testosteron oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Wallies - Engels



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Voorbeelde moet herlaai word.
After all, ladies and gentlemen, we are aware of the time limits.englishtainment-tm-FQPp7ajP englishtainment-tm-FQPp7ajP
cymysgedd testosteron
May we come in?englishtainment-tm-miR0y1UN englishtainment-tm-miR0y1UN
A gytunwch fod yr ymorchestu Torïaidd , llawn testosteron yn eich atgoffa o sylw Miss Zsa Zsa Gabor nad oes llawer o werth i ddynion sy'n credu eu bod yn wrol ? [ Chwerthin . ] Ers pryd y mae angen gwersi arnoch ar y gwasanaeth iechyd gan David Melding sy'n esgus ei fod yn rhyw fath o gôr-fachgen , ond fe wyddwn oll am orffennol amheus ei eglwys ef ? A yw'n cytuno ag arweinydd ei blaid y dylid gwneud mwy o ddefnydd o feddyginiaethau preifat ? Ai dyma yw eich polisi ar gyfer Cymru ?
You need anything else, Mr. Cole?englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d englishtainment-tm-4Ple1S8d
cymysgedd testosteron ( / )
The book, the booklangbot langbot
Compensation shall comprise the payment of interest calculated by applying the reference rate of interest to the amount of the cross-border credit transfer for the period from:-the end of the agreed time limit or, in the absence of any such time limit, the end of the fifth banking business day following the date of acceptance of the cross-border credit transfer order, tolangbot langbot
testosteron ( / )
Henchmen, nolangbot langbot
6 sinne gevind in 1 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.