128 sinne gevind in 7 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.