truco oor Engels



Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels

First-person singular present indicative form of trucar.

Geskatte vertalings

Vertoon algoritmies gegenereerde vertalings

Soortgelyke frases

grup de trucada d'equip
team-call group
destinatari de la trucada
call recipient
trucada d'àudio
audio call
call · phone call · telephone call
desviament de trucada
call forwarding


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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
–Et volia trucar abans, però no has contestat al mòbil –va dir finalment.
now some people out thereLiterature Literature
Mira, estic segura que te trucarà demà.
Kim jeste?Either you or herLiterature Literature
L'endemà a primera hora del matí, encara sense notícies, va trucar a l'Elijah Stern per saber si havia vist el seu fill.
You watched?Literature Literature
Quan vam rebre la trucada per Sant Joan a primera hora del matí, sabia que havia passat alguna cosa terrible.
To ensure that tyre rolling sound is not significantly affected by the test vehicle design the following requirements and recommendations are givenLiterature Literature
Et vaig trucar... —Sí, a mitjanit.
Whereas the measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Veterinary Medicinal ProductsLiterature Literature
L’adjunt va trucar al cap Brocato i es va encarregar de tots els preparatius, i jo me’n vaig anar a casa.
They' re preowned.SoLiterature Literature
A algú se li podia acudir la idea de trucar a la premsa.
Could somebody answer that, please?Literature Literature
Tu demana el taxi i parla amb Courtland mentre jo truco per telèfon.
References to the repealed Regulation shall be construed as references to this Regulation and shall be read in accordance with the correlation table set out in AnnexLiterature Literature
A les deu es va imaginar que estaria sola i li va trucar.
In fact, virtualisation allows for much fuller use of the power of computers by enabling several machines to operate virtually from one single machine, even if they have different operating systems, and this technique is being introduced rapidlyLiterature Literature
Quan hi sigui, ha de trucar a la porta, i quan li demanin qui és ha de dir: «El Durruti encara és viu».
The expected outcomes of the CSA program are well aligned with the CBSA’s strategic outcomes.Literature Literature
Trucà al laboratori i demanà parlar amb l'Enzo Lalonde.
do you know his work of courseLiterature Literature
Un intent dels entesos en gràfics computacionals per trobar la història del problema i alguns trucs per resoldre'l es pot trobar en un exemplar de Ray Tracing News.
I already talked to her last nightWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Devia ser al metro quan l’he trucat al mòbil, em diu.
My husband is not my husbandLiterature Literature
En els tres anys que el baba feia que treballava a la benzinera, mai no hi havia trucat per dir que estava malalt.
This is a hold- upLiterature Literature
Però no recordava haver fet cap trucada.
Action plans were developed to address these problems and the follow-up performed by the CPIC auditor.Literature Literature
No tenia un codi de trucades telefòniques per cridar l’atenció del jove Halliday.
That coyote ain' t helping ' em none.Whoa, cattleLiterature Literature
—Han rebut una trucada de l’estranger.
What the fuck is this bullshit that' s comin ' down?We got murderLiterature Literature
Sabem que en Harry ha estat trucant des del mòbil del seu amic taxista.
Decalcified fixed dunes with Empetrum nigrumLiterature Literature
Tan bon punt tanca la porta, truco al mòbil de la Mia amb dits tremolosos.
Look, I know that both of you have had a really tough time of it lately.It' s a huge task just taking care of yourselves. But you have got to figure out a way to look after your sonLiterature Literature
Llavors he trucat a la gent que coneixem amb qui s’hauria pogut trobar.
Oh afraid you very fear?Literature Literature
I així que té un minut lliure, truca.
I was horrified that my master wanted his works to die with himLiterature Literature
De fet, ja li havia trucat explicant-li que havia aconseguit trobar Aron.
According to that Directive, where a nutrition claim appears on labelling, in presentation or in advertising, with the exclusion of generic advertising, nutrition labelling should be compulsoryLiterature Literature
No és fins al moment en què la senyora Foster torna a casa i truca a un home perquè "arregli l'ascensor", el qual havia quedat encallat entre dues plantes, quan els lectors descobreixen el destí del senyor Foster.
Trust the systemWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
La trucada que em va destarotar va ser la de la Miriam, amb qui no parlava des de feia cosa d’un any i mig.
Don`t point around hereLiterature Literature
No havien pensat a trucar a en Peter per dir-li on eren, i encara no n’havien tornat.
Enduring physical suffering is a Klingon spiritual testLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 21 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.