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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
Per una vegada a la vida, no em fa vergonya plorar.
But they sent him back this file, which he showed me... and I have in a very safe placeLiterature Literature
La senyora Bodkin hagué de sortir a manar-los que paressin: era vergonyós.
Oh, he' s still conscious, RussLiterature Literature
Veieu, no em fa vergonya davant vostre.
Some scientists have called it the time of snowball Earth because the whole planet may have appeared as an icy ballLiterature Literature
En la naturalesa d’aquests llibres no hi ha res de vergonyós.
Third, the Council's position at first reading also introduces a review clause (Article #) regarding certain specific combustion plants and provides for the existing emission limit values under Directive #/#/EC to continue to apply pending the possible adoption of new standards through ordinary legislative procedureLiterature Literature
Molt bé, doncs, torneu a omplir els gots, capitans, i beguem per la vergonya de tots els covards!
They think they have some kind of invisible- shield thing going, l- like an optical illusionLiterature Literature
—No et fa vergonya anar amb mi pel carrer?
I think she despises me since...I' ve been successfulLiterature Literature
—Millor, no em fa vergonya dir que me n’alegro.
I' ve missed this car so much...... and youLiterature Literature
—Com ho fan sempre... —balbuceja el majordom, altre cop molest per haver d’explicar quelcom que li fa vergonya—.
He started pawing meLiterature Literature
La vergonya em fa ser brusca i m’haig de forçar a mi mateixa a donar-li les gràcies.
hear his ideas, his visions. write itLiterature Literature
Anàvem despullades i no ens feia vergonya.
To explore these greatest places is to recognize our common bond that we share a miraculous home the most diverse planet in the solar system perhaps the most diverse in the universeLiterature Literature
No et dones vergonya de rebre així les visites, capellanet?
I' m celebrating my birthdayLiterature Literature
Jo em quedo asseguda al llit, aclaparada per la vergonya.
You will only carry a bouquet of flowers, an offering to the NationLiterature Literature
La noia sanglotava gairebé en silenci, com si sentís vergonya.
The declaration shall includeLiterature Literature
A la seva biografia de Sadat, Raphael Israeli argumentà que Sadat creia que el nucli del problema es trobava a la gran vergonya de la Guerra dels Sis Dies, i abans que es pogués fer cap reforma creia que s'havia de superar aquella vergonya.
ProportionalityWikiMatrix WikiMatrix
—No solament no n’estic orgullós —vaig dir, a poc a poc, intentant de dissimular la ràbia—, sinó que em fa vergonya.
Use the one downstairs, pleaseLiterature Literature
Va rebre una pallissa incomprensible de la seva mare i una dosi de vergonya que va trigar anys a comprendre.
In order to distinguish between the MRLs referred to in recital # and the MRLs mentioned in recital #, it is appropriate to divide Annex # into several partsLiterature Literature
—Tot em feia passar vergonya a l’institut.
You don' t think that' s strange?Literature Literature
Tanmateix, hi havia alguna cosa a dintre seu que l'alliberava del fibló d'aquesta vergonya.
When the ferry pulls off,I want you to tell them about the bomb, all right?Literature Literature
—Bé, el que vull dir és que és una vergonya.
You want to what?Literature Literature
—Bé, jo me’n dono vergonya, de vostè —digué la senyoreta Ivors francament—.
Come on, get upLiterature Literature
Potser pensava que la Gwenda no l’hi explicaria, per vergonya.
The most important thing to remember is his general presenceLiterature Literature
Em sentia molest, estava avergonyit de la seva vergonya, no sabia què dir-li.
How are you holding up?Literature Literature
Si haguéssim de veure un didalet cada cop que diuen res vergonyós, en seria un joc de beure fantàstic.
She was born in a sect that worships the extraterrestrialsOpenSubtitles2018.v3 OpenSubtitles2018.v3
Només és un nen, nascut de la luxúria del teu germà i de la vergonya de la meva cosina.
Tiana, I love the way you light up when you talk about your dreamLiterature Literature
Amb les ulleres li feia vergonya exhibir-se a la pista, i sense ulleres era gairebé cega.
Now, if we look at that end, you can see that basically it' s the same bone as this one, but this one belongs to a much chunkier animalLiterature Literature
201 sinne gevind in 3 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.