tenir cura de oor Engels

tenir cura de

Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels

care for

Pots morir en pau en un hospital on tindran cura de tu, o tot sol en aquest tuguri.
You can die in peace in a hospice being cared for, not by yourself in this hovel.
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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Aquest mosso teu sap com tenir cura de si mateix.
Bring me a drinkLiterature Literature
Malgrat aquell desig violent, Tertulien va tenir cura de no esquinçar el vestit d’Olmène.
An alleged miracle in Rustwater, whose population of #, # in the last few hours has swelled to over #, # peopleLiterature Literature
Tenir cura de les persones.
The need for a flexible system was emphasized.OpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
—Tinc quaranta-quatre anys —va anunciar—, i sóc ben capaç de tenir cura de mi mateixa.
Are you having fun?Literature Literature
Vós quedeu-vos aquí i ajudeu a Annie a tenir cura de la quitxalla.
All I want to know is this:Where were you when Corona needed cover?Literature Literature
«Era prudent, que es passés tanta estona al telèfon mentre tenia cura de l’Elin?»
You can' t save me, DukeLiterature Literature
«Tenia l’armari tan ple de coses secundàries que no era capaç de tenir cura de les importants.
But you' re gorgeous.- Tell that to DwayneLiterature Literature
Hi pensava de dia i en tenia cura de nit.
John.A servant to Bishop Fisher, who is kept below hereLiterature Literature
Quina infermera tenia cura de la senyoreta Paxton?
But they do not register as either man or machineLiterature Literature
Tenir cura de dues criatures no em representarà cap esforç, ara que m’he llegit Un, dos, tres...
He travels to pray for men like youLiterature Literature
O és que qüestiones la capacitat de la mare per tenir cura de mi?
Craig, where the iron?Literature Literature
¿Qui, doncs, quan estigui malalt, es dedicarà en cos i ànima a tenir cura de si mateix?
We got less than a minute before this place blows!Literature Literature
Però precisament per aquesta raó tenia cura de no dir res massa concloent.
Yeah, it' s, like, twice his sizeLiterature Literature
Saps perfectament que he estat disposat a tenir cura de tu i dels nens.
You come well recommendedLiterature Literature
El teu pare i jo ho sabíem, i vam tenir cura de no parlar massa quan estaves despert.
Your concern for my welfare is heartwarmingLiterature Literature
Tens cura de la teva higiene personal?»
She has her duty as a NoroLiterature Literature
No em posis tan difícil tenir cura de la teva seguretat!
Progress Report on Institute Advisory Boards Modeling Exercise The Nominating Committee was given an update on the modeling exercise undertaken in order to determine patterns of turnover and stability over fixed periods of time.Literature Literature
L’estatueta del monòlit, naturalment, Legrasse va tenir cura de recollir-la i endur-se-la.
A levy in the milk and milk products sector *Literature Literature
Jo ja era prou gran per tenir cura de mi mateixa.
• Equipment on Operating Grants (September 15 and March 15, 1995) January 1996 Council MeetingLiterature Literature
Però hauràs de tenir cura de la Maja mentre sóc a dins.
A revaluation loss at the year-end shall be debited to the profit and loss account, and a revaluation profit shall be credited to the revaluation accountLiterature Literature
La mare d’en Patrik, la Kristina, tenia cura de la Lisen, l’Adrian, l’Emma i la Maja.
The Union shall maintain and develop the Union as an area of freedom, security and justiceLiterature Literature
Van tenir cura de mi d’una manera fantàstica; la família Khan va ser generosa i oberta.
Speaker, I think I understood what the member was talking about when he talked about the supremacy of parliament and the judiciaryLiterature Literature
Vaig deixar aquella noia tenint cura de les nostres coses.
I was thinking...- Mm- hmmLiterature Literature
No sé quanta estona hi estaré, de manera que hauràs de tenir cura de tu mateixa.
Watch the show, you dumb-shit!Literature Literature
Quan us vàreu comprometre tan amablement a tenir cura de tot plegat, no esperàvem pas que féssiu tant.
Do you want a turn- on?Literature Literature
908 sinne gevind in 63 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.