bobl gwallt oor Engels

bobl gwallt

Vertalings in die woordeboek Wallies - Engels

hair bobble


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adnod "7" "Peidiwch rhoi gwellt mwyach i'r bobl i wneud priddfeini; gadewch iddynt fynd a chasglu gwellt iddynt eu hunain.
verse "7" Ye shall no more give the people straw to make brick, as heretofore: let them go and gather straw for themselves.langbot langbot
David Davies : A yw Ysgrifennydd yr Amgylchedd , Cynllunio a Thrafnidiaeth yn cytuno bod hon yn dreth sydd yn cael ei chodi ar bobl ar hap ? Waeth i chi gynyddu treth incwm i bobl â gwallt coch ddim
David Davies : Does the Secretary for the Environment , Planning and Transport agree that this is a tax that is being randomly applied to people ? You might just as well increase the income tax for people with ginger hairenglishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC englishtainment-tm-rQkFBCLC
Yr oedd rhai pobl ifainc o goleg yn trin gwallt , fel bod pobl ifainc a ymwelai â'r arddangosfa yn cael profi sut beth fyddai mynd ar gwrs neu fanteisio ar gyfle arbennig
Some youngsters from a college were doing hairdressing , so that youngsters visiting the exhibition would experience what it would be like to go on a course or take up a particular opportunityenglishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR englishtainment-tm-tYXFIbKR
Carwyn Jones : Os bydd pobl yn ymwybodol o brinderau gwellt a diheintyddion , rhaid iddynt roi gwybod inni cyn gynted â phosibl
Carwyn Jones : If people are aware of shortages of straw or disinfectant , they must let us know about it as soon as possibleenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
Rwyf wedi ymweld â grwpiau ym Mhen-y-bont ar Ogwr a Maesteg yn fy ardal i, a chawsom wybod bod modd cael cynllun dysgu ym maes trin gwallt, ond mae rhai o'r bobl ifanc wedi dweud nad ydynt am drin gwallt na chael gwersi harddwch.
I have visited groups in Bridgend and Maesteg in my area, and we have been told that hairdressing is something that they can have work-based learning in, but some of the young people have said that they do not want to be hairdressers or to have beauty lessons.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Huw Lewis : Mae'n debyg fod Alun yn iawn pe baem yn cynnal pôl gwelltyn o farn pobl ar stadiwm y mileniwm cyn ei hadeiladu a thra'i bod wrthi'n cael ei hadeiladu , y buasem wedi cael yr un canlyniad
Huw Lewis : Alun is probably right that if we took a straw poll of people's opinion on the millennium stadium before it was built and while it was being built , we would have had the same resultenglishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp englishtainment-tm-xYDSJbjp
Fel cyn-athrawes pobl ifanc anniddig yn y Gogledd , gallwn adrodd hanesion a fyddai'n codi gwallt eich pen
As a former teacher of disaffected youth in north Wales , I could recite some hair-raising storiesenglishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19 englishtainment-tm-O3m5ew19
adnod "14" Yr wyt yn gwneud i'r gwellt dyfu i'r gwartheg, a phlanhigion at wasanaeth pobl, i ddwyn allan fwyd o'r ddaear,
verse "14" He causeth the grass to grow for the cattle, And herb for the service of man; That he may bring forth food out of the earth,langbot langbot
adnod "33" Digwyddodd hyn ar unwaith i Nebuchadnesar. Cafodd ei yrru o u373?ydd pobl; yr oedd yn bwyta gwellt fel ych, ei gorff yn wlyb gan wlith y nefoedd, ei wallt yn hir fel plu eryr, a'i ewinedd yn hir fel crafangau aderyn.
verse "33" The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: and he was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven, till his hair was grown like eagles feathers, and his nails like birds claws.langbot langbot
adnod "12" Felly, bu raid i'r bobl grwydro trwy holl wlad yr Aifft a chasglu sofl yn lle gwellt.
verse "12" So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt to gather stubble for straw.langbot langbot
adnod "32" Cei dy yrru o u373?ydd pobl, a bydd dy gartref gyda'r anifeiliaid. Byddi'n bwyta gwellt fel ych, a bydd saith cyfnod yn mynd heibio, nes iti wybod mai'r Goruchaf sy'n rheoli teyrnasoedd pobl ac yn eu rhoi i'r sawl a fyn."
verse "32" and thou shalt be driven from men; and they dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field; thou shalt be made to eat grass as oxen; and seven times shall pass over thee; until thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.langbot langbot
adnod "25" Cei dy yrru o u373?ydd pobl, a bydd dy gartref gyda'r anifeiliaid; byddi'n bwyta gwellt fel ych, a bydd gwlith y nefoedd yn dy wlychu. Bydd saith cyfnod yn mynd heibio, nes iti wybod mai'r Goruchaf sy'n rheoli teyrnasoedd pobl ac yn eu rhoi i'r sawl a fyn.
verse "25" that thou shalt be driven from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and thou shalt be made to eat grass as oxen, and shalt be wet with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee; till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.langbot langbot
adnod "21" Gyrrwyd ef o u373?ydd pobl, rhoddwyd iddo galon anifail, ac yr oedd ei gartref gyda'r asynnod gwylltion. Yr oedd yn bwyta gwellt fel ych, ac yr oedd ei gorff yn wlyb gan wlith y nefoedd, nes iddo wybod mai'r Duw Goruchaf sy'n rheoli teyrnasoedd pobl ac yn eu rhoi i'r sawl a fyn.
verse "21" and he was driven from the sons of men, and his heart was made like the beasts, and his dwelling was with the wild asses; he was fed with grass like oxen, and his body was wet with the dew of heaven; until he knew that the Most High God ruleth in the kingdom of men, and that he setteth up over it whomsoever he will.langbot langbot
Mae'r rheini yn y sector gwirfoddol yn tynnu gwallt eu pennau am ddyfodol y cyfleuster trafnidiaeth gymunedol pwysig iawn ar gyfer pobl agored i niwed sydd fel arall dan glo yn eu cartrefi eu hunain oherwydd na allant fynd allan.
Those in the voluntary sector are tearing their hair out about the future of the very important community transport facility for vulnerable people who are otherwise locked in their homes because they cannot get out.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
adnod "45" Ond dyma'r bobl yn dweud wrth Saul, "A gaiff Jonathan farw, ac yntau wedi ennill y fuddugoliaeth fawr hon i Israel? Pell y bo! Cyn wired bod yr ARGLWYDD yn fyw, ni chaiff blewyn o wallt ei ben syrthio i'r llawr. Gyda Duw y gweithiodd ef y diwrnod hwn." Prynodd y bobl ryddid Jonathan, ac ni fu farw.
verse "45" And the people said unto Saul, Shall Jonathan die, who hath wrought this great salvation in Israel? Far from it: as Jehovah liveth, there shall not one hair of his head fall to the ground; for he hath wrought with God this day. So the people rescued Jonathan, that he died not.langbot langbot
Yn gyntaf , ai'r £105 ,000 a gyhoeddasoch ar gyfer y prosiect llaeth i ysgolion yw'r un £105 ,000 a lansiwyd gennych yr haf diwethaf ? Yn ail , a fydd y llaeth i gyd yn llaeth o Gymru ? Yn drydydd , pwy fydd yn talu am y gwellt ? Carwyn , mae'r carton o laeth hwn ichi ar ran yr holl bobl hynny
First , is the £105 ,000 that you announced for the school milk project the same £105 ,000 that you launched last summer ? Second , will it all be Welsh milk ? Thirdly , who pays for the straws ? Carwyn , this carton of milk is for you on behalf of all those peopleenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
Nid ydym am weld yr hyn a ddigwyddodd ddwy flynedd yn ôl yn digwydd eto, pan roddodd yr un cyngor hwnnw eu gair i bobl leol fod un o'r archfarchnadoedd cenedlaethol mawr wedi'i sicrhau i'r safle, dim ond i bethau fynd i'r gwellt wedyn.
We do not want a repeat of what happened two years ago when the same council gave assurances to local people that a major national supermarket had been secured for the site, only for it to fall through.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Aeth y byd drwy ddirwasgiad o 2007 ymlaen, a phetai'r blaid gyferbyn wedi bod mewn grym, byddai wedi tynnu arian o'r economi, byddai mwy o bobl o lawer yn ddi-waith, mwy o fanciau a busnesau o lawer yn mynd i'r gwellt, a mwy o gymunedau o lawer wedi'u dryllio.
The world went through a recession from 2007 onwards, and if the party opposite had been in power, it would have siphoned money out of the economy, far more people would be unemployed, far more banks and businesses would be going down the tubes, and far more communities would be wrecked.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Yr unig bobl y mae'r Prif Weinidog wedi bod yn gysylltiedig â hwy yn ystod y 150 o ddiwrnodau diwethaf y byddwn yn eu canmol yw ei driniwr gwallt a'i deiliwr
The only people with whom the First Minister has been associated during the last 150 days whom I would compliment would be his hairdresser and his tailorenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
adnod "16" Nid oes dim gwellt yn cael ei roi i'th weision, ac eto maent yn dweud wrthym am wneud priddfeini! Y mae dy weision yn cael eu curo, ond ar dy bobl di y mae'r bai."
verse "16" There is no straw given unto thy servants, and they say to us, Make brick: and, behold, thy servants are beaten; but the fault it in thine own people.langbot langbot
Er enghraifft, o ran y cyhoeddiad a wnaethpwyd gan y Gweinidog dros Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol ynghylch annog pobl i deithio i'r de o'r gogledd i gael niwrolawdriniaeth, petai asesiad o'r effaith o ran carbon wedi cael ei gynnal ar hynny, mae'n eithaf posibl y byddai wedi mynd i'r gwellt yn y dechrau un, oherwydd y 'milltiroedd triniaeth' dan sylw.
For example, on the announcement made by the Minister for Health and Social Services about encouraging people to travel to south Wales from north Wales for neurosurgery treatment, had a carbon impact assessment been carried out on that, it may well have fallen at the first fence, because of the 'treatment miles' involved.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Nid wyf fi fy hun wedi cael unrhyw drafodaethau o'r fath, ond mae Jane Hutt a John Griffiths wedi bod mewn cysylltiad agos â'r Gweinidogion perthnasol yn Llywodraeth y DU. Mae agenda bwysig i'w dilyn o hyd ar fater prentisiaethau, yn enwedig efallai o ran ceisio sicrhau bod pobl yn deall bod y weledigaeth draddodiadol o brentisiaethau fel rhai ar gyfer adeiladu a pheirianneg yn achos bechgyn, a thrin gwallt a harddwch yn achos merched, wedi darfod ers talwm iawn; gallwch gael prentisiaeth mewn gweithredu canolfannau galwadau a gweinyddu busnes, fel yr eglurodd John Denham pan siaradodd y bore yma.
I personally have not had any such discussions, but Jane Hutt and John Griffiths have been in close contact with the relevant UK Government Ministers.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
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