Harpers Ferry oor Engels

Harpers Ferry

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Harpers Ferry

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia
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Den 20. og 21. juli blev styrkerne i Shenandoah-hæren og styrker fra militærområdet Harpers Ferry tilføjet.
On July 20 and July 21, the Army of the Shenandoah and forces from the District of Harpers Ferry were added.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Divisionerne under McLaws og Richard H. Anderson ankom efter en nattemarch fra Harpers Ferry.
The divisions under McLaws and Richard H. Anderson arrived following a night march from Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
John Browns raid på det føderale arsenal i Harpers Ferry betød en kraftig forøgelse af frygten for slaveopstande.
John Brown's raid on Harpers Ferry sent a shock wave across the South.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Længere mod venstre rykke Rodman's division frem mod vejen til Harpers Ferry.
Farther to the left, Rodman's division advanced toward Harpers Ferry Road.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Howe gjorde tjeneste under Robert E. Lee ved nedkæmpelsen af John Brown i Harpers Ferry.
Howe served under Robert E. Lee during the suppression of John Brown at Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mens hans division var sendt til Harpers Ferry, tog Greene tre ugers sygeorlov.
While the division was posted to Harpers Ferry, Greene took a three-week sick leave.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hans mænd gennemførte en forceret march fra Harpers Ferry og ankom i Sharpsburg på venstre flanke af Unionens 11.
His men made a forced march from Harpers Ferry and arrived in Sharpsburg on the left flank of the Union IX Corps.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Garrett fik at vide, at oprørerne havde stoppet et tog ved Harpers Ferry og sendt et telegram til krigsministeren.
Garrett learned that raiders had stopped a train at Harper's Ferry, and sent a telegram to the U.S. Secretary of War.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Han rykkede ned igennem dalen uden at møde modstand, forbigik Harpers Ferry, krydsede Potomacfloden og rykkede ind i Maryland.
He drove down the Valley without opposition, bypassed Harpers Ferry, crossed the Potomac River, and advanced into Maryland.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Disse to linjer havde forbindelse til B&O i Harpers Ferry, og var den eneste betydelige strækning i vore dages Virginia.
This pair of lines connected with the B&O at Harper's Ferry, West Virginia, and constituted the only significant B&O trackage in present-day Virginia.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Vadestedet ved Williamsport, Maryland var 16 km nordvest for Sharpsburg og var blevet brugt af Jackson under hans march til Harpers Ferry.
(The ford at Williamsport, Maryland, was 10 miles (16 km) northwest from Sharpsburg and had been used by Jackson in his march to Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Han valgte ikke straks at opgive invasionen og vende tilbage til Virginia fordi Jackson endnu ikke havde gennemført erobringen af Harpers Ferry.
He chose not to abandon his invasion and return to Virginia yet, because Jackson had not completed the capture of Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
McClellan anmodede om tilladelse fra Washington til at evakuere Harpers Ferry og indlemme dens garnison i hans hær, men hans anmodning blev afslået.
McClellan requested permission from Washington to evacuate Harpers Ferry and attach its garrison to his army, but his request was refused.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Det drejede sig om dele af unionens 4. korps, militsen og delstatens tropper i Susquehanna militærområdet samt forskellige garnisoner, herunder den ved Harpers Ferry.
These included portions of the Union IV Corps, the militia and state troops of the Department of the Susquehanna, and various garrisons, including that at Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
På et afgørende tidspunkt ankom generalmajor A.P. Hill's division fra Harpers Ferry og iværksatte et overraskende modangreb, som dreb Burnside tilbage og afsluttede slaget.
At a crucial moment, Confederate Maj. Gen. A. P. Hill's division arrived from Harpers Ferry and launched a surprise counterattack, driving back Burnside and ending the battle.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Det fremgik, at efter John Browns raid på Harpers Ferry forstærkede han arsenalerne i syden med over 115.000 musketter og rifler i slutningen af 1859.
It is recorded that in response to John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry, he bolstered the Federal arsenals in some Southern states by over 115,000 muskets and rifles in late 1859.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Der var ingen riffelfabrikker bortset fra små arsenaler i Richmond og Fayetteville i North Carolina, foruden de erobrede maskiner fra Unionens våbenfabrik i Harpers Ferry.
There were no rifle works except small arsenals in Richmond, and Fayetteville, North Carolina, plus the captured machines from the U.S. arsenal in Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Hooker havde skændtes med Halleck om at forsvare garnisonen i Harpers Ferry og havde truet med at tage sin afsked, et tilbud Halleck og Lincoln straks accepterede.
Hooker had argued with Halleck about defending the garrison at Harpers Ferry and petulantly offered to resign, which Halleck and Lincoln promptly accepted.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
På et kritisk ankom A.P. Hills division fra Harpers Ferry og gennemførte et modangreb, som drev Burnsides mænd tilbage og reddede Lees hær fra at blive knust.
At a crucial moment, A.P. Hill's division arrived from Harpers Ferry and counterattacked, driving back Burnside's men and saving Lee's army from destruction.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Han foretog den farlige manøvre at dele sin hær, så han kunne fortsætte nordpå ind i Maryland samtidig med at han erobrede det føderale arsenal ved Harpers Ferry.
He undertook the risky maneuver of splitting his army so that he could continue north into Maryland while simultaneously capturing the Federal garrison and arsenal at Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Garrett telegraferede til krigministeren og et B&O tog transporterede føderale tropper under ledelse af Robert E. Lee til Harpers Ferry for at fange abolitionisterne og John Brown..
Soon, Garrett telegraphed the Secretary of War, and a B&O train carried federal troops led by Robert E. Lee to capture the abolitionists and John Brown.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
I stedet satsede han på at A.P. Hills lette division, som på dette tidspunkt var i gang med en udmarvende 27 km march fra Harpers Ferry ville nå frem.
Instead, he counted on the arrival of A.P. Hill's Light Division, currently embarked on an exhausting 17 mile (27 km) march from Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Det gav sydstathæren mere tid til at forberede forsvarspositioner og tillod Longstreet's korps at nå frem fra Hagerstown og Jacksons korps, undtagen A.P. Hill's division at ankomme fra Harpers Ferry.
This gave the Confederates more time to prepare defensive positions and allowed Longstreet's corps to arrive from Hagerstown and Jackson's corps, minus A.P. Hill's division, to arrive from Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Imidlertid nåede oberst Robert E. Lee frem til Harpers Ferry først, og telegraferede til kaptajn Ord, at situationen var under kontrol, så Ord og hans mænd ikke behøvedes ved Harpers Ferry.
However, Col. Robert E. Lee reached Harpers Ferry first, and Colonel Lee telegraphed to Captain Ord that the situation was under control and Ord and his men would not be needed at Harpers Ferry.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
Mens generalmajor James Longstreets korps trængte nordpå i retning af Hagerstown, sendte Lee kolonner af tropper af sted med henblik på at de skulle møder og angribe Harpers Ferry fra tre sider.
While the corps of Maj. Gen. James Longstreet drove north in the direction of Hagerstown, Lee sent columns of troops to converge and attack Harpers Ferry from three directions.WikiMatrix WikiMatrix
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