Ælnoth oor Engels


Vertalings in die woordeboek Deens - Engels

Ælnoth of Canterbury


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Ælnoth var personligt til stede og beskrev begivenheden.
Ælnoth was personally present and described the event.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth var en Engelsk munk fra Canterbury, som kom til Odense omkring år 1100 i Erik Ejegods regeringstid, efter al sandsynlighed på grund af problemer med Wilhelm Erobreren og hans mænd.
Ælnoth was an English monk from Canterbury, who came to Odense around 1100 - in Erik Ejegod's reign, in all likelihood due to problems with Wilhelm the conqueror and his men.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
"Knud, den af Gud elskede konge og herlige martyr, hvilede på det her angivne sted omtrent to gange fire år og tre gange tre måneder, mens hans efterfølger Olav var konge," fortæller Ælnoth - altså otte år og ni måneder - hvilket giver året 1095.
"Canute, the king of glory, loved by God, rested in this place about two times four years and three times three months, while his successor Olav was king," Ælnoth tells - that is eight years and nine months - which gives the year 1095.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth beskriver hans søn, Knud, som en asketisk type: "Også på de almindelige og de særlige fastedage og hver fredag i ugen, når han sad ved det kongelige bord, og hans gæster mente, at han nød vin eller mjød, drak han det rene vand, noget, som blot hans tro tjenere vidste og han, der ser i løndom.
Ælnoth describes his son, Canute, as an ascetic type: "Also on the regular and special Lent days and every Friday of the week, when he sat at the royal table, and his guests thought he enjoyed wine or meat, he drank pure water, something that only his faithful servants knew, and He that watches secretly.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth, derimod, var på det rigtige sted på det rigtige tidspunkt, og han kender ikke noget til at kong Erik i egen person rejste til Rom ved nogen lejlighed.
Ælnoth, by contrast, was in the right place at the right time, and he is not aware that King Erik in person traveled to Rome at any occasion.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth fremhæver at Knud var intelligent: "Ihvorvel nu alle den hæderkronede kong Sven Magnus's berømmelige sønner i kraft af deres medfødte klogskab stræbte at efterligne deres fader i dygtighed, var den mest udmærkede af dem dog vor Knud."
Ælnoth emphasizes that Canute was intelligent: "Even though all the glorified sons of the honorable King Sven Magnus, by virtue of their innate wisdom, strived to imitate their father in skills, the most outstanding of them was our Canute."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth bekræfter at Oluf var veltalende.
Ælnoth confirms that Oluf was eloquent.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Alle andre kilder end Ælnoth siger derimod at flåden opløstes imod Knuds vilje, og han derfor idømte dem alle bøder for at have forsømt deres ledingpligt, og at det var opkrævningen af disse bøder, der udløste oprøret i 1086.
All other sources than Ælnoth say, however, that the fleet was dissolved against Canute's will, and therefore he sentenced everybody fines for neglecting leding duties and it was the collection of these fines that triggered the rebellion in 1086.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth fortæller at de kongelige ombudsmænd og fogeder opfindsomt skabte og provokerede retssager frem i hidtil uhørt omfang med det formål at en stor mængde anklagede skulle dømmes til at betale bøder til kongen, og når bøderne skulle betales, brugte de falske lodder og satte al tings værdi urimeligt lavt: "Men for at gå videre i vort emne: de kongelige ombudsmænd eller fogeder beflittede sig mere end billigt var for at yppe retssager i hobetal, de brugte altfor svære lodder på deres vægtskål, satte alle tings værd lavt og, for at udtrykke mig i menigmands mål, lod en øre knap gælde en ørtug; de bøjede retten, fortæller man, og søgte med vold og magt at kue ædelbårne lige så vel som menigmand."
Ælnoth says that the royal ombudsmen and bailiffs inventively created and provoked legal proceedings in unprecedented numbers with the aim that a large number of accused men should be convicted to pay fines to the king, and when the fines were to be paid, they used false weights and put all things value unreasonably low: "But to go further in our subject: the royal ombudsmen or bailiffs did their best more than it was reasonable to provoke lawsuits in heaps, they used too heavy weights on their scales, put all things worth low and to express myself in laymen's language let an øre barely be valid an ørtug; They bent the law, it is said, and tried with force and violence to cow noble-born as well as commoners.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Adam nævner også Viborg: "Omtrent midtvejs mellem Aarhuus og Vendsyssel ligger Viborg ved - " Viborg nævnes også af Ælnoth og i flere sagaer.
Adam also mentions Viborg: "About midway between Aarhuus and Vendsyssel is Viborg at - " Viborg is also mentioned by Ælnoth and in several sagas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth skriver: "Med sine gode mænds råd valgte han sig en såre ædelig hustru, af kejserlig æt, og da hun med stor ære blev ført hid fra Vestens egne, modtog han hende med skønsomt hensyn til hendes navn - idet hun hed Edel, det er: "ædel" - som en ædel kvinde på ædel vis."
Ælnoth writes: "Following advice of his good men, he chose a very noble wife of imperial descent, and when she was led from the West with great honor, he received her with an appropriate regard to her name - as she was called Edel, it is: "noble" - as a noblewoman in noble ways."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Vi ved ikke med sikkerhed, hvad de talte om, men vi har noteret at Ælnoth ovenfor skrev: "De vil udjage den gudfrygtige fyrste af deres land" eller "udslette ham af de levendes tal".
We do not know for sure what they were talking about, but we have noted that Ælnoth above wrote: "They will chase out the godly prince from their country" or "wipe him out of the numbers of the living."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hvad mon Ælnoth mener med alt dette?
What does Ælnoth mean with all this?ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Der findes to forskellige beretninger om hvordan oprøret begyndte og udviklede sig, nemlig Ælnoths beretning og Knytlinge Saga.
There are two different accounts of how the rebellion began and developed, namely Ælnoth's story and Knytlinge Saga.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth nævner også "stormænd", hvilket udtryk også kendes fra sagaerne.
Ælnoth also mentions "great men", which expression is also known from the sagas.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Vi bemærker at Ælnoth ærligt skriver at kongen trak forhandlingerne ud i længere tid.
We note that Ælnoth honestly writes that the king postponed and drew the negotiations out for a long time.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth fortæller os at han har sine oplysninger fra: " - fortælling af troværdige mennesker af begge køn og begge klasser."
Ælnoth tells us that he has his information from: " - story of trustworthy people of both sexes and both classes."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ydermere, Ælnoth skriver at han har sine oplysninger fra "troværdige mennesker af begge køn".
Furthermore, Ælnoth writes that he has his information from "trustworthy people of both sexes".ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Det er noget i modstrid med Ælnoths beretning, ifølge hvilken Knud hele tiden opholdt sig i Slesvig og ikke på noget tidspunkt viste sig personligt i Vestervig.
It is somewhat contrary to Ælnoth's report, according to which Canute all the time stayed in Slesvig and did not at any time show himself in Vestervig.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth skriver ikke noget om at Kong Erik personligt drog til paven i Rom for at udvirke Knuds helgenkåring eller hans tilladelse til at etablere et Nordisk Ærkebiskop-sæde, således som Saxo og Knytlinge Saga fremstiller det.
Ælnoth does not write anything about that King Erik personally traveled to the Pope in Rome to work out Knud's canonization or his permission to establish a Nordic Archbishop's seat, as Saxo and Knytlinge Saga say.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
De utilfredse vendelboer mødtes til rådslagning på sted kaldet "Kragestrand (latin "Pontus Cornicus", som betyder sådan noget "havet eller dammen, hvor kragerne skriger", måske er det ironisk ment fra Ælnoths side) hedder det sted, hvor hele uretfærdighedens skare stævnede sammen med forgiftet sind og væbnet arm.
The disgruntled Vendsyssel people met to deliberate on a place called: "Kragestrand (Latin "Pontus Cornicus", which means something like "the sea or pond, where the crows scream"; perhaps it is ironically meant by Ælnoth) the place is called, where the unrighteousness crowd summoned with poisoned minds and weapons in hand.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth var øjenvidne til Knuds skrinlæggelse i året 1101; men han skriver ikke noget om optagelsen af hans knogler i 1095.
Ælnoth was an eyewitness to Canute's placing in a saint's shrine in the year 1101; but he does not write anything about the take up of his bones in 1095.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Havde vi ikke andet at holde os til end Ælnoths ord, måtte vi sige, at Knud efter kongevalget ved Isøre gik i landflygtighed.
If we had nothing else to stick to than Ælnoths words, we had to say that Canute after the King election at Isøre went into exile.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ælnoth fortæller at Knud tog sin broder Oluf i forvaring og "sendte efter at have trukket forhandlingerne ud gennem længere tid sin før nævnte broder i forvaring til Flandern til den højædle hertug over Vestlandsegnen, Robert, der var hans pårørende gennem hans datter, nemlig dronning Edel."
Ælnoth says that Canute took his brother Oluf in custody and "sent after dragging out the negotiations for a long time his aforementioned brother into custody to Flanders to the highly noble Duke of the West Country region, Robert, who were his relatives through his daughter, namely Queen Edel."ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Vi vil i hovedsagen holde os til Ælnoths redegørelse.
We will mainly stick to Ælnoth's report.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
61 sinne gevind in 14 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.