magolla oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


Motllura en forma d'anell que envolta la part superior d'un pinacle o un gablet i fa de peu al floró.
[architecture] an encircling band, molding, or fillet, as on the shaft of a column.
Tiffany Carter


Tiffany Carter

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Què en podeu esbrinar, d'aquest vell barret magolat?
I like being in the arms of a good- looking nunLiterature Literature
Què en podeu esbrinar, d'aquest vell barret magolat?
Unemployment benefits refer to benefits that replace in whole or in part income lost by a worker due to the loss of gainful employment, provide a subsistence (or better) income to persons entering or re-entering the labour market, compensate for the loss of earnings due to partial unemploymentLiterature Literature
Tenia el cantó esquerre de la cara magolat i inflat, allà on en Ralph l’havia colpejat repetidament.
Let' s continue to look for a weapon, or somethingLiterature Literature
La boca estava inflada i magolada, i el rostre i les mans eren una massa d’esgarrinxades i talls.
On the one hand, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but-which means we must include all the doubts, caveats, ifs, and butsLiterature Literature
Li ho vaig dir i li vaig assenyalar l’evidència magolada sobre la taula.
You okay, R#?GoodLiterature Literature
Va ser nomenat Llançador de l'Any de la lliga, malgrat acabar l'1 d'agost amb un colze magolat.
They left him out thereWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
6 sinne gevind in 2 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.