per a tota la vida oor Engels

per a tota la vida

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«En aquesta bellesa veus un efecte estabilitzador dinàmic essencial per a tota la vida.
Uh, to go with me on such short noticeLiterature Literature
Però no era d'aquelles que es fan amics per a tota la vida.
We' re here to prepare a banquet for your chancellorLiterature Literature
És una campiona, una persona de gran fe i camarada meva per a tota la vida.
Ambassador, if Elasian women are that vicious, why are men so overwhelmingly attracted to them?Literature Literature
La perspectiva feia esfereir; en Harold es pensava que estava salvat per a tota la vida.
You can get a jobLiterature Literature
Si no m’ho pots fer bé... —És per a tota la vida, Rouche.
The effects of your damned liberation theologyLiterature Literature
—Perquè formen relacions monògames per a tota la vida.
The Communities take on exposure to credit risk, which is the risk that a counterparty will be unable to pay amounts in full when dueLiterature Literature
—Vols dir que espera ésser l'única dona del meu germà per a tota la vida?
Still sitting right where he was last nightLiterature Literature
El temps que vam passar junts ens va unir per a tota la vida.
I would be the last person to defend or to abdicate complete harmonization of indirect taxes, but where the differentials are so great that it is leading to distortions in the market and fraudulent trading then it is high time this Parliament acted.Literature Literature
He tingut prou foc per a tota la vida.
I beg your pardonLiterature Literature
Cony, estàvem signant per a tota la vida).
AlI I am is the guy who slept with his motherLiterature Literature
No et demano pas un compromís per a tota la vida, però quedem que sortim junts, o no?
Look, Josey, the illusion is that all your problems are solved in a courtroomLiterature Literature
Després de deu setmanes, el client estarà enganxat per a tota la vida.
Any other marking may be affixed to the instruments provided that the visibility and legibility of the CE markings is not thereby reducedLiterature Literature
Però si els agrada, són clients per a tota la vida.
Well, one crisis at a timeLiterature Literature
Una transgressió inoblidable que m'ha marcat per a tota la vida.
I could not believe the outrageOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aquestes eren les coses que et podien corrompre per a tota la vida, la veritat.
I need them for ransomLiterature Literature
El petroli no serà per a tota la vida; per contra, la cultura es mantindrà sempre.”
Call for backupgv2019 gv2019
Si aconsegueixo treure’l d’aquesta història, li servirà de lliçó per a tota la vida.
Come on, pushLiterature Literature
Li semblava, va afegir, que podria ser un company adequat per a tota la vida.
Cabbages.KnickersLiterature Literature
Quedarà marcat amb aquest fracàs per a tota la vida.
I can get those in a couple of daysLiterature Literature
O: «Déu meu, si em traieu viu d’aquesta, seré vostre per..., bé, per a tota la vida».
Never been betterLiterature Literature
És un reproductor monògam, tot i així no s'aparella per a tota la vida.
THE EUROPEAN UNION, on the one hand, and ROMANIA, on the other hand, together hereinafter referred to as theWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Una vegada, vaig relliscar dins d’ell enmig d’una operació, i allò m’ha marcat per a tota la vida.
Vladimir attacked you, and you defended yourselfLiterature Literature
T’haurien deixat tranquil·la per a tota la vida.
And from what i can tell from the exterior,It wasn' t designed for communications, Navigations or surveillanceLiterature Literature
—Era un home madur amb un nomenament per a tota la vida.
We' re almost clear, Hale, be carefulLiterature Literature
No tracto de buscar una professió per a tota la vida.
Gentlemen, pleaseLiterature Literature
821 sinne gevind in 88 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.