un altre cop oor Engels

un altre cop

Vertalings in die woordeboek Katalaans - Engels


El seu únic desig era veure el seu fill un altre cop.
His only wish was to see his son again one more time.

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Grant va enregistrar amb Elvin un altre cop al principi del 1960.
the dish soap gets under the band and... irritates the skinWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Te l’arrabassaré de la teva popa si em tornes a xerrar un altre cop del servei mercant.
What did you have against Garza?Literature Literature
Un altre cop a la redacció, van repassar tot el material i el van comentar amb els editors.
ADAMA:So what' s your plan here?Literature Literature
Un altre cop, em meravella que fa una setmana amb prou feines sabéssim el nom de l’altre.
It speaks volumes when a company like Nortel speaks upLiterature Literature
Tenim coses començades a Cuba un altre cop.
I' ve seen worseOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Aquesta nit estem un altre cop al peu de la morrena, la vall de pedres.
I advise ya not to go back to the hotelLiterature Literature
—Haurà de telefonar un altre cop al professor Soler.
And in his second floor studyLiterature Literature
Després de passar vuit hores al Ministeri, tornen un altre cop, decebuts, a casa.
They were not trying to protect the environmentLiterature Literature
Crida' l un altre cop
DATA ANALYSIS An analysis of the period’s results demonstrates the success of CTCPF programs in meeting their objectives.opensubtitles2 opensubtitles2
Com he deixat que passés... un altre cop?
Under the second proposal Member States are allowed to use the budget set up under Operational Programmes according to Title ΙΙΙ of the European Fisheries Fund for the combating and eradication of certain diseases in aquaculture animalsLiterature Literature
Vaig agafar el whisky, vaig passar-li per sobre un altre cop i me'n vaig servir un got.
That just isn' t done, you knowLiterature Literature
Gairebé immediatament, va rebre un altre cop al costat i va caure mentre exclamava: —A l’assassí!
That' s why he' s called Moron KOH.- Moron KOH?Literature Literature
Un cop a la vora del llit d’un pobre home, i un altre cop...
What, you think that' s funny?Literature Literature
La Yelena va rebobinar la cinta per veure-la un altre cop.
Name and address of grantingauthorityLiterature Literature
És com l'Slade un altre cop.
TEXT PROPOSED BY THE COMMISSIONOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
A la següent temporada, va signar amb el Beşiktaş tornant un altre cop a Istanbul.
Put your weapon down!Put it down!WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—Penseu sortir un altre cop —va dir.
Maybe I don' t want to be the bad guy anymoreLiterature Literature
Imagina que contents que estaven de poder ser fora de l’arca un altre cop i estar vius!
Why are you smiling, sir?jw2019 jw2019
La furgoneta va fer un bot endarrere, un altre endavant, i un altre cop endarrere.
You' re everything that dad ever wanted you to beLiterature Literature
Un altre cop, estic agraïda d’haver-me posat el vestit recte blau marí.
You do not have to pay royalties for private performance, such as playing music in your home.Literature Literature
Ell em va agafar la cara entre les mans, i em pensava que m’apartaria un altre cop.
lois, the truth is... we need to stop seeing each otherLiterature Literature
Era un moment crític; se l'havia de fer seva un altre cop.
Where do you think you are going?Literature Literature
Un altre cop respira, camina i parla.
With #, #males and #, # females... a breeder would be overrun with #, # rabbits the first month... and two million by the tenth month!jw2019 jw2019
Dinamarca i Saxònia incompliren els acords de Traventhal i Altranstädt i tornaren un altre cop a la guerra.
Energy efficiency, use of recyclables and low-toxicity materials are all a step in the right direction, but an important addition is the elimination of planned obsolescence. Planned obsolescence is the deliberate creating of products that will not last and that are not repairable.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Una vegada vaig veure un policia muntat a cavall, i un altre cop va ploure.
For intramuscular administration Ceftriaxone Tyrol Pharma and associated names (See Annex I) # g powder for solution for injection dissolved in lidocaine hydrochloride solution is injected deep into the gluteus maximus muscleLiterature Literature
2793 sinne gevind in 48 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.