tornado oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


column of air
Ha pogut ser una inundació o un tornado.
I could have been a flood or a tornado.


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Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


Ha pogut ser una inundació o un tornado.
I could have been a flood or a tornado.
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I tornava: —La filla del vell Rouault, una senyoreta de ciutat?
And she went on: “Old Rouault’s daughter, a city girl!Literature Literature
L'any 1528, mort Felip de Cléveris (1459-1528), senyor de Ravenstein, Wijnendale va tornar a la branca principal dels ducs de Cleves.
In 1528, after the death of Philip of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein, Wijnendale returned to the main branch of the Dukes of Cleves.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La vida tornava a començar, gràcies a Déu.
Thanks be to God, life had begun again.Literature Literature
El pare va tornar a riure i va continuar caminant pel porxo, xiulant notes sense entonar cap melodia.
My father laughed again and paced some more, whistling notes that didn’t make a tune.Literature Literature
No ha tornat a casa a dormir... —No sé on pot haver anat, però aquí no hi és.
‘She hasn’t been home all night – ’ ‘I don’t know where she was, but she wasn’t here.Literature Literature
A la vigília de la final, Yuri K. planeja renunciar al patinatge perquè Victor pugui tornar a competir, però ell rebutja la idea; finalment acorden triar els seus propis camins quan el torneig hagi acabat.
On the eve of the final, Yuri K. plans to quit skating so that Victor can return to the sport and tells Victor of his decision, but Victor tearfully rejects the idea, and they agree to choose their paths after the tournament has finished.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
De primer els gossos s’havien pensat que sortien per anar de gresca i que tornarien aviat a casa.
At first the dogs had thought they'd left home on a lark and would soon return.Literature Literature
Simplement tracta’m com tractaries a algú amb qui esperes no tornar a topar-te mai.
Just do with me as you would with anyone you hope never to run into again.Literature Literature
El xuclasang no tornarà, encara.
The bloodsucker won't be home yet.Literature Literature
En l'episodi de The Daily Show del 6 de juny de 2011, Stewart va tornar a convidar a Bahari, i al març de 2013, va anunciar que anava a deixar el programa durant 12 setmanes per dirigir la versió cinematogràfica del llibre de 2011 de Bahari, Then They Came For Me.
On the June 6, 2011 episode of The Daily Show, Stewart again hosted Bahari, and in March 2013, he announced that he was leaving the show for 12 weeks to direct the film version of Bahari's 2011 book Then They Came For Me.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Muhammad va tornar a ser governador del 702 al 706.
He served as the governor of Medina from 701 to 706.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Trigaré molt de temps a estar preparat, i un any per tornar a casa, o més.
It's going to take time to get ready, and a year to get back, or more.Literature Literature
La Leila va començar a tornar a plegar la roba que havia tirat a terra quan havia corregut a contestar el telèfon.
Leila began refolding the clothes that she had thrown down in her rush to answer the phone.Literature Literature
En acabat, va tancar la porta i va tornar cap a l’Impala.
Then he closed the door and walked back to the Impala.Literature Literature
Potser encara no és massa tard per a tornar a entrar en la gràcia de Déu.
Maybe it ain't too late yet to get on the good side of the Lord.Literature Literature
No serveix de res provar de tornar a entrar a la ciutat avui.
There’s no sense trying to crash the city line again tonight.”Literature Literature
La major part del text restant mostra especificacions de la preparació de la flota, tornant-se la inscripció il·legible abans de la fi del decret.
The majority of the extant text then turns to the specifics of preparing the fleet, with the text on the slab becoming illegible before the end of the decree.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
El prolapse es desencadena quan els lligaments que sostenen l'úter es tornen tan febles que l'úter no pot romandre al seu lloc i llisca cap avall de la seva posició normal.
Prolapse happens when the ligaments supporting the uterus become so weak that the uterus cannot stay in place and slips down from its normal position.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Quan va tornar al seu apartament, Harry va encendre un foc al dormitori.
Back in his apartment, Harry built a fire in his bedroom.Literature Literature
Déu meu, em feia tornar boja quan el veia tan controlat.
Oh God, it drove me insane when he was that controlled.Literature Literature
La distància entre el planeta % # i el % # és % # anys llum. Una nau que surti aquest torn arribarà el torn %
The distance from Planet %# to Planet %# is %# light years. A ship leaving this turn will arrive on turn %KDE40.1 KDE40.1
El vaig esperar i quan a última hora del dia va tornar vam tenir una baralla fortíssima.
So I waited for him, and when he came back, late that evening, we had a terrible argument.”Literature Literature
El portal es divideix en sis categories: ‘Anar-se'n a Europa’, ‘La vida a Europa’, ‘Curt de diners’, ‘A treballar’, ‘La tornada’ i ‘La música’.
The website is divided into six categories: Leaving for Europe, Life in Europe, Short on luck, Getting down to work, Going back, Music.globalvoices globalvoices
L’Ivy porta els plats a la cuina i després torna i s’arrauleix amb el cap a la meva falda.
Ivy takes the dishes into the kitchen then comes back and curls up with her head in my lap.Literature Literature
I potser, si tinc molta sort, demà et trobes més bé i et torno a agradar.
“And maybe, if I’m really lucky, you’ll feel better tomorrow and like me again.”Literature Literature
213 sinne gevind in 48 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.