Bioanalytiker oor Engels


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medical laboratory scientist

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68 Hvad for det første angår den omstændighed, at de ydelser, som leveres af CopyGene, udføres i henhold til kontrakter indgået med dette selskab af professionelt sundhedspersonale i form af sygeplejersker, jordemødre og bioanalytikere, fremgår det ikke af sagsakterne, hvilke aktiviteter dette personale er autoriseret til at udføre i henhold til den relevante nationale lovgivning, hvis indhold heller ikke fremgår af sagsakterne.
68 As regards, first of all, the fact that CopyGene’s services are supplied, within the framework of contracts concluded with it, by professional medical personnel, that is to say nurses, midwives and bioanalysts, the documents before the Court do not reveal for which activities those personnel are ‘professionally qualified’ under the relevant national legislation, the content of which is also not apparent from those documents.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Skal begrebet »andre lignende behørigt anerkendte institutioner« i 6. momsdirektivs artikel 13, punkt A, stk. 1, litra b, fortolkes således, at det omfatter private stamcellebanker, hvis ydelser — der udføres og leveres af professionelt sundhedspersonale i form af sygeplejersker, jordemødre og bioanalytikere — består i indsamling, transport, analyse og opbevaring af navlesnorsblod fra nyfødte med henblik på autolog anvendelse i forbindelse med en eventuel fremtidig hospitalsbehandling, når de pågældende stamcellebanker ikke modtager støtte fra den offentlige sygesikring, og når udgifterne til de ydelser, som præsteres af disse stamcellebanker, ikke dækkes af den offentlige sygesikring?
Is the term ‘other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature’ in Article 13A(1)(b) of the Sixth Directive to be interpreted as covering private stem cell banks where the services — which are performed and supplied by professional health personnel in the form of nurses, midwives and bioanalysts — consists in the collection, transportation, analysis and storage of umbilical cord blood from newborns with a view to autologous use in connection with possible future hospital care where the stem cell banks concerned do not receive support from the public heath insurance scheme and where the expenditure on the services provided by these stem cell banks is not covered by the public health insurance scheme?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Den forelæggende ret anser følgende faktorer for at være af relevans for afgørelsen af, om dette er tilfældet: i) at CopyGenes ydelser leveres af professionelt sundhedspersonale i form af sygeplejersker, jordemødre og bioanalytikere, ii) at disse ydelser på ingen måde modtager støtte fra den offentlige sygesikring, og iii) at CopyGene fra de kompetente sundhedsmyndigheder har tilladelse til håndtering af stamceller fra navlestrengsblod i henhold til national lovgivning, der gennemfører direktivet om væv og celler.
The facts which it regards as possibly relevant to that determination are (i) that CopyGene’s services are performed by professional health personnel such as nurses, midwives and bioanalysts, (ii) that those services are in no way supported or covered by the public health insurance scheme, and (iii) that CopyGene is authorised by the competent health authorities to handle cord stem cells, pursuant to national legislation implementing the Tissues and Cells Directive.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Ergoterapeut (Odense) Fysioterapeut (Odense) Lærer samt meritlærer (Jelling Seminarium, Skårup Seminarium og Odense Seminarium) Professionsbachelor i offentlig administration (Den Sociale Højskole, Odense) Pædagog (Jelling og Odense) Radiograf (Odense) Socialrådgiver (Den Sociale Højskole, Odense) Sygeplejerske (Odense, Svendborg og Vejle) Bioanalytiker Det blev annonceret på University College Lillebælt hjemmeside i maj 2008, at man igennem forhandler med Syddansk Universitet er kommer frem til en aftale om, at University College Lillebælt overtager bygningerne på Niels Bohrs Allé i Odense, hvor Syddansk Universitet i øjeblikket har sit Tekniske Fakultet (tidligere Ingeniørhøjskolen Odense Teknikum) efter planen i 2016.
Occupational Therapist (Bachelor of Occupational Therapy) - (Odense) Physiotherapist (Bachelor of Physiotherapy) - (Odense) Teacher - (Bachelor of Education) - (Odense and Jelling) Pedagogue (Bachelor in Social Education) - (Odense, Jelling, Svendborg and Vejle) Therapist (Bachelor of Therapy) - (Odense and Jelling) Radiographer (Bachelor of Radiography) - (Odense) Social worker (Bachelor of Social Work) - (Odense) Nurse (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) - (Odense, Svendborg and Vejle) It was announced on University College Lillebaelt website in May 2008, that through negotiating with University of Southern Denmark, UCL had agreed with the university that UCL could take over the buildings at Niels Bohrs Allé in Odense, where the university currently has its Faculty of Engineering (formerly Odense University College of Engineering) in 2016.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Denne nye oplysning gav bioanalytikerne en specifik gift at lede efter, noget at fokusere på.
This new information gave the analysts a specific toxin to look for, an area of focus.Literature Literature
3) Skal begrebet »andre lignende behørigt anerkendte institutioner« i sjette direktivs artikel 13, punkt A, stk. 1, litra b), fortolkes således, at det omfatter private stamcellebanker, hvis ydelser – der udføres og leveres af professionelt sundhedspersonale i form af sygeplejersker, jordemødre og bioanalytikere – består i indsamling, transport, analyse og opbevaring af navlesnorsblod fra nyfødte med henblik på autolog anvendelse i forbindelse med en eventuel fremtidig hospitalsbehandling, når de pågældende stamcellebanker ikke modtager støtte fra den offentlige sygesikring, og når udgifterne til de ydelser, som præsteres af disse stamcellebanker, ikke dækkes af den offentlige sygesikring?
(3) Is the term “other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature” in Article 13A(1)(b) of the Sixth Directive to be interpreted as covering private stem cell banks where the services – which are performed and supplied by professional health personnel in the form of nurses, midwives and bioanalysts – consist in the collection, transportation, analysis and storage of umbilical cord blood from newborns with a view to autologous use in connection with possible future hospital care where the stem cell banks concerned do not receive support from the public heath insurance scheme and where the expenditure on the services provided by these stem cell banks is not covered by the public health insurance scheme?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) er en paraplyorganisation bestående af 39 nationale nuklearmedicinske medlemsselskaber, 18 ikke-europæiske associerede foreninger og 3.200 individuelle medlemmer fra over 80 lande, heriblandt læger, forskere, technologist (primært bioanalytikere og radiografer) og andre personer, der arbejder med nuklearmedicin eller relaterede områder.
The European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) is an umbrella organisation comprising 41 national nuclear medicine member societies, 18 non-European affiliated societies and 3,200 individual members from over 80 countries, including physicians, scientists, technologists and other persons working in nuclear medicine or related fields.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Det må set i dette perspektiv, hvor der fokuseres på de sundhedsmæssige risici, der er forbundet med, at en erhvervsmæssig aktivitet udøves af personer uden specifikke faglige kvalifikationer, konkluderes, at der er meget stor lighed mellem arbejdet som farmaceut og arbejdet som bioanalytiker, der til gengæld adskiller sig fundamentalt fra arbejdet som optiker.
In conclusion, from that point of view, specifically linked to health risks resulting from the performance of a particular professional activity by persons without a specific qualification, it must be found that there is a perfect similarity between the activity of pharmacists and that of analyst-biologists, whereas the activity of opticians is completely different.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
3. Skal begrebet »andre lignende behørigt anerkendte institutioner« i sjette direktivs artikel 13, punkt A, stk. 1, litra b), fortolkes således, at det omfatter private stamcellebanker, hvis ydelser – der udføres og leveres af professionelt sundhedspersonale i form af sygeplejersker, jordemødre og bioanalytikere – består i indsamling, transport, analyse og opbevaring af navlesnorsblod fra nyfødte med henblik på autolog anvendelse i forbindelse med en eventuel fremtidig hospitalsbehandling, når de pågældende stamcellebanker ikke modtager støtte fra den offentlige sygesikring, og når udgifterne til de ydelser, som præsteres af disse stamcellebanker, ikke dækkes af den offentlige sygesikring?
(3) Is the term “other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature” in Article 13A(1)(b) of the Sixth Directive to be interpreted as covering private stem cell banks where the services – which are performed and supplied by professional health personnel in the form of nurses, midwives and bioanalysts – consist in the collection, transportation, analysis and storage of umbilical cord blood from newborns with a view to autologous use in connection with possible future hospital care where the stem cell banks concerned do not receive support from the public heath insurance scheme and where the expenditure on the services provided by these stem cell banks is not covered by the public health insurance scheme?EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Skal begrebet andre lignende behørigt anerkendte institutioner i #. momsdirektivs artikel #, punkt A, stk. #, litra b, fortolkes således, at det omfatter private stamcellebanker, hvis ydelser- der udføres og leveres af professionelt sundhedspersonale i form af sygeplejersker, jordemødre og bioanalytikere- består i indsamling, transport, analyse og opbevaring af navlesnorsblod fra nyfødte med henblik på autolog anvendelse i forbindelse med en eventuel fremtidig hospitalsbehandling, når de pågældende stamcellebanker ikke modtager støtte fra den offentlige sygesikring, og når udgifterne til de ydelser, som præsteres af disse stamcellebanker, ikke dækkes af den offentlige sygesikring?
Is the term other duly recognised establishments of a similar nature in Article #A(b) of the Sixth Directive to be interpreted as covering private stem cell banks where the services- which are performed and supplied by professional health personnel in the form of nurses, midwives and bioanalysts- consists in the collection, transportation, analysis and storage of umbilical cord blood from newborns with a view to autologous use in connection with possible future hospital care where the stem cell banks concerned do not receive support from the public heath insurance scheme and where the expenditure on the services provided by these stem cell banks is not covered by the public health insurance scheme?oj4 oj4
Computersoftware til brug i blodindustrien, nemlig vejledning til bioanalytikere vedrørende bloddonationsprocessen samt indsamling og opbevaring af donorinformation
Computer software for use in the blood industry, namely, to provide guidance to phlebotomists in the blood donation process and for the collection and storage of donor informationtmClass tmClass
Jeg har desuden holdt mange foredrag på gymnasier og for forskellige typer af faglige foreninger (f.eks. sygeplejersker, bioanalytikere, biologer, fotografer).
I have, furthermore, delivered many lectures for high schools and different professional and academic groups (e.g. nurses, medical laboratory technologists, biologists, photographers, zoo keepers).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Systemet giver mulighed for en effektiv, struktureret og ensartet kvalitet i behandlingen og giver mulighed for at dele data mellem alle involverede i behandlingen, herunder kardiologer, bioanalytikere og sygeplejersker på hospitalet, praktiserende læger, hjemmesygeplejersker og patienter.
The system enables effective, structured and uniform quality of treatment and allows for sharing of data between everyone involved in the therapy, including cardiologists, bioanalysts and nurses at the hospital, GPs, district nurses and patients.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Indretningen af undervisningslaboratorierne på Laborantskolen er designet i forbindelse med sammenkoblingen af uddannelserne til bioanalytiker, procesteknolog og laborant under Professionaliseringshøjskolen Metropol.
Interior design and fitting out of training labs at the Laboratory Technician college (Metropol) to facilitate the addition of training for bioanalysts, process technologists and laboratory assistants.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Samtidig har systemets beslutningsstøtte betydet, at man har kunnet uddelegere en stor del af doseringerne til sygeplejersker, bioanalytikere og sekretærer.
The system’s decision support feature also enables doctors to delegate much of the dosage management to nurses, bioanalysts and secretaries.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Optagelse på kandidatuddannelsen i klinisk videnskab og teknologi forudsætter en sundhedsfaglig bacheloruddannelse som sygeplejerske, radiograf, fysioterapeut, ergoterapeut, jordemoder, bioanalytiker eller tilsvarende.
Admission to the Master’s programme in Techno-Anthropology requires a Bachelor’s degree in Techno-Anthropology or another relevant Bachelor’s degree.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Erhvervslivet og sundhedsvæsnet efterspørger folk med viden og kompetencer inden for naturvidenskab, for eksempel ingeniører og dataloger, læger, sygeplejersker, bioanalytikere og farmaceuter.
Trades and industries, as well as the health sector, demand employees with knowledge of and skills in natural sciences.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Optagelse på kandidatuddannelsen i klinisk videnskab og teknologi forudsætter en sundhedsfaglig bacheloruddannelse som sygeplejerske, radiograf, fysioterapeut, ergoterapeut, jordemoder, bioanalytiker eller tilsvarende.
Admission to the Master’s program in Sports Technology requires a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Science from a Danish University or the like.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Vi har brug for sygeplejersker, ingeniører, teknikere, læger, speciallæger, bioanalytikere, jordemødre, administratorer, økonomer med videre.
We need nurses, engineers, technicians, doctors, medical specialists, bio analysts, midwives, administrative and financial coordinators etc.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Jeg er bioanalytiker og rigtig glad for mit liv i Danmark, men det irriterer mig, at politikerne lovgiver om ting, de ikke ved noget om.
I am a biomedical scientist and really pleased with my life in Denmark, but it annoys me that the politicians legislate about things they know nothing about.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Uddannelsen til bioanalytiker er normeret til 31⁄2 år og betegnes som en professionsbachelor.
Training of medical laboratory technologist is rated at 31⁄2 years and is considered a professional.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Du skal sende os dokumentation for mindst 12 måneders ansættelse som bioanalytiker, hvis du har afsluttet din uddannelse mere end 6 år forud for denne ansøgning.
Documentation of at least 12 months’ work experience as a prosthetist and orthotist. (Only if you completed your training more than 6 years before this application – (the 6-year-rule)).ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Ligeledes ansætter vi sygeplejersker, bioanalytikere og andet sundhedspersonale til hele Skandinavien.
Similarly, we employ nurses, laboratory technicians and other health care professionals throughout Scandinavia.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Bioanalytiker Miriam Yan Juk Guo og hendes kolleger håndterer DNA-chippen med de mange små brønde.
Miriam Yan Juk Guo, Laboratory Technologist, and her colleagues handle a DNA chip with the many small wells.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
Hvis du laver kursusvideoer for bioanalytikere, vil du måske gerne tekste de kemiske formler og anden information, der skal huskes undervejs, så du på den måde hjælper dine studerende til at få det maksimale ud af kurset.
If you are creating course videos for bio-analysts, you may wish to text the chemical formulas and other information to remember along the way, allowing your students to get the maximum benefit from the course.ParaCrawl Corpus ParaCrawl Corpus
55 sinne gevind in 10 ms. Hulle kom uit baie bronne en word nie nagegaan nie.