si mai oor Engels

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Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels

if ever

I si mai es troben en problemes, els ajudarem perquè som realment una gran família.
And if ever they are in trouble, we will come to their aid because we are truly a big family.

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Va preguntar a Edgar si mai havia enllustrat algunes sabates per a la senyoreta.
Then again, she hasn' t cracked a smile since that shark almost devoured meLiterature Literature
L'alcalde es va quedar parat per un instant... com si mai no hagués sentit parlar de Minos.
All teams return to their postsLiterature Literature
—En Jon la va mirar com s’allunyava preguntant-se si mai tornaria a veure el seu rostre.
Regulation (EEC) No #/# should therefore be amended accordinglyLiterature Literature
Què passaria si mai se sentia com a casa sense la Liekki?
I' m not terribly comfortable with you working closely with this woman.- What?Literature Literature
Què triaria si mai tingués l’oportunitat de comprar a Cartier!
EXPERT" S REPORTLiterature Literature
Com si mai no s'hagués despertat quan em vaig ficar al llit.
Isn' t he?He worked # years for his familyLiterature Literature
Si mai havia existit, ja havia desaparegut d’aquest món, com els gegants i els dracs.
If anything happened to you, I would blame myselfLiterature Literature
Endrapava pollastre tikka amb una cullera de plàstic com si mai abans no hagués vist menjar.
It should be noted in particular that public-private cooperation has proved very effective in managing situations of decline or even crises in tourism in mature destinations that risk losing their wealth-generating potentialLiterature Literature
Si mai trobes la forma de sortir, faré que la teva vida sigui un malson...
Tomorrow only comes to those who make it through todayOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Una altra lliçó que hauries d’aprendre, si mai esperes seure al costat del meu fill.
Liability insurance servicesLiterature Literature
Avui Emma reprèn el seu relat on l’havia deixat dos dies abans, com si mai no n’haguera eixit.
We' re here to help youLiterature Literature
Si mai surts d’aquí i no sé on has anat, hauré d’avisar la policia —diu—.
The Working Group Report provides that the Wood Scheme should be aimed at companies and other operators with concrete projects falling within the strategies and work areas of the scheme and which contribute to increased value creationLiterature Literature
Si mai necessites comprovar-ho, n'hi ha prou de tornar a la feina.
Pursuant to Article # of the Treaty,those subject, to safeguard requirements shall notify the authorities of the Member State concerned of any communications they make to the Commission pursuant to that ArticleLiterature Literature
No sé si mai ningú ho deu haver fet abans que jo.
My wife and my daughter are in MexicoLiterature Literature
Si mai hi ha hagut amor al món, aquest és el que jo sento per ella.
No, no- Well, I hadn' t when I started either but this manual is good for helping you outLiterature Literature
«La Melara va dir que si mai no parlàvem de les seves profecies, les oblidaríem.
They fight different than we do tooLiterature Literature
Si mai et trobessis un lladre de debò, sabries que no paguen, ni tan sols amb un paper.
Yeah, I heard you, ChampLiterature Literature
—D’acord, però si mai canvies d’opinió, jo encara el voldré.
The Administrative Board shall issue specific terms of reference in agreement with the Commission, following consultations with the parties involvedLiterature Literature
I si mai els fas res, a qualsevol de les dues, jo ho sabré.
No one run faster than meLiterature Literature
Si mai arriba a tenir dificultats financeres, podria ser que jo l’hagués de subvencionar.
Death is hardLiterature Literature
Barney, si mai vols entrades per a un partit d’hoquei o de beisbol, ja ho saps.
Pierson, I' ve often had occasion to appreciate your discretionLiterature Literature
Si mai t’avorreixes de ser la dona més guapa del planeta, podries obrir un saló de bellesa.
Keep talking, brother, keep talkingLiterature Literature
Un cop hi seria, per al món exterior fóra com si mai no hagués existit.
Careful, laniLiterature Literature
Si mai publico una segona edició del llibre, hi inclouré el seu treball, no ho dubti.
Look in on Johnny, see if he' s grown the fuck upLiterature Literature
Rarament, si mai, havia sortit d'aquell patró.
She' s #, for God' s sakesLiterature Literature
4554 sinne gevind in 53 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.