drwm ochr oor Engels

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Dim ond yr ochr drwm a gaeir , ac ni ellir prynu honno os na fydd y melinau terfynu ar werth
It is only the heavy end that will be closed down , and that cannot be bought if the finishing mills are not for saleenglishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9 englishtainment-tm-EfhSrFI9
Mae hanes balch gan yr ardal honno o wneud dur a haearn , a gollodd ei ochr drwm mewn tri cham yn ystod y 1970au
That area has a proud history of iron and steel-making , which lost its heavy end in three stages during the 1970senglishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM englishtainment-tm-fcX3T6IM
Felly , gan y collir 70 y cant o'r capasiti ar yr ochr drwm , lle y disgwyliwyd colli 100 y cant , mae'r undebau wedi penderfynu troi hynny yn rhinwedd , a'i ddefnyddio yn sail i gais Erthygl 95
Therefore , as 70 per cent of capacity is being lost at the heavy end , where 100 per cent was expected to be lost , the unions have decided to make a virtue of that , and use it as the basis for an Article 95 applicationenglishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui englishtainment-tm-66Hu65ui
Mae un ardal yn fy etholaeth yn peri pryder, sef y Bontnewydd, lle mae'r traffig yn drwm ac mae ysgol ar ochr y ffordd.
There is one area in my constituency that is a concern, namely Bontnewydd, where the traffic is heavy with a school situated by the side of the road.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Yn yr un modd , mae ochr gwaith trwm y gweithfeydd dur eu hunain ac o bosibl brosiectau eraill yn ne-ddwyrain Casnewydd a allai fanteisio i'r eithaf ar botensial yr ardal honno i greu cyfleoedd busnes newydd o bwys
Likewise , there is the heavy end of the steelworks itself and possibly other projects in south-eastern Newport that could exploit the potential of that area for the creation of major new business opportunitiesenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
Helen Mary Jones : Byddwch yn ymwybodol oherwydd y swm anferth o ohebiaeth yr ydych yn sicr o fod wedi'i dderbyn , fel yr wyf fi , fod pryderon gwirioneddol , yn enwedig ynghylch y perygl posibl wrth roi mwy o draffig trwm ar y ffyrdd ochr bach
Helen Mary Jones : You will be aware from the enormous amount of correspondence that you have no doubt received , as I have , that there are real concerns , particularly about the potential risk of putting more heavy traffic onto the small side roadsenglishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK englishtainment-tm-keuMCvgK
Fodd bynnag , mae'n debyg i'r tir hwnnw gael ei lygru'n wael gan yr holl asidau sydd yn diferu i mewn i'r pridd o dan y gweithfeydd dur o ochr y gwaith trwm , y ffyrnau golosg , y ffatri sinter ac ati
However , that land has presumably been heavily polluted by all the acids that drop into the soil under the steelworks from the heavy end , the coke ovens , the cinter plant and so onenglishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG englishtainment-tm-F4tGc9CG
Roedd y- byfflo crwyn, dyblu mewn pedwar, wedi'u gwasgaru ar hyd un ochr, a phedwar dyn, gydag anhawster mawr, codi ar ffurf trwm Tom i mewn iddo.
The buffalo- skins, doubled in fours, were spread all along one side, and four men, with great difficulty, lifted the heavy form of Tom into it.QED QED
Fodd bynnag , mae ochr arall i'r geiniog , sef ochr dywyll camddefnyddio alcohol , gydag effeithiau ofnadwy yn deillio o sesiynau yfed rheolaidd a thrwm
There is , however , another side to this , the dark side of alcohol misuse , with terrible effects from frequent and heavy drinking sessionsenglishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS englishtainment-tm-MutCi6fS
Yn ein trafodaethau ar y gyllideb ac ar iechyd a'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol , rhaid inni ystyried yr ystod o ddewisiadau sydd gennym ochr yn ochr ag agenda iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol trwm , afiechyd aciwt a'n cytundeb i fynd i'r afael ag anghydraddoldebau mewn iechyd
In our budgetary and health and social services discussions we must consider our range of options against a demanding health and social services agenda , acute ill-health and our agreement to tackle health inequalitiesenglishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK englishtainment-tm-OcXd56iK
Aye, shipmates, Jona yn mynd i lawr i mewn i ochr y llong - angorfa yn y caban gan fy mod wedi cymryd arno, ac roedd yn cysgu'n drwm.
Aye, shipmates, Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship -- a berth in the cabin as I have taken it, and was fast asleep.QED QED
Dynoda'r wybodaeth sydd ar gael fod cerbyd nwyddau trwm wedi taro yn erbyn Land Rover a oedd wedi torri lawr , ac wedi croesi ymyl yr ochr agos , dros arglawdd metr o uchder , cyn glanio yn erbyn y llinell rheilffordd
Available information indicates that a heavy goods vehicle collided with a broken-down Land Rover , and crossed the nearside verge , over a 1m high embankment , before coming to rest against the railway lineenglishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu englishtainment-tm-jQK1UaGu
Mae ein harweinydd newydd grybwyll adolygiad Holtham, sy'n effeithio'n drwm ar bawb ohonom ac a fydd, gobeithio, yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar fformiwla Barnett, y mae llawer ohonom ar ochr hon y Siambr wedi ei chwestiynu'n gyson o ran ei heffeithlonrwydd i Gymru.
Our leader has just mentioned the Holtham review, which has a huge bearing on us and which will, it is hoped, have a positive effect on the Barnett formula, which many of us on this side of the Chamber have constantly questioned as to its efficacy for Wales.Englishtainment upload Englishtainment upload
Newport Unlimited yw'r unig gwmni adfywio trefol yng Nghymru , ac fe'i sefydlwyd wedi i Corus gyhoeddi ei fod yn bwriadu cau'r adran gwaith trwm yng ngwaith Llanwern , fel y collid ymhell dros 1 ,000 o swyddi -- mae tua 1 ,700 o bobl yn dal i weithio yn ochr derfynu gwaith Llanwern , ac mae'n gwneud yn dda iawn
Newport Unlimited is the only urban regeneration company in Wales , and it was set up following Corus's announcement that it intended to close the heavy-end of the Llanwern plant , with the loss of well over 1 ,000 jobs -- there are still about 1 ,700 people working at the finishing end of the Llanwern plant , and doing extremely wellenglishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J englishtainment-tm-DMbxFW6J
Un cwyno o annwyd trwm yn ei ben, ar ba gymysg Jona iddo cae tebyg i diod o jin a thriagl, y mae ef dyngodd oedd yn gwellhad sofran ar gyfer yr holl annwyd a catarrhs byth o gwbl, meddwl pa mor hir sefyll, neu a dal oddi ar arfordir Labrador, neu ar ochr tywydd o iâ- ynys.
One complained of a bad cold in his head, upon which Jonah mixed him a pitch- like potion of gin and molasses, which he swore was a sovereign cure for all colds and catarrhs whatsoever, never mind of how long standing, or whether caught off the coast of Labrador, or on the weather side of an ice- island.QED QED
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