tot sol oor Engels

tot sol


Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


bywoord, adjektief
without outside help
Aquells qui superen les adversitats, no ho fan tot sols.
People who overcome adversity don't do it alone.
Without outside help, alone

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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
No hi ha cap noia jove que acompleixi aquestes proeses gimnàstiques tota sola.
Her mother comes here every yearLiterature Literature
Era una persona única que havia d'anar als llocs i fer les coses tota sola.
That was a gift from the CaptainLiterature Literature
Com que l'Àngela no es veia enlloc, li tocava trobar l'habitació d'en Fazio tot sol.
And I say you will marry Miss SwartzLiterature Literature
Recordeu quan aquesta caixa blava estava tota sola, liderant el món, vivint la seva pròpia vida.
Send a car to the schoolted2019 ted2019
Ningú no se'n surt tot sol, Jack.
I don' t understand what happenedOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
En Quinn riu tot sol i se’n va.
Done at Brussels, # FebruaryLiterature Literature
Va sentir-se com un fantasma creuant-ne els passadissos, tot sol, com si ja fos mort.
The specificities of this sector should therefore be evaluated, common definitions should be found, mixed situations dealt with, and the specific roles of the relevant operators should be properly coordinatedLiterature Literature
Li explico que en Glen mai no anava a comprar tot sol, ni tan sols amb una llista.
Notwithstanding Article #, a movement certificate EUR.# may exceptionally be issued after exportation of the products to which it relates ifLiterature Literature
Era obvi que la hipnosi no funcionava; m’hauria d’adormir tota sola.
This Directive is addressed to the Member StatesLiterature Literature
I com que l’home va desaparèixer tot sol... —Va dibuixar una gran X en l’aire.
Zathras can never have anything niceLiterature Literature
El risc que correran és molt menor que el risc que ara està corrent aquí tot sol.
Just leave before those guys find you!Literature Literature
Sobretot quan posava tota sola, se la veia remota, fins i tot freda.
Going back on itLiterature Literature
Un temps tota sola, per pregar pels seus fills assassinats?
I give you five seconds to recover revoke your handLiterature Literature
La senyoreta Twilliger va tornar de l’edifici d’arrest tota sola.
Get your ass over there and connect the fucking camera control systemLiterature Literature
Ella estava confosa, li havia dit: «Espavili's, miri's en un mirall, ho entendrà tot sol».
Because I believe he' s leading you into a trapLiterature Literature
A les cinc hi va arribar, tota sola —el Pescador relatava els fets—.
Take him insideLiterature Literature
Després marxeu cap a casa, o al teatre, o al restaurant: la bomba ho farà tot sola.
One participant noted that if a Canadian wrote the screenplay then it should be considered as Canadian content even if the story is set somewhere else.Literature Literature
Estava a punt de preguntar-li si se’n sortia tota sola, sense ell.
You got good tasteLiterature Literature
I ara, en aquesta segona nit tota sola, jeu al llit i para l’orella per sentir-lo arribar.
Before he died, he tested himself again which confirmed that he had been poisoned with arsenicLiterature Literature
Vago pel bosc amb una manta espellifada, tot sol.
There was a nurse there when i got back.He had been in the surgery with herLiterature Literature
—Ho he deduït tot sol, sense necessitat de fer tractes amb ningú —vaig dir—.
Presently 6% of applications are filed by e-commerce.Literature Literature
Després d’haver estat detingut, venia amb mi perquè no hagués d’afrontar la gent tota sola.
Directive #/#/EC is amended as followsLiterature Literature
—S'ha convidat tot sol i sense motiu.
Life' s hard, loverLiterature Literature
Podria sortir-me'n millor si hi anava tot sol.
From outside you would never guess it' s a factory for making game- podsLiterature Literature
Molt més cap a la punta de la taula, l'Hermione seia tota sola, jugant amb el tall d'estofat.
Duration of schemeLiterature Literature
8090 sinne gevind in 84 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.