Demokratisk dannelse oor Engels

Demokratisk dannelse

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Demokratisk dannelse opfattes ofte som en forudsætning for at skabe et aktivt medborgerskab.
Civilian control is often seen as a prerequisite feature of a stable liberal democracy.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Demokratiske regeringer dannes ikke ved svindel, vold og frygt.
Democratic governments are not established through fraud, violence or fear.Europarl8 Europarl8
Artikel 2 i Associeringsrådet EU-Israel vil fortsat minde både EU og Israel om, at respekt for menneskerettigheder og demokratiske principper danner grundlag for vores bilaterale forbindelse.
Article 2 of the EU-Israel Association Agreement will continue to remind both the European Union and Israel that respect for human rights and democratic principles are the basis of our bilateral relations.Europarl8 Europarl8
Umiddelbart efter lykkedes det for Det Demokratiske Parti at danne en ny regering med Abhisit Vejjajiva som premierminister.
The opposition Democrat Party then formed a new coalition government, with Abhisit Vejjajiva as prime minister.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Punkt 11 er præget af venstrefløjens manglende evne til at acceptere, at højreorienterede partier vinder demokratiske valg og danner regering.
Paragraph 11 is inspired by the inability of the Left to accept that right-wing parties win democratic elections and form governments.Europarl8 Europarl8
Desuden er unionsborgerskab tæt knyttet til Den Europæiske Unions demokratiske principper[2], som danner rammen for borgernes deltagelse i Unionens demokratiske liv.
Moreover, in a broader context, Union citizenship is closely related to the democratic principles of the European Union[2] which set the framework for the participation of citizens in the democratic life in the Union.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Den tredje fase i EF's bistandsprogram for Sydafrika begyndte i november 1994, efter at der var afholdt demokratiske valg, dannet en national samlingsregering og indgået en samarbejdsaftale mellem EF og Den Sydafrikanske Republik (4).
The third phase of the EC programme of assistance to South Africa began in November 1994 following the democratic elections, the establishment of the Government of National Unity and the conclusion of the Cooperation Agreement between the EC and the Republic of South Africa (4).EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I vore dage afholdes naadam 11.-13. juli i forbindelse med årsdagen for den nationale demokratiske revolution samt dannelsen af det mongolske kejserdømme.
In modern-day Mongolia, Naadam is held on July 11 to 13 in the honour of the anniversaries of the National Democratic Revolution and foundation of the Great Mongol State.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hvordan kan vi fremme dannelsen af demokratiske retsstater der?
How can we promote the forming of democratic constitutional states in that region?Europarl8 Europarl8
En sådan myndighed skal dannesdemokratisk vis, og irakerne skal have en central rolle i processen.
Such an authority must be formed in a democratic manner and Iraqis must play a key role in the process.Europarl8 Europarl8
Meget demokratisk! Så sagde vi: Dan i det mindste en enhedsregering!
We then said that the Palestinians should at least form a unity government; and a unity government has been formed.Europarl8 Europarl8
Vi bliver ved med at tale om demokratiske stater uden at have arbejdet med at skabe de demokratiske institutioner, der danner grobund for demokratiet.
We keep talking about creating democratic states without having worked on creating the democratic institutions upon which democracy flowers.Europarl8 Europarl8
Mange mennesker ser også bort fra valgresultaterne den 7. juni 2009, der danner det demokratiske grundlag for dagens forhandlinger.
Many people are also ignoring the election results of 7 June 2009 which form the democratic basis for today's debate.Europarl8 Europarl8
Hr. formand, ærede medlemmer af Europa-Parlamentet, vi er nu nået til en afgørende fase i den vigtige demokratiske proces, som dannelsen af den nye Kommission udgør.
. Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, here we are at a decisive stage of this important democratic process, the establishment of the new European Commission.Europarl8 Europarl8
Hr. formand, 14 medlemslande har iværksat bilaterale sanktioner over for en medlemsstat, fordi der blev dannet en demokratisk valgt regering dér.
Mr President, fourteen Member States have imposed bilateral sanctions on another Member State, because a democratically elected government was formed there.Europarl8 Europarl8
der henviser til irakernes massive deltagelse i det første demokratiske valg i landet, til dannelsen af en demokratisk regering i Irak, til valget af præsidenten og til indledningen af arbejdet med en ny forfatning
having regard to the mass participation of Iraqis in the first democratic elections in the country, the formation of a democratic government in Iraq, the election of a president and the start of work on a new constitutionoj4 oj4
I de føromtalte områder vil den eneste øverste og organiserende autoritet være den demokratisk funderede Estiske Redningskomite dannet af det Estiske Nationalråd.
In the aforementioned areas the only supreme and organizing authority is the democratically supported Estonian Salvation Committee created by the Estonian National Council.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Det skulle danne bolværk mod demokratiske bevægelser og stadfæste kongernes såkaldte guddommelige ret.
It was used to oppose democratic movements and to favor the so-called divine right of kings.jw2019 jw2019
Dannelsen af de demokratiske strukturer skrider hurtigt frem. Viljen til reformer er åbenlys.
Rapid progress is being made in the creation of democratic structures and there is a clear desire for reform.Europarl8 Europarl8
Den nationale enhedsregering, som er aftalt i fredsaftalen, skal dannes i Den Demokratiske Republik Congo.
The government of national unity provided for in the peace agreement must be formed in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.Europarl8 Europarl8
7. understreger, at den oekonomiske og sociale situation i landet, den fattigdom, som en stor del af befolkningen lever i, den hoeje arbejdsloeshed og kraenkelsen af en raekke menneskerettigheder, herunder magthavernes manglende anerkendelse af oppositionens demokratiske rettigheder, danner god grobund for vold, religioes fanatisme og terrorisme;
7. Stresses that the economic and social situation, the poverty endured by most of the population, the high unemployment rate and the violation of certain human rights - and notably the refusal of the present regime to recognize the democratic rights of the opposition - all make Algeria a fertile breeding ground for violence, religious fanaticism and terrorism;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
Delegationen af observatører fra EuropaParlamentet konstaterede, at disse valg vil kunne danne grundlag for dannelsen af et demokratisk parlament.
The delegation of European Parliament observers deemed that these elections were such as to form the basis for the formation of a democratic parliament.Europarl8 Europarl8
(2) den 29. maj 1999 overtages præsidentembedet af en civil, demokratisk valgt præsident, og der dannes en civil regering;
(2) Whereas, on 29 May 1999, a civilian democratically elected President will take office in Nigeria and a civilian government will be formed;EurLex-2 EurLex-2
I Nepal har på hinanden følgende konger afsat regeringer, der var dannetdemokratisk vis, fordi de troede, de selv kunne gøre det bedre.
In Nepal, one king after another has dismissed democratically-elected governments in the belief that they could do a better job themselves.Europarl8 Europarl8
I 1994 blev der dannet en demokratisk regering, Kommissionens delegation blev åbnet i Pretoria, og der blev undertegnet en samarbejdsaftale mellem Sydafrika og Fællesskabet.
In 1994 the democratic government was established, the Commission Delegation was opened in Pretoria and a cooperation agreement between South Africa and the Community was signed.EurLex-2 EurLex-2
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