porta corredissa oor Engels

porta corredissa

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door which opens horizontally by sliding

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La va seguir fins a l’habitació més allunyada, on va obrir unes portes corredisses.
lf a cadaver can see anythingLiterature Literature
Pallas no es va girar; va sortir per la porta corredissa de vidre.
Another area where the effectiveness of committees could be enhanced would be in altering the concurrence process for committee reportsLiterature Literature
En aixecar-me per obrir una mica les portes corredisses, vaig sentir com n’estaven d’humides les meves mans.
People were calling for change, which is far from being the case now, because all parties in the National Assembly are opposed to Bill C-#. The four opposition parties in this House are asking that the committee be allowed to travel, as the fisheries committee is going to do and as the committee on free trade has already doneLiterature Literature
—Hi havia portes corredisses també en aquest costat que donaven al saló i una escala en aquesta banda.
First, I' il eat my haddock.Then... if you don' t turn me out into the street, have a good night' s restLiterature Literature
La Misato s’havia refugiat a la seva cambra i havia tancat la porta corredissa.
Security' s got sensitivity training todayLiterature Literature
Era un bloc de ciment d'un sol pis, amb portes corredisses al davant i al darrere.
How' d you like to manage me, Corkle?Literature Literature
Aleshores va sentir el soroll de la porta corredissa i la Misato que sortia de l’habitació del darrere.
This looks like a nice enough neighborhoodLiterature Literature
Unes portes corredisses obertes donaven a una biblioteca.
I' il tell himLiterature Literature
Jo també m’alegro de veure’t —murmura en Trevor, i desapareix per les portes corredisses.
I want you to come with me nowLiterature Literature
Després vaig tornar a l’habitació, vaig obrir les portes corredisses i vaig mirar a dins de l’armari buit.
Could I just go buy her something?Literature Literature
I aleshores vam tornar a travessar la casa i ens vam aturar a les portes corredisses.
Captain, are you all right?Literature Literature
Va prémer un cercle platejat que hi havia a la paret i es van obrir les portes corredisses.
Right.Well, obviously some of you have worked togetherLiterature Literature
El Wade obrí les portes corredisses que donaven al balcó, encara calent, malgrat l'hora, i encengué un cigarret.
Immune system disordersLiterature Literature
Té una porta corredissa platejada que s’obre i permet la instal·lació d’artefactes sagrats.
You were there for me every timeLiterature Literature
Va obrir la porta corredissa de la cuina.
◦ Compare the benefits of a triennial model - that is, three year terms renewable once for a maximum term of six years, with the benefits of the current annual model and the biennial model which promotes two year terms for a maximum of six years;Literature Literature
Uns moments després surt per sota la porta corredissa, Poldy panteixant, brufolant Bloohum.
Unemployment benefits refer to benefits that replace in whole or in part income lost by a worker due to the loss of gainful employment, provide a subsistence (or better) income to persons entering or re-entering the labour market, compensate for the loss of earnings due to partial unemploymentLiterature Literature
Maria Shelley es va aturar davant d’una porta corredissa i va trucar amb els artells.
And a ciggie?Literature Literature
La porta corredissa del darrere, la que dóna al jardí.
Your boyfriend called againLiterature Literature
La Boney va aparèixer a través de la porta corredissa de la part de darrere de la casa.
What do you want me to say?I- I don' t knowLiterature Literature
La porta corredissa de la terrassa i la piscina estava oberta; les cortines blanques voleiaven nervioses amb el vent.
I think you knowLiterature Literature
Vaig sentir també com s’obria la porta corredissa, i com algú, amb una veu clara i agradable, preguntava: —Clarence?
List of deep-sea, pelagic and demersal fish speciesLiterature Literature
—El seu marit va tancar la porta corredissa al seu darrere i va travessar l’habitació per encendre’s un cigarret—.
We should protest against the impact of poverty which is felt disproportionately by women.Literature Literature
Dit això, va fer mitja volta i va sortir de l’habitació, per la porta corredissa, de camí al jardí.
You wouldn' t like it eitherLiterature Literature
—Doncs sí, està ben igual, encara hi ha les portes corredisses i la finestra amb vidres de colors a l’escala.
How do we find our way home without her?Literature Literature
Vam anar cap a allò que els britànics probablement anomenen «el saló privat» i la Karen tancà les portes corredisses.
Why didn' t you ever bring us there before?Literature Literature
47 sinne gevind in 12 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.