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Les he vist i he pensat: aquestes seran pels senyors Sempere —va dir en to melindros—.
Is it prepared to encourage the training of electoral staff in Mozambique, both professional and voluntary, and likewise to make the population (particularly schoolchildren) aware of the rules and values of democracy?Literature Literature
¿O és que ha decidit deixar de ser un escriptor professional i transformar-se en un diletant de cafè i melindros?
But we already agreed, man!Literature Literature
—Es mostrava melindrosa i amistosa, com si l’esperés per sopar.
And be lost forever to Davy Jones LockerLiterature Literature
El Porquet es va treure les ulleres, entrà melindrosament a l’aigua i se les tornà a posar.
Chuck, go get helpLiterature Literature
Sí, i ell baixava tant a la bodega per això, tan sovint, com sospitava el Melindro de molt temps ençà.
And be lost forever to Davy Jones ’ LockerLiterature Literature
No voldria semblar melindros, però no els acabo de trobar la gràcia a aquests llocs de topless.
You gonna hold her past against her?- Yeah, I' m gonna-- A porno star!Literature Literature
Aquesta nit sucaràs el melindro, nano.
See you when you get your show back and I can criticize it againOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Déu ens dóna la vida, però qui governa el món és el dimoni... Passàvem la tarda entre teologia i melindros rancis.
Why do you want to go away, then?Literature Literature
I aquesta és també la raó de la melindrosa impudícia dels adults condemnats a una adolescència perpètua!
Maybe you' re rightLiterature Literature
Mentre treballa, li va demanant coses com un client melindrós.
In light of the worsened economic outlook, the government announced a second set of measures on # FebruaryLiterature Literature
I tindríeu l’amabilitat de dir-me, mestre Melindro, on són les virtuts del gingebre?
Recalls its priorities in the agricultural sector, such as the fight against animal diseases and EU policy for quality food products, and underlines the importance that the European Parliament attaches to rural development as the key to achieving sustainable agriculture; stresses the need to encourage young farmers, in particular, and to adapt the fundsavailable to the number of young farmers in need of assistance in the enlarged Union; points out once again that for these priorities agricultural modulation could be used given that a margin exists under sub-heading #aLiterature Literature
la veu d’en Quirze pare tornava a ser falsament melindrosa, melindrosa com deia la cançó de Nadal.
Desloratadine is moderately bound (# %-# %) to plasma proteinsLiterature Literature
El foc de la llar moria de mica en mica, i les últimes flames hi ballaven melindroses.
If Madame Leroy calls, tell her I’ m going straight to the pool, I won' t go to officeLiterature Literature
Eren una parelleta simpàtica però molt melindrosa: fets l’un per a l’altre, com diuen.
Points to the need for regional development plans to take into account the Natura # programme, so as to reconcile the principle of protecting Europe's biodiversity with the development and improvement of quality of life; with this in view, believes that a wide-ranging information campaign is needed, together with the promotion of good practice, to demonstrate how these two apparently contradictory goals can be reconciledLiterature Literature
I tindríeu l’amabilitat de dir-me, mestre Melindro, on són les virtuts del gingebre?
I' ve missed this car so much...... and youLiterature Literature
—Ni per tot un regne no voldria pas ser tan melindros com tu —va exclamar Bingley—.
It is very difficult for us to find a line here which expresses this deep concern about the situation in North Korea, yet does not escalate the conflict.Literature Literature
Potser amb paciència i algun melindro, res que sigui gaire difícil.
This is idioticLiterature Literature
És gingebre la mena de combustible que utilitzes, Melindro, per encendre un foc en aquest caníbal que tremola?
I know, but you gotcha license last yearLiterature Literature
El Melindro va baixar a corre-cuita, va donar una llambregada al rellotge i va informar del minut exacte a Ahab.
Kill me and you' il never know what brought me all the way out hereLiterature Literature
El nen mira el seu pare amb un somriure congelat i melindrós.
Pretty girlsLiterature Literature
L’únic que detesta els demòcrates perquè els troba melindrosos, i no sap ben bé en quin partit encaixa.
When we awoke, we were prisoners, unarmed and shackledLiterature Literature
Altres crítics, com E. M. Forster, van lamentar el que veien com un melindrós tractament del sexe i d'altres temes possiblement controvertits per part de James, o van rebutjar el seu estil en trobar-lo difícil i obscur, ple de frases llargues i amb un llenguatge massa llatinitzat.
A good company thoughWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—va respondre, amb la melindrosa flor artificial del seu somriure plantada al seu lloc.
Dorothy was cool.Her shoes were retroLiterature Literature
, fas el melindros perquè estàs perdent.
And, fellow Sleeptiters, I just want to say...... that this demonstration of harmony in our factory...... strikes something deep down inside meLiterature Literature
Vós havíeu jurat seguir un quest —digué Nínive tota melindrosa—.
Back on 31 August, I tabled a priority question to the Commission.Literature Literature
34 sinne gevind in 8 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.