cymhareb oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Wallies - Engels





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Soortgelyke frases

amserlen cymarebau sefydlog
fixed ratio schedule
cymhareb dyledwyr
debtor ratio
cymhareb feddiannaeth
occupancy ratio
cymhareb cyflogaeth i'r boblogaeth oedran gweithio
employment to working age population ratio
cymhareb arian
cash ratio
cymhareb gritigol
critical ratio
cymhareb marwolaethau safonedig
standardised mortality ratio
Cymarebau Disgybl Athro
Pupil Teacher Ratios
cymhareb gyffredin
common ratio


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Os na, sut y byddwch yn sicrhau y bydd cyfle cyfartal i'r holl blant yng Nghymru gan ei bod yn ymddangos eich bod yn eithaf bodlon i rai awdurdodau ddefnyddio'r gymhareb 1:8 tra bydd awdurdodau eraill yn peidio â gwneud?
If it is not, how will you ensure that there is equality of opportunity for all children in Wales given that you seem quite happy for some authorities to be working with the 1:8 ratio while other authorities are not?Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Yr wyf wedi ymrwymo hefyd i ledaenu'r gymhareb 1:8 ar gyfer oedolion a phlant tair i bump oed o fis Medi 2008 ymlaen.
I am committed to rolling out the 1:8 adult to child ratio for three to five-year-olds from September 2008. The information that local authorities have now provided demonstrates that a significant amount of progress can be made towards achieving the 1:8 ratio in the 2008-09 school year.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Ar gyfartaledd , deg y cant oedd yr arian a roddwyd , mae'r gymhareb disgybl-athro yn parhau i ostwng ac wedi cyrraedd 18 :1 bellach , a 24 .4 disgybl yw maint dosbarth cyffredin mewn ysgolion cynradd
The average funding was around 10 per cent , the pupil-to-teacher ratio continues to fall and is now at 18 :1 , and the average class size in primary schools is 24 .4 pupilsenglishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB englishtainment-tm-ORSVdjEB
Erbyn hyn, mae'n dros £162,000, ac mae'r gymhareb rhwng pris y tŷ a'r cyflog cyfartalog yn 4.2 i 1. Yr ydych i gyd yn gwybod y ffeithiau hyn.
It is now over £162,000 and the ratio between the house price and the average wage is 4.2 to 1. You all know these facts.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Ni chaiff y cymarebau staffio eu gwireddu, ni fydd yr adnoddau ar gael ac ni fydd y staff wedi cael yr hyfforddiant priodol.
The staffing ratios will not be realised, the resources will not be there and the staff will not be properly trained.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
cymhareb wrthod modd-cyffredin
common mode rejection ratiolangbot langbot
I gael cymhareb uwch o oedolion i blant yn y dosbarth , sydd yn bwysig , mae angen cynnydd o 50 y cant mewn cynorthwywyr dosbarth yn ystod y dair neu bedair blynedd nesaf
To achieve a higher ratio of adults to children in the classroom , which is important , we need a 50 per cent increase in classroom assistants over the next three to four yearsenglishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh englishtainment-tm-8Qf0eLCh
Yr ydym yn cydnabod mai un o ganlyniadau'r cyfnod sylfaen a Dechrau'n Deg, ar lefel y babanod—hyd at saith oed—yw y bydd gwell cymarebau disgybl nag a gafwyd hyd yn hyn.
We acknowledge that one of the outcomes of the foundation phase and Flying Start is that, at infant level—up to the age of seven—there will be better pupil ratios than has been the case hitherto.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Mae sir Benfro wedi bod ag un o'r cymarebau isaf o ran nifer y deintyddion y pen yng Nghymru.
Pembrokeshire has had one of the lowest ratios of dentists per head of the population in Wales.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Ymddengys i mi -- fe wyddoch chi fwy am hyn na mi Edwina -- fod gennym gymhareb o hyd o tua tri dyn i bob merch sydd yn ddeiliad penodiad cyhoeddus
It seems to me -- Edwina will know this better than I -- that we still have a ratio of about three men for every woman who holds a public appointmentenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
cymhareb ddeufforchio
bifurcation ratiolangbot langbot
Yn hytrach na galluogi ysgolion i ddarparu'r gymhareb staff i ddisgyblion y mae'n rhaid iddynt ei darparu er mwyn sicrhau bod y profiad newydd hwn mor adeiladol a chyfoethog ag y dylai fod, dim ond rhan ohono y byddwch yn ei gyflwyno.
Instead of enabling schools to provide the ratio of staff to pupils that they must provide in order to make this new experience as edifying and rich as it should be, you are only going to roll-out part of this.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Deallaf fod Cyngor Dinas Casnewydd wedi gallu ymateb i bryder mawr Llywodraeth y Cynulliad, sef y gymhareb rhwng nifer y plant a nifer yr ymwelwyr iechyd, ac y gall ymdopi â hynny o fewn y gyllideb.
I understand that Newport City Council has been able to respond to the Welsh Assembly Government's major concern, which is the ratio of children to health visitors, and that it can cope with that within the budget.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Bydd y cyfnod sylfaen, pan gaiff ei weithredu, yn hanfodol i wella cymarebau oedolyn-disgybl i 1:8 ar gyfer plant rhwng tair a phump oed ac i 1:15 ar gyfer plant rhwng pump a saith oed.
The foundation phase, when it is rolled out, will be crucial to improving adult-to-pupil ratios to 1:8 for three to five-year-olds and 1:15 for five to seven-year-olds.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Cymarebau Disgybl Athro
Pupil Teacher Ratiosenglishtainment-tm-9PtRNASl englishtainment-tm-9PtRNASl
Cynnal Cymhareb
Maintain aspectenglishtainment-tm-9BGwbyk5 englishtainment-tm-9BGwbyk5
Bydd yr ardal hon bob amser yn arddangos y ddelwedd gefndir sydd wedi' i dewis ar hyn o bryd. Noder y bydd y ddelwedd wedi' i graddio ac felly gall fod â chymhareb wahanol i' r un oedd ganddi' n wreiddiol
This area will always display the currently selected background image. Note that the image will be scaled and thus might have a different ratio than it originally hadKDE40.1 KDE40.1
Ei argymhelliad ef oedd y dylid cael cymhareb un cynghorydd i 1,750 o etholwyr, ond mae cynigion y comisiwn wedi cynyddu hynny i un i 2,400. Y canllaw arall oedd y dylid ystyried topograffi cymunedau.
He recommended a ratio of one councillor to 1,750 electors, but there is an increase in the commission's proposals is one to 2,400. The other guidance point was to take account of topography and communities.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Bydd goblygiadau o ran adnoddau er mwyn gwella cymarebau disgyblion/staff
Improving pupil/staff ratios will involve resource implicationsenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
Mae'r label organig yn arf marchnata defnyddiol i apelio at y dosbarth canol neu at Brydeinwyr incwm canol, ond gan fod y bobl hyn dan bwysau ariannol ar hyn o bryd, hyd yn oed petai modd lleihau'r gymhareb rhwng cost a phris gwerthu o'r negyddol i'r positif, ni fyddai fawr o bwynt iddo ar hyn o bryd.
The organic label is a useful marketing tool to appeal to the middle classes or to middle-income Britain, but as these people are currently being financially squeezed, even if it were possible to reduce the cost to sale price ratio from negative to positive, it would be pretty pointless at the moment.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Mae'n bwysig hefyd y dechreuir hyfforddi athrawon a chynorthwywyr cyn gynted â phosibl , oherwydd bydd angen cannoedd ohonynt i sicrhau'r gymhareb o un athro i bob wyth plentyn a sicrhau y gellir cwrdd â'r galw ychwanegol am addysg Gymraeg a amlygwyd mewn archwiliad hwyr
It is also important that we start to train teachers and assistants as quickly as possible , as hundreds will be required to ensure a ratio of one teacher per eight children and that we can meet the increased demand for Welsh-medium education which was identified in a late auditenglishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK englishtainment-tm-fL2qO8bK
O ran y cyfnod sylfaen a'r staff y mae eu hangen arnom i gyrraedd y cymarebau athro:disgybl yn arbennig, yr ydym yn mireinio'r ffigurau a chredwn y bydd angen tua 2,300 o staff ychwanegol.
On the foundation phase and the staff that we need to meet adult:pupil ratios in particular, we are refining the figures and we believe that something in the region of 2,300 additional staff will be needed.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Cafodd cefnogaeth y Gweinidog i'r gymhareb o 1:8 rhwng staff a disgyblion ei nodi a'i chroesawu gan y pwyllgor, a hefyd ei chadarnhad ei bod yn ceisio rhoi hyn ar waith ar gyfer yr holl leoliadau dysgu ledled Cymru, ac nad cyfartaledd i Gymru gyfan yn unig yw hyn.
The committee noted and welcomed the Minister's support for the 1:8 staff to pupil ratio and her confirmation that she is seeking to roll this out for all learning settings across Wales and that it is not simply an all-Wales average.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Y ffactor tymor hir yw'r gwahaniaeth mewn cyflogau rhwng dwyrain Ewrop neu Ddwyrain Asia a Chymru , sydd ar gymhareb o 1 :6 neu 1 :7 -- 1 :10 fwy na thebyg mewn perthynas ag Asia
The long-term factor is the difference in wages between eastern Europe or East Asia and Wales , which is at a ratio of 1 :6 or 1 :7 -- 1 :10 probably in respect of east Asiaenglishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy englishtainment-tm-I6bvByKy
dadansoddi cymarebau ( / )
ratio analysislangbot langbot
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