soparé oor Engels



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En veure que duien ostres escloscades dins del cistell, va voler saber com preparava la Liusu la sopa d’ostres.
No.I' m an evil spirit, CaluciferLiterature Literature
Sap on sopem aquest vespre?
Cheer up, buckarooOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Són cinc minuts —va dir ell, disposat a preparar un sopar d’emergència.
My question is, with all due respect, if they think that this is the way things should be in this country, sirLiterature Literature
La teva tia et convida a sopar... i també a tots els teus amics.
Aren' t they growing?Literature Literature
—A la nota que t'he deixat aquest matí et deia que tornaria a l'hora de sopar, i sóc aquí.
Guys, a little helpLiterature Literature
Però en realitat no feia mai res per ningú, i sé que rares vegades es pagava el sopar.
Don' t kill me, don' t kill me!Literature Literature
—Ahir al vespre, mentre sopàvem, em va dir que hi ha algú que intenta entrar als arxius d'algunes de les seves empreses.
Official controlsLiterature Literature
Anem a sopar a la ciutat de nit.
So I' ve heard amazing things about you, about the KaleidoscopeLiterature Literature
Tal com en Kote havia suposat, la nit següent van tornar a la Pedra Fita per sopar i per beure.
You might even be intelligentLiterature Literature
—Una sopa molt bona —va dir el ministre d'Afers Socials, girant-se cap al comandant David Eckhoff.
Oh..." I felt the Thunderer' s mightLiterature Literature
—Penseu-vos-hi bé, Karen; en aquest sopar us donaré una lectura gratuïta de poesia americana.
Seat capacity ...Literature Literature
A la wanigan cremaven els fogons de propà que mantenien calents el guisat i la sopa.
That' s just a bumpLiterature Literature
—No ho feia pas; a vegades venia a dinar, a vegades a sopar, però mai no hi dormia, aquí.
In accordance with Decision #/#/EC of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council of # May # setting the deadline for the commitment of the funds of the #th European Development Fund (EDF) the date beyond which the funds of the #th EDF managed by the Commission, the interest subsidies managed by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the revenue accruing from the interest on these appropriations should no longer be committed is set at # DecemberLiterature Literature
La setmana passada vaig sopar amb el bon comandant Ojukwa a París.
Which car should we both take, Colonel?OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Li vaig fer demanar mitja ampolla després de sopar perquè és dolç i sabia que dissimularia el gust.
The Incredibly Deadly Viper couldn' t have possibly harmed her?Literature Literature
No podries pas sortir a sopar amb mi i donar-me uns quants consells?
provided that the crossing of such territory is justified for geographical reasons, that the goods have remained under the surveillance of the customs authorities in the country of transit or of warehousing, that they have not entered into the commerce of such countries or been entered for home use there and have not undergone operations other than unloading, reloading or any operation designed to preserve them in good conditionLiterature Literature
Per sopar havien triat l’enoteca Croix de Ville.
Would you mind telling me why you couldn' t make some?Literature Literature
Que agradable no fóra sopar amb ell, va pensar.
COM in olive oil and table olives * (voteLiterature Literature
—Aquest vespre soparem menjar polonès amb familiars que no he vist mai.
But you do if you are holding a dance or concert, since this is considered a public performance.Literature Literature
En part era el que ella havia dit: «He sopat amb elles».
I was thinking...- Mm- hmmLiterature Literature
Ara, aparentment després del sopar de la Pasqua, cita les paraules profètiques de David: «El meu amic íntim, en qui jo confiava, que menjava el meu pa, ha aixecat el taló contra mi».
I' m leaving in the morningjw2019 jw2019
Pots perfectament tenir una conversa seriosa amb una noia durant el sopar, fins i tot si la teva dona et mira.
I have no question about thatLiterature Literature
Alguna cosa del sopar, de comprar pa, dels deures dels nens.
pome and stone fruit and grapesLiterature Literature
No va ser el pitjor sopar de la meva vida, però possiblement sí que va ser el pitjor que mai he fet a casa meva.
The advantage of this criterion is that it gives an appreciation of the variation in distances owners of vehicles needing sulphur-free fuels may have to travel in order to refuel their vehicle within the national territoryLiterature Literature
Va posar el plat al rentaplats, va donar les gràcies a la Marita pel sopar i va pujar a la seva cambra.
Maybe we should just, I don ́t know, call it a dayLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 17 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.