forn de pa oor Engels

forn de pa

Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


establishment that produces and sells flour-based food baked in an oven

bakery baker's

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
¿Seria tan amable de portar-me demà al matí, quan vagi al forn de pa, una barreta?
Nothing except the next jobLiterature Literature
De fet, no va tornar a comprar mai més al forn de pa del barri.
When we return home, Andalasia shall know of your treacheryLiterature Literature
Sense avisar, em veig de sobte a la televisió, dreta davant de les runes del forn de pa.
I don' t want him feeling betterLiterature Literature
Portaré pastes i sandvitxos d’un forn de pa que m’ha recomanat el teu germà Christopher.
The Administrative Board shall issue specific terms of reference in agreement with the Commission, following consultations with the parties involvedLiterature Literature
Conserva un forn de pa a l'interior.
Where tank wagons have been refilled without having been previously cleaned out, the consignment note shall show, as total weight of goods carried, the sum of the weight of the new load and of the residual load, which will be the same as the gross weight of the tank wagon, less its registered unladen weightWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—Sí, continuaré treballant al forn de pa.
Based on an original story by Kyusaku YumenoLiterature Literature
Ara McDoughnut contracta Stone, el contractista, perquè li construeixi i li equipi el forn de pa.
That' s a straw boss, damn chair warmer!Literature Literature
Sense avisar, em veig de sobte a la televisió, dreta davant de les runes del forn de pa.
Our debate this evening will now become a touch more formal.Literature Literature
S’està barallant amb un forn de pa antic.
A list of the Range States of migratory species listed in Appendices I and # shall be kept up to date by the Secretariat using information it has received from the PartiesLiterature Literature
En algun moment va servir també com a forn de pa.
Come on, sweetheart, breatheWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Porto la Cressida cap a la runa del forn de pa i li demano que filmi una cosa.
Help yourselfLiterature Literature
Les tres filles Mercer també gestionen un forn de pa anomenad Ruby et Violette.
Most people had a savings account and little debtWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Perquè n’haurien pogut comprar un a la pastisseria Picard o a qualsevol forn de pa del meu carrer.
Have you got that?Literature Literature
Tenia sort, el professor, de treballar al forn de pa, però s’ho mereixia perquè es recordava dels seus amics.
Make sure you get under the cushions, tooLiterature Literature
Viu en un entresòl a sobre d’un forn de pa, gairebé a la cantonada del carrer de Saint Médard.
for Cemex: active in the production and marketing of cement, ready-mixed concrete, aggregates and other related products world-wideLiterature Literature
Aquest forn de pa ens va convertir en els nous enterradors dels turons i de les terres del voltant.
When did this arrive?Literature Literature
Un cop el Wade a dins del vehicle, calent com un forn de pa, el Howie engegà el motor.
Your one and only source into the scandalous lives of manhattan' s eliteLiterature Literature
Un dia vaig baixar al forn de pa; la Bessy se n'havia oblidat però es negava a tornar a baixar.
What are you doing?Literature Literature
La fruiteria era la que estava més lluny, al costat del forn de pa que el pare ens va dir: una de mig.
Drunk soul of a blind junkieLiterature Literature
Uns metres enllà, a l’entrada del forn de pa, es va trobar amb en Manolo Zamarreño, que sortia amb una barra de pa.
When summarising the overall exports to third countries by Korean exporting producers in the RIP (# tonnes) as reported by Korean statistical office and deducting the exports by the cooperating exporting producers (# tonnes), the total exports by non-cooperating exporting producers have been calculated to # tonnesLiterature Literature
Però també en vaig veure unes quantes que eren més grosses i que també es podien fer servir com a forn de pa.
Why don' t you two join us?Literature Literature
El foc també va afectar el magatzem annex, una botiga de roba de segona mà, una petita botiga de mobles i un forn de pa.
I am trying to find out where they keep their money!Literature Literature
Hem identificat les cinquanta màquines més importants que creiem que es necessiten per a que existeixi la vida moderna... coses des de tractors, forns de pa, creadors de circuits.
List of third countries or parts of third countries which are allowed to export farmed ratite meat to the European Unionted2019 ted2019
Hi ha també un antic forn de coure pa que funciona en ocasions especials.
Points to the need for regional development plans to take into account the Natura # programme, so as to reconcile the principle of protecting Europe's biodiversity with the development and improvement of quality of life; with this in view, believes that a wide-ranging information campaign is needed, together with the promotion of good practice, to demonstrate how these two apparently contradictory goals can be reconciledWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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