quaranta-cinc oor Engels


naamwoord, Syfermanlike

Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


Cardinal number, CardinalNumeral, Syfer
The cardinal number occurring after forty-four and before forty-six, represented in Roman numerals as XLV and in Arabic numerals as 45.
(cardinal) forty-five

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
A una hora i quaranta-cinc minuts de cotxe segons Google Maps.
And we gotta find a wayto get close to this guyLiterature Literature
Ella devia tenir entre trenta-cinc i quaranta-cinc anys.
For each product theLiterature Literature
En total, la feina ha pujat a quaranta-cinc penics.
And we gotta find a way to get close to this guyLiterature Literature
Edward Teller va apostar per quaranta-cinc mil tones.
At the beginning of the #th century we had something very important and now we have at the end of the #th century something equally importantLiterature Literature
La festa dels quaranta-cinc anys d’en Jack al Madison Square Garden de Nova York.
I hacked into an illegal botnet system and redirected the computing power into cracking the encryptionLiterature Literature
A la meva esquerra hi tenia el marge altíssim amb una inclinació de quaranta-cinc o cinquanta graus.
We' il be hereLiterature Literature
—Ha cridat durant quaranta-cinc minuts abans d'adormir-se!
I' ve come for KalyaniLiterature Literature
Contesta que era una jueva desagradable que vivia al pis dotze i devia tenir uns quaranta-cinc anys.
If not, what does the Commission intend to do to remove this type of non-tariff barrier and guarantee access to the Chinese market under fair conditions?Literature Literature
És el dos-cents quaranta-cinc.
Everything that happened, Trinity, it was all my faultLiterature Literature
I per fi, per primera vegada en quaranta-cinc dies, van treure-li la bena.
a martini. all right, thenLiterature Literature
—Woody es va inclinar endavant assenyalant l’altímetre, que marcava cent quaranta-cinc metres—.
I can show you--That town is surrounded by #, # British soldiersLiterature Literature
—És clar que no és la intenció que hagi de cridar durant quaranta-cinc minuts.
Antibodies, monoclonal, polyclonal or anti-idiotypicLiterature Literature
Un metre quaranta-cinc és poc, per a un home, però si parlem de ràbia concentrada, és enorme.
In particular those rules must specify the definition of a model certificate, the minimum requirements regarding the language or languages in which it must be drafted and the status of the person empowered to sign itLiterature Literature
Si em compro un Variations, que val quatre dòlars, ja som als quaranta-cinc.
Go into the bedroom and pack some things.Start cryingLiterature Literature
—He trobat quaranta-cinc casos de pallisses a adolescents en el darrer any a Gotland.
" I am legion. " that' s just sillyLiterature Literature
Cullen era un paio corpulent, d’uns quaranta-cinc anys.
The one, who kills the Ogre, will be named champion.How about himLiterature Literature
Al migdia, la Tankadère no era a més de quaranta-cinc milles de Xangai.
If I can' t love you, I' m not allowed to love anyone?Literature Literature
Tinc quaranta-cinc anys, Thérèse, vaig cometre el meu primer crim als catorze.
What just happened?Literature Literature
El quaranta-cinc per cent dels forçats allà no viuen prou per acabar el seu contracte.
Against the above background, price undercutting margins were reviewed and amended on the basis of the revised export prices, as explained above, and of the correction of an error that occurred in the currency used for one exporting producerLiterature Literature
Em veuries despullada quan tingués quaranta-cinc anys i pensaries: «Hum, encara ho vull, això?
As the courts have ruled, they should beLiterature Literature
La seva classe constava de quaranta-cinc estudiants on Parlow era l'única noia.
We' ve already got your spoilsWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La bomba va esclatar a les cinc i vint-i-nou minuts i quaranta-cinc segons.
God bless youLiterature Literature
L’hivern anterior havien estat a quaranta-cinc sota zero diverses nits seguides.
The carrier has experienced an increase in business and has increased its truck fleet fourfold.Literature Literature
—Fa quaranta-cinc anys que no he anat a cap espectacle d’òpera.
It' s said to be the source of the Kalachakra, Tibetan magicLiterature Literature
Eren tres quarts de quatre; per tant, li quedaven quaranta-cinc minuts.
whereas any ESF contribution to an Objective # single programming document must be of sufficient size to justify its separate management, and should therefore not amount to less than # % of the total Structural Funds contributionLiterature Literature
413 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.