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A més, si fa no fa totes les infàncies són iguals.
Mobile work equipment with ride-on workersmust be designed to restrict, under actual conditions of use, the risks arising from work equipment rolloverLiterature Literature
Té un any, si fa no fa, i és la més moderna que tenim.
I got some grill coming you' re gonna loveLiterature Literature
Si fa no fa, no ho sé, unes tres dotzenes.
I understand you were with HarryLiterature Literature
, si fa no fa és cert —afirma la Kat—, però això és bo.
The numbers and/or symbols identifying the engine type and vehicle type must be indicatedLiterature Literature
Quan em giro, em sorprèn trobar una noia, de la meva edat si fa no fa.
Well, you never know unless you tryLiterature Literature
Si fa no fa és el mateix, però una mica més...
Elimination of the product and the restoration of stable cardiovascular conditions may be neededLiterature Literature
Jo suposo que els tindràs aquí una setmana, si fa no fa, fins que comenci l’escola.
Your posse outnumbers Earp ' s five to oneLiterature Literature
Als trenta-sis encara et desassossegues si fa no fa cada setmana.
All right, Russ!Literature Literature
Ens reconeguérem si fa no fa al mateix temps, i la salutació fou d’allò més cordial.
Member States may require vessels carrying dangerous goods as defined in the ADNR to comply with the requirements laid down in this Agreement. As proof of this, they may require that the authorization provided for in this Agreement be producedLiterature Literature
Es va prendre la notícia si fa no fa com en Kurtz.
I heard this Twist record blastina across white radioLiterature Literature
Està bé i arribarà si fa no fa d'aquí a una setmana.
Barbed wire, of iron or steelLiterature Literature
Guilmard era professor de matemàtiques, teníem si fa no fa les mateixes classes.
Good life get a little boring?Literature Literature
I no creguis pas que aquest senyor no sigui republicà; ho és si fa no fa com nosaltres.
Processing units other than those of subheading # or #, whether or not containing in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage units, input units, output unitsLiterature Literature
Pel sol podia veure que ja era migdia si fa no fa.
Underlining that the current system was complex, particularly when trying to access several programs, most participants favoured a more streamlined and harmonized certification process across federal and provincial programs, and agencies.Literature Literature
Tots els dentistes són si fa no fa, vaig dir.
Yuck...... that really stinksLiterature Literature
Sé, vaig afegir, que totes les vides són si fa no fa: el principal de totes les vides.
If there is a God up there,He would have turned His back on us by nowLiterature Literature
Si fa no fa un cop el mes, vaig a temptar la sort al casino de Deauville.
I' m taking a walkLiterature Literature
Si fa no fa per aquella mateixa època em vaig començar a interessar pels meus companys d’infortuni.
Ages and ages, just watin for the RuntLiterature Literature
És, si fa no fa, la distància que separa la meva masmorra de la seva.
quid, all in, you can do what youfucking want to herLiterature Literature
Si fa no fa, era un intercanvi de diners sense sentit del qual me'n penediria.
Bill C-# is part of this ongoing processQED QED
Ni cal dir-ho, l’amor autèntic és excepcional, dos o tres cops per segle si fa no fa.
from the grieved expression in your eyesLiterature Literature
Bé, doncs aquest és si fa no fa el tema: grans, diferents i ja no hi són.
It is clearly Staleek' s vanguardQED QED
Després de quinze minuts, si fa no fa, criden el meu nom.
' cause the only other one... we know it picked out for sure was youLiterature Literature
L’animal devia haver deixat el cos del tiet si fa no fa en aquell estat, en més net.
He gave me some hope, was very literal, very specificLiterature Literature
O es va transformant en tu, si fa no fa.
To encourage regional production and maintain an appropriate balance so as to foster broadcast programs in both official languages in all regions of Canada.Literature Literature
407 sinne gevind in 53 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.